Joined: Jul 2014
I've just read a very interesting thread on the Steam forums: http://steamcommunity.com/app/230230/discussions/0/45350790894829185/Basically, somebody was asking if it was possible to play the game solo, with only one character. From the answers, it seems that some people are actually doing this, which is wonderful! As I too would prefer to just control one character. Well, as I now have access to the Toolkit, I intend to modify my character's skills and talents so that I can do this a bit easier (yes, I know, horrible cheater! Burn me at the stake!). Anyway, I'd just like to know what skills and talents would be considered absolutely essential for this type of playthrough. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Joined: Jul 2014
nise idea...but DIFFICULT DOE
Spaghetti is life, Spaghetti is love.
Joined: Oct 2013
It's possible.. but you would have to sneak by a lot of the encounters, I think most late game fights would actually be impossible, one fight (the one before the ghost forest source temple entrance) is probably 100% impossible solo as he tp's you into lava ;p. But I think you can sneak by most things and skip many other things in this game.
Skills... scoundrel skills, invisibility and haste and tactical retreat. Would be vital. Aside that, obviously fire and ice magic, ice walls reign supreme... witch spells, and leech. Summons... don't think summons would save you to be honest, they barely do any damage.
But even then, one unlucky knock-down and it's over. Maybe on EASY it's possible though... with lots of luck
Joined: Jul 2014
I think melee warrior tank, could do it easily. My melee char has like 70% block chance, all resist more than 100, ~170 armor rating, 1500 hp (on hard), 5 willpower, 5 bodybuilding, and he still can do enormous damage. He can only be killed if enemies are lucky enough to cc him for at least 5-6 turns, and don't use any elemental attacks, which would heal him instead of damaging.
If I had lone wolf on him, and gave him every book I've obtained from teller of secrets, I'm pretty sure he could win even vs all bosses from the game together.
Joined: Jul 2014
There are several puzzles that require at least 2 characters to stand on pressure plates to advance, and some of them aren't optional...
Joined: Jun 2014
There are several puzzles that require at least 2 characters to stand on pressure plates to advance, and some of them aren't optional... Use barrels?
Joined: May 2014
There are several puzzles that require at least 2 characters to stand on pressure plates to advance, and some of them aren't optional... Use barrels? Does not work even in the tutorial dungeon, for the dual trigger door opener. Unless there is a weight requirement?
Joined: Apr 2013
Just to keep them open, I used Telekinesis to move two of the large floor torches onto those switches. It worked there.
Joined: Jul 2014
I posted in that thread about playing with just one character and it is possible so far, I'm currently in hiberheim on hard. I said that I was using leech but I ended up starting over to remove leech. I'm using a cleric with hydro and man at arms. I started with lone wolf and thick skin. I'm not using leech, zombie or comeback kid. I mention those because I know some people think they can make your character a bit too strong when paired with other skills and abilities.
The second main character just sits in town with a pyramid next to the vendors so I can get back to them quicker. I haven't used him in combat at all. I also haven't given him any crafting abilities, I'm trying not to use him in any significant way. I only teleport him to me when a puzzle requires a second person or when traveling to a new location as you can't enter certain dungeons or even the homestead without him.
In the beginning when fighting I would use line of sight to my advantage and kill one or two enemies then retreat heal up and go back for more. I also pulled a couple of the close groups to town so I could use the ballista and the guards ended up helping. Later I killed the guards and no name npc's for extra xp. After winning rock paper scissors I would still fight the person so I get more xp.
It's tedious and slow going but it's doable. Lots of Qsaves and Qloads. Once I got half way through the forest I could pretty much take on the group or most of it without retreating. Using water of life and water shield before engaging. Pulling enemies around a corner so they have to group up next to me then using an Aoe ability or scroll. The enemy mages and archers would also hit their own allies with aoe which was helpful.
To comment on what Shaki said, that's really all there is to it at least for a melee character, high block chance and high resist. Add that with an elemental shield and heals from hydro, arms, and even potions and it's not too hard just tedious.
TLDR: It's possible so far, I'm in hiberheim on hard.
Joined: Oct 2013
What level are you reaching Hiberheim?
Joined: Jul 2014
I looked for an auto save from when I first got there, shows me in the cave at level 13, I'm now half way to 16 before the boreas fight.
Joined: Jul 2014
I love these ideas! I especially love the idea of sneaking past enemies and avoiding fights. I know I'm going to get yelled at here, but I really don't like the turn-based combat system. So I love the idea of playing a stealth/thief type character who tries to avoid fights as much as possible. It completely changes the gameplay and I think it'd be great fun. But will the game let me do it though? Or more importantly, will the Editor give me the freedom to make the changes I need to make to support this type of game style? Here's hoping 
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