Joined: Apr 2013
Respawning Monsters of the same type? No. But I always thought it'd be cool, if there were different mobs after a certain amount of time in an area I cleared, like eg. wild animals resettling in a wilderness area that I freed from undead before and so on. There are almost no wild animals in D:OS. The only wild animals I can remember of are a bunch of wolves in Cyseal and a gang of vermin west of Hunter's Edge. Ok, and maybe the spiders, although they are connected with a spider cult... Don't forget the zombie boars.
Joined: Apr 2013
Respawning Monsters of the same type? No. But I always thought it'd be cool, if there were different mobs after a certain amount of time in an area I cleared, like eg. wild animals resettling in a wilderness area that I freed from undead before and so on. There are almost no wild animals in D:OS. The only wild animals I can remember of are a bunch of wolves in Cyseal and a gang of vermin west of Hunter's Edge. Ok, and maybe the spiders, although they are connected with a spider cult... Don't forget the zombie boars. Zombies are wild animals?  Ok...
Joined: Jul 2014
Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" You could include a button for everything? Why not letting players choose to fight against scaling enemies as well? It's just not how this game is designed and this game has its design for a reason. It has been designed, but it does not mean Larian won't listen to the player base, also whole point of these forums is to discuss the game, both what is in the game & what is not. I agree you cant have buttons for every option, but I think re spawning mobs splits the community. I think if there was to be a poll it would be quite even. As for the amount of work involved, I have no idea. Maybe this is simply to difficult or time consuming to code in.
Joined: Apr 2013
Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" You could include a button for everything? Why not letting players choose to fight against scaling enemies as well? It's just not how this game is designed and this game has its design for a reason. It has been designed, but it does not mean Larian won't listen to the player base, also whole point of these forums is to discuss the game, both what is in the game & what is not. I agree you cant have buttons for every option, but I think re spawning mobs splits the community. I think if there was to be a poll it would be quite even. I don't think it would be even. I think that most people don't want respawning enemies and are quite happy how Larian handled the whole issue. I'm also still waiting for any reasonable argument why there should be respawning enemies in this game (and not in general, I'm not interested in overall design theory)...
Last edited by LordCrash; 17/07/14 05:08 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" The devs would have to allocate the manpower to reprogram the game to do this. I'd rather they save their resources for more interesting features. If you want to create a mod for this to happen though, I'm all for it
Joined: Jul 2014
[quote=LordCrash][quote=Craftomega]Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" I don't think it would be even. I think that most people don't want respawning enemies and are quite happy how Larian handled the whole issue. I'm also still waiting for any reasonable argument why there should be respawning enemies in this game (and not in general, I'm not interested in overall design theory)... 1. At present there is a finite amount of mobs, once you get near the end of the game, in theory you should be still accumulating gear, I can see a situation where by you get an epic new item..... and then he game ends with out you seeing how epic that item was...... We all play this game for different reasons, & I agree I dont play this for the loot grind, but if I've invested 100+ hours I would like to see how my party works outs. 2. Some people might not feel like starting form scratch when they have completed the game..... but might still want to do some fights, when all the mobs are gone then they are left will no choice but to restart... This is not me saying that the game is bad how it is, I love it how it is..... I'm just offering an opinion.
Joined: Apr 2013
[quote=LordCrash][quote=Craftomega]Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" I don't think it would be even. I think that most people don't want respawning enemies and are quite happy how Larian handled the whole issue. I'm also still waiting for any reasonable argument why there should be respawning enemies in this game (and not in general, I'm not interested in overall design theory)... 1. At present there is a finite amount of mobs, once you get near the end of the game, in theory you should be still accumulating gear, I can see a situation where by you get an epic new item..... and then he game ends with out you seeing how epic that item was...... We all play this game for different reasons, & I agree I dont play this for the loot grind, but if I've invested 100+ hours I would like to see how my party works outs. 2. Some people might not feel like starting form scratch when they have completed the game..... but might still want to do some fights, when all the mobs are gone then they are left will no choice but to restart... This is not me saying that the game is bad how it is, I love it how it is..... I'm just offering an opinion. Well, basically you want Larian to change basic game design. That's like saying "Hm, I think CoD is a nice FPS but I think Activision should give the player an option to play it as third person shooter. There are reasons why Larian designed the game how it is designed. That maybe doesn't appeal to everyone but everything which is in the game is there because Larian had a certain vision for the game. We don't talk about certain usability improvements or bugfixing or stuff like that, we talk about basic game design. Of course we have all different reasons to play this game but you want actually something else which isn't in line with the vision for this game. It's imo a little bit pretentious to demand something like that from a developer tbh... 
Joined: Apr 2011
Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" I want a checkbox turning the TBS experience into "Real time with Pause" like Baldur's Gate. Should be easy no, not a major investment or total change of the entire experience, right?
Joined: Jul 2014
[quote=LordCrash][quote=Craftomega]Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" I don't think it would be even. I think that most people don't want respawning enemies and are quite happy how Larian handled the whole issue. I'm also still waiting for any reasonable argument why there should be respawning enemies in this game (and not in general, I'm not interested in overall design theory)... 1. At present there is a finite amount of mobs, once you get near the end of the game, in theory you should be still accumulating gear, I can see a situation where by you get an epic new item..... and then he game ends with out you seeing how epic that item was...... We all play this game for different reasons, & I agree I dont play this for the loot grind, but if I've invested 100+ hours I would like to see how my party works outs. 2. Some people might not feel like starting form scratch when they have completed the game..... but might still want to do some fights, when all the mobs are gone then they are left will no choice but to restart... This is not me saying that the game is bad how it is, I love it how it is..... I'm just offering an opinion. Well, basically you want Larian to change basic game design. That's like saying "Hm, I think CoD is a nice FPS but I think Activision should give the player an option to play it as third person shooter. There are reasons why Larian designed the game how it is designed. That maybe doesn't appeal to everyone but everything which is in the game is there because Larian had a certain vision for the game. We don't talk about certain usability improvements or bugfixing or stuff like that, we talk about basic game design. Of course we have all different reasons to play this game but you want actually something else which isn't in line with the vision for this game. It's imo a little bit pretentious to demand something like that from a developer tbh... I'm certainly not demanding anything from anyone.... Its a forum, which is a place to exchange ideas, that's all. I purchased the game way back when it was in Alpha (Like most I assume), without any idea what the final product would be like, & what we have is great, but it does not mean that its perfect so discussing this is a good way to gauge opinions. I gave you two valid points why respawning might benefit the game I would like to know your thoughts on the two points? The fact also remains that visions can change, because they did not have respawning does not mean it was not part of their concepts? just like Night/ day cycle was originally 'vision' for the game but we did not get it..... (sad face)
Joined: Apr 2013
Neither of your points is convincing imo: 1) You don't need more epic loot after the game is over. That's how a game with a start and a finish works. 2) And again it's a game with a start and an end. You basically want a neverending game. That is just not the focus and the idea of this game. This game wants to tell a story and and offer a certain "closed" but well crafted experience. If you want to change or expand that feel free to make a mod. That's why Larian offered mod tools for free. But don't expect Larian to change their vision and idea for the game just because some people might prefer another experience. 
Joined: Jun 2014
Sorry Diabolus_Musica, but there are 3 Things that i do not like in C-RPG.
1- Levelscaling. 2- Respawning Monsters. 3- Random Loot (unfortunately, D:OS has this kind of Lootsystem)
Best ZG
You don't have to be sorry, that's why I asked for your opinion in the first place.
Joined: Jun 2014
If you want more combat, there's always the 'new game' button... Oh believe me, I know, I've pressed it like 30 times now. I guess what I really want is more *content*, which of course I'm happy to pay for.
Joined: Jun 2014
Respawning monsters work better in games where the battles don't take long. I don't really feel like fighting the same three groups of enemies three times because I forgot to bring some important quest item. That's why I'm really suggesting to do it in an OPTIONAL area of the game. For the whole game no, I agree, I like it the way it is. But once you've done everything there is to do then it would be nice to have an area you can go to with respawning monsters. They don't even have to be worth XP for all I care, I just want more stuff to kill without restarting the game.
Joined: Jun 2014
Ok to all those saying no. What about a option for it? Aka a check in the options menu for "Respawning Monsters" You could include a button for everything? Why not letting players choose to fight against scaling enemies as well? It's just not how this game is designed and this game has its design for a reason. So...you're opposed to having MORE options? If they were to add it and you don't like it maybe don't enable it?
Last edited by Diabolus_Musica; 17/07/14 09:26 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Neither of your points is convincing imo: 1) You don't need more epic loot after the game is over. That's how a game with a start and a finish works. 2) And again it's a game with a start and an end. You basically want a neverending game. That is just not the focus and the idea of this game. This game wants to tell a story and and offer a certain "closed" but well crafted experience. If you want to change or expand that feel free to make a mod. That's why Larian offered mod tools for free. But don't expect Larian to change their vision and idea for the game just because some people might prefer another experience. I think you are misunderstanding my sentiments. I am not demanding or expecting that Larian change anything...... please understand I know the concept of the game, a start & a finish... the point that we are discussing is whether people would like the option.. there is no right on wrong opinion, its a forum to express ideas & see what other people say or feel. Like you say, mods are ideal, I have no idea how to do such a thing.... don't have time either ( to busy hording every barrel) Let me give you an example, The witcher 2.. it has a start & a finish, it is also linear.... but after a few months they introduced an arena that simply provided a different experience. This would be ideal for a mod, so Larian can spend their time on other things....Night & Day (Cough cough)
Joined: Apr 2013
Neither of your points is convincing imo: 1) You don't need more epic loot after the game is over. That's how a game with a start and a finish works. 2) And again it's a game with a start and an end. You basically want a neverending game. That is just not the focus and the idea of this game. This game wants to tell a story and and offer a certain "closed" but well crafted experience. If you want to change or expand that feel free to make a mod. That's why Larian offered mod tools for free. But don't expect Larian to change their vision and idea for the game just because some people might prefer another experience. I think you are misunderstanding my sentiments. I am not demanding or expecting that Larian change anything...... please understand I know the concept of the game, a start & a finish... the point that we are discussing is whether people would like the option.. there is no right on wrong opinion, its a forum to express ideas & see what other people say or feel. Like you say, mods are ideal, I have no idea how to do such a thing.... don't have time either ( to busy hording every barrel) Let me give you an example, The witcher 2.. it has a start & a finish, it is also linear.... but after a few months they introduced an arena that simply provided a different experience. This would be ideal for a mod, so Larian can spend their time on other things....Night & Day (Cough cough) Well, CDPR offered indeed an arena but they never changed their basic game. That's a different thing. I don't have anything against additional content. But they should stay away from changing the game at it is on a basic design level. It's imo not a "more options" question since enemy encounter design is too deeply embedded in the overall game design of D:OS. It's a turn-based game with handcrafted encounters fitting to both story and player progression. That's typcial for a story- or progression-driven RPG. This is how all the old Infinity engine games worked. Instead of constant random encounters each encounter is hand-crafted but also a real challenge each. You fight and you proceed. That's the design of the game. So maybe this was indeed some sort of miscommunication. I personally think mods which offer a combat arena or just new content to fright trough would be awesome. Maybe even Larian decide to make something similar for an expansion/DLC. But that shouldn't change how the main game/campaign is designed.
Joined: Jun 2014
Wow I guess I should have stressed more in my original post that I was talking about an extra, optional area. I'm not at all suggesting that they redesign the whole game and mess with "their vision of what the game should be". I wasn't suggesting that at all.
One thing's for sure, I can't get enough of this game and I welcome any extra content that they can provide.
Joined: Jul 2014
Quite frankly, random encounters and respawning monsters never really work in a single player or story driven RPG. (the only game that managed to pull this off THAT I PLAYED is Diablo).
The thing is, each battle is designed and scripted individually to be a unique challenge. The amount of monsters, and with that the amount exp there is to obtain, is highly tested and tweaked up until this point.
For instance: players shouldn't be lvl 10 by the time they try the lighthouse battle or it would just be too easy and thus not fun or challenging at all. Respawning monsters could lead to grinding, players being OP at bosses and by doing so taking away most of the challenges that are within the combats.
Joined: May 2014
Wandering monsters make sense.
Limiting player XP gain, so that they are an appropriate level for certain encounters = stupid. Because in an OPEN RPG like D:OS players can simply skip particularly hard fights and then come back and kick ass later.
Otherwise, the game could just as well be a corridor fighter where you MUST face each encounter in a queue style experience.
Joined: Apr 2013
Respawning monsters never made much sense to me, tbh. If you kill off the entire population of something in an area, then it just doesn't magically respawn a few days later. That being said, the example given earlier with a beehive does make some sense, but in this game random encounters would grind the game pace to a halt. At least if the encounters are to be challenging, and if they aren't, then what's the point in having them in the game? Sure, for story, it would be cool if there were enemies that moved into areas that you had already cleared, but only if it made sense. However, those encounters would have to be as well thought out as the current encounters, meaning they'd have to be handcrafted. Also, I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of that whole arena idea. But maybe that's just because I've never been the type of player that wants to minmax my builds, so to be able to quickly try out a ton of builds doesn't really appeal to me. I want to play and be challenged, I don't want to play and roflstomp everything from the first level. Anyway, that's just my poorly thought out 5 cents. Cheers! 
Mikkel - WoOS
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