old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2003
WARNING If you don't know what the void dragon is don't read any further, massive spoilers ahead!
So I managed to get to the final boss (I know that it's the final boss because I had to google, see below) of the game: the void dragon. Unfurtnetly I can't find any kind of strategy to survive this fight because
a.) You have to babysit Astarte (heal her like there's no tomorrow). That looses obviously APs and these are really rare for that fight anyway.
b.) The void dragon itself doesn't take really damage. I guess he just has like 10k hitpoints or something? My weapons are in the range of 100-350 and normally need a huge amount of APs.
c.) The void dragon spawns everytime mobs which damage my party (or stun them like there's no tomorrow for 3-5 rows) or Astrale.
I even lowered the difficulty to low, but it doesn't help. Ironically on that skill level, in the first round, the void dragon lowered Astrales health to 1 hitpoint or something. Is that as supposed to work? On easy? Did the latest patch change anything which shouldn't?
I googled that there's a "lava core" spell which can help to defeat the void dragon. Where can I find / buy it? I think I looked everywhere already!
Any basic hints would be really cool, thanks!
Joined: Jul 2014
I used summons to distract the dragon from Astarte.
For the summoned enemies, I used charm, freeze and knock down to thin their numbers so that at most there was the dragon and one summoned enemy active per turn.
The dragon can be stunned, knocked down, etc. as well. It as really good body building and will power though so you need to get those down with skills to increase your chances.
Joined: Jul 2014
I just kept casting an elemental shield on Astarte which pretty much left her at invincibility mode. By late game on my lone wolf playthrough both characters had all four of them EACH so no problems protecting her there.
Joined: Jul 2014
wow rly? he is so easy i killed him in 3-4turns on hard. One stun and gg.
Joined: Jul 2014
Why do you need to bother with Astarte? She heals herself. You just need to position your team correctly.
Joined: Jun 2014
Why do you need to bother with Astarte? She heals herself. You just need to position your team correctly. Well, when the dragon attacks first, taking away 70%+ of her health and all the dragon's summons can attack her before she gets the chance to heal (the likelihood of preventing them all from hitting her is pretty remote) I have yet to make it to the second combat round on easy. I might try casting invis on her before engaging combat next time I play (it's a pity that she can't be targeted for teleport).
Joined: Oct 2013
For those confused, the latest patch changed the "spawn" levels of the enemies here from *10* (cakewalk) to *20* (holy-crap, wtf is going on) so anyone who has not played this with latest patch need not apply for comments here. The combat was very easy and now it is.. not  So the void dragon fight is actually a huge challenge now, enemies hit extremely hard and have a variety of effects too (and they respawn, so you want to stun them, but not kill them), where before Astarte could literally outheal the enemies with a random heal from you, now you have to actually protect her actively. Only large scale crowd control and stun attacks on the dragon make it managable. This change was one of the major balance changes Larian did recently. Also just as an aside.. but you can stun the dragon and heal Astarte yourself, it was needed even when I did this boss on the pre-patch fight levels, but now it's gotten a major tactic. I don't even bother going anywhere closer than Astarte stands to attack the dragon, I just hold enemies away from her via ice-walls and attack dragon with ice shards and anything that can freeze or stun.. and meteor shower ;P
Joined: Jul 2014
The voiddragon fight wasnt that hard. The key to success is cc as all the others have pointed out. Once I knocked the dragon down, my knight took out almost all of the dragons hp with flurry, oath of des buff and the trait that increases dmg against crippled/slowed/knocked down enemies. The only problem was that Astarte never moved during the fight and only casted water of life. I dont know if that is a bug or not but she was useless in the fight and didnt even heal herself. In the previous fight against the deceiver she would move,attack and cast a different spells.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
I just did this last night and I didn't find it that hard at all but maybe I was just lucky ? -- This was on normal. I played the whole game on normal. My party consisted of two mages and two warrior (the one I created was one handed with shield but by the end of game had a 250 damage weapon nearly equal to Madora two hander which was aruond 350). - When I started the game I did not no the classes of the two companions if I play again I will make things more diverse and not create a warrior.
Last edited by meme; 19/07/14 02:26 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
While my only attempts at the dragon fight had been on easy (everything up to and including my first few attempts at the second last battle (without the soul forge repair) were done on normal), thanks to getting invis on Astarte I managed to down the dragon. I actually entered combat early due to some bad character movement, but once things were underway it was like defeating the guardian statues in Hunter's Edge using just summons, about as quick as beating a gorilla to death with a feather.
Joined: Feb 2014
I just beat the game on hard and had no problem killing the Void Dragon at level 20 with 2 glass cannon mages, 1 ranger, and 1 2h warrior. I pretty much just chain CC'd him and his minions the whole fight. It's really strange being able stun and knock down the last boss for multiple rounds.
Also slightly disappointed there wasn't final boss music...
Joined: Jun 2014
For me with characters that were far from min-maxed I'd say that roughly one in ten or more CC attempts actually worked. I had the dragon frozen once or twice, and knocked down perhaps three times in the whole fight and I didn't bother doing that to the minions, they focussed on my summons for the most part (as did the dragon). Watching a dragon stomp on a spider three times in a row and miss all three times kind of made up for the lack of CC.
Joined: Jul 2014
I think I got lucky with that fight. My fighter was my only character wearing rather good equipment. I had her run to the side of that dragon, and the entire fight the dragon was attacking her. I had my rogue continuously backstab the dragon while Madora and Jahan would occupy themselves with the dragon's minions and keeping Astarte safe.
It took me a fair bit of time to take the dragon down. My rogue's attacks had a lousy 60% to hit and didn't do much damage. My fighter was out of the fight most of the time, but she was an amazingly resilient punching bag.
Joined: Jul 2014
I'll add my two cents. I just beat this literally 2 minutes ago. My game is all patched up and everything. I had two lone wolf characters. Both toons were level 21 for this.
My first toon was a Rogue with some witchcraft and Aerothurge. My second toon was a full on sword and shield warrior
I wish I had known I had to protect That chick before going into the fight, I failed many times cause it's almost impossible for a rogue and a warrior to hold everything off of her, and she is a retard who wont heal herself.
Basically what I had to do was stun the dragon and hit him with everything I had. I used Inspire and nullify resistance for all enemies on my warrior. (Note my rogue has a stupid high initiative so my stun went off before dragon could summon)
When the first stun was about to end I was able to knock down the dragon with my rogue. two turn later I used both my lightning spells from the rogue and landed one more stun. This allowed for the kill
I was able to end the dragon in 5 turn of pure dps on him. I did get lucky though if any of those stuns failed I surely would not be writing this message now.
My advice to anyone who can, bring a healer to heal the chick, and maybe make her invisible.
Joined: Jul 2014
Just a long boring fight, no strategy required...i was hoping for more.
Joined: Jun 2014
I think my game might be bugged. Every time I start a fight with the Trife, save mid way and reload, the next hit to the Trife restores it to full health, starts the same dialog you encounter at the beginning of the fight, and it starts all over. Is this a bug or is it Larian's retarded approach to forcing the player to finish the fight in one attempt?
A similar thing happens with Death Knights. Casting Death Knight's Bane, saving, and then reloading causes the knights to become invulnerable again, while your spell is still locked in cooldown.
Edit: Just finished the game. Had to do everything in one attempt.
Last edited by Frostbite; 25/07/14 05:16 AM.
Joined: Nov 2010
I have trouble killing the void dragon. I have killed Trife and company and when the void dragon appears, the chick just ran towards the top left hand corner and zapped to dust by the dragon. I can't do anything to save/protect her. The dragon is fast.
Have I miss out some important tasks?
Joined: Jan 2014
Having someone with access to witchcraft in your party helps a lot. With Soultap and Drain Willpower you can drastically reduce the dragon's saving throws while Blind can disable it for only 4 AP.
Joined: Apr 2013
Knock the dragon down with boulder bash (geomancer spell, you can try using another skill to knock him out), use disease if you are having problems knocking him out. Then weaken him with nullify resistances and whack the heck out of him with flurry, etc. Use wildfire or fast track to haste your party if you can. The sucker will go down in no time.
Last edited by dlux; 27/07/14 04:26 PM.
Joined: Jan 2011
Would be nice not to have a massive spoiler in the title itself.