Er...what are blood stones? He's not the only one missing these things! And do you mean those underground pillars with the symbols of elements on them as 'elemental portals'? I ignored those

I also chucked away the inert stones!
Oh the humanity!

No, those pillars are part of a puzzle. The four elemental portals are in your homestead (End of Time), where rooms (and backstory on your characters) unlock as you find more star stone. In particular, every time an elemental portal is flagged to open, you have to talk to that four-armed statue in your homestead. It will ask you which element you want to open. (each element sells different skills: Fire/Man-At-Arms, Ice/Marksman, Air/Scoundrel and Earth/Witchcraft).
You do not need to save your Inert Stones. They are useless, as you have already absorbed the power from it (it was a star stone before you came near it).