Hi there!
First of all, sorry for this shameless self advertising, which I normally don't do because it's shameless after all, but since this is Divinity related, and hasn't been mentioned on the Larian forum yet, I thought I'd let you know..
For those of you who *gasp* don't know
RPGDot or don't visit it regularly in which case you might have missed a certain newsbit - RPGDot is
the RPG news site <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> and database for everything "roleplay-ish".
Since a few weeks the site is skinnable, and the first skin it offers is called "Divinity" for rather obvious reasons (heavily inspired by our beloved game, or should I say "ripped from"?).
I used graphics from the game and made a layout that was originally intened for a fansite of mine, but I didn't really have content I could use, so the whole idea sort of drifted away. However, with RPGDot being skinnable I figured I could use the layout for that site. And in case you're interested, here's how it looks:
RPGDot Divinity Skin. Only registered users can choose custom skins though.
All people who knew about it already, move along, move along, there's nothing new here.