Now I finished the game!
I dont like the 2 final batteles. It takes me about 3 hours only to win this figths. (In easy mode!) 8000 H-Points from the Dragon to destroy and you manage about 100-200 per round, but there is not only this one, he create 4 helpers every round.
I't boring to figth so a Long time. casting heeling spells, create Spiders and sometimes the ranger manage to make 50 -80 damage.
Dont know if there is a Party with better chances.
I was Level 21. With the Moloch I look and see:
first Partymember: 19 Body, 74 crafting 6 Talent Points and second 21 Body, 73 crafting and 7 Talent Points.
Maybe I must sort the in an other way.
Wonder if I must Combine bow with marksman or maybe not nessesary
Wonder if crossbow is better the bow.. but takes 4 AP, crossbow 6. How to get more AP*s for the crossbow?
Wonder if it is better to use on handed weappon to get the extra stats from shild.
Many question, I now, that I will Play again, but maybe without the endgame.