Joined: Aug 2009
Respawning mobs.. possibly not, although I wouldn't particularly mind them.
I do like the combat, and to level though (another disappointment about this game is the low level cap) so maybe some sort of Arena would be a better bet.(I don't believe I'm actually proposing something as lame as an Arena for an RPG.. but strangely enough I think it would have been a real addition here.)
Last edited by wibble; 18/07/14 12:44 PM.
Joined: Aug 2009
Quite frankly, random encounters and respawning monsters never really work in a single player or story driven RPG. (the only game that managed to pull this off THAT I PLAYED is Diablo). Considering that it's the norm for RPG's to have respawns and wandering mobs I don't know how in hell you can possibly say "it never really works in single player~..." It would have been the dumbest thing I'd read if I hadn't read the second part of your comment. Diablo, a story driven RPG.. WTF??????????
Joined: Jul 2013
well I think its been established that most of us DONT want respawns?
Joined: Jul 2014
Quite frankly, random encounters and respawning monsters never really work in a single player or story driven RPG. (the only game that managed to pull this off THAT I PLAYED is Diablo). Considering that it's the norm for RPG's to have respawns and wandering mobs I don't know how in hell you can possibly say "it never really works in single player~..." It would have been the dumbest thing I'd read if I hadn't read the second part of your comment. Diablo, a story driven RPG.. WTF?????????? Do you see that little 2 letter word there? the " or". This is an english word that means that it either the one, or the other case. Diablo is indeed not a story driven game, but it is considered a single player game And I wan't talking about Diablo 3 btw, that game is an insult to it precessors
Joined: Jul 2014
Quite frankly, random encounters and respawning monsters never really work in a single player or story driven RPG. (the only game that managed to pull this off THAT I PLAYED is Diablo). Considering that it's the norm for RPG's to have respawns and wandering mobs I don't know how in hell you can possibly say "it never really works in single player~..." It would have been the dumbest thing I'd read if I hadn't read the second part of your comment. Diablo, a story driven RPG.. WTF?????????? Do you see that little 2 letter word there? the " or". This is an english word that means that it either the one, or the other case. Diablo is indeed not a story driven game, but it is considered a single player game And I wan't talking about Diablo 3 btw, that game is an insult to it precessors So you mention Diablo as an example of a single player game that "pulled it of". Pulling of single player that is...
Joined: May 2004
Occasional random encounters could be OK, I guess, but respawns belong nowhere near a Divinity game.
Joined: Jul 2014
I liked how it was done in Baldur's Gate (and all of the other Infinity Engine D&D titles). No respawns, but resting in an area or fast traveling had a chance to trigger an ambush. You could use these to grind if you chose, but otherwise they served merely as a deterrent to excessive use of rest breaks (without save scumming, anyway).
D:OS doesn't really have a need for "rest breaks," however, so the main reason for such a system's existing is notably absent here...
Joined: Jul 2014
I vote against. I really don't like respawning. I don't get that very sought after feeling of fulfilment with respawns. Except of course, trees, plants, herbs, etc... (would be good to have a poll on this)
Last edited by Ezmeth; 18/07/14 09:39 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
I dont much care for grinding but if you have been following latest videos which show you how to create triggers. Create script trigger that rolls against your perception and summon enemies if fail. Robin waiting you on bushes because you didn't let him steal fish 
Joined: Apr 2011
Considering that it's the norm for RPG's to have respawns and wandering mobs Thank god that's not true... The Old Republic made me hate respawning foes with a zealous passion...
Joined: Jul 2014
I would like respawns of some description. I value immersion above all, and in my game I keep wondering why everyone is going on about this undead plague that doesn't exist as I have killed them all. I also keep hearing about these marauding orcs.... I killed a few and never saw any again. I'm starting to wonder if all the NPCs are just lying to me!!
Not saying I want the same mobs respawning all the time, but after a certain amount of time, having a chance(based on a stat maybe) for some kind of mob to appear would enhance the game imo.
Joined: Jul 2014
Aureus: "Well you halted the spread of the undead, so we thank you. Unfortunately there's still the existing undead so our situation hasn't really changed much yet. But this is a glimmer of hope."
What undead, I literally killed every single undead in Cyseal. There are no more. They are extinct.
Joined: Aug 2014
No offense,but why not simply GIVE THEM (including me) the OPTION to do so by mods/updates?I hate linear games HOWEVER I really liked this game,in ego draconis for instance I loved the game as well,but the linearity made it quite an annoyance,besides,once the game was over...poof,no extra dungeons,and you don't feel like ever playing the game anymore because everything will go down as the very way it did before,sure,exchange playing way,classes,etc...but in my honest opnion (an opnion of whom has played early castlevanias,legend of mana,skyrim,oblivion,larian games,megaman (although it's not related at all except command mission),infinite undiscovery,tales of series,lost odyssey,final fantasy series,xenosaga,crash series,enchanted arms,diablo,dungeon siege,racing games in general and so on).
Look,ok if you won't change your opnion,but lets set an example: you started the game,and the only low (2~3) leveled enemies you see near/in the town are either guards or very few others,everything smashes you even at easy and many quests request items/npcs from way more strong areas.I would really,really enjoy more ways to play it,even an alternative route for being in the other side of the plot,against source hunters,guilds (will you say it's lore-unfriendly,really?),extra dungeons...I wanted to have at least the tools and help to achieve such,or others to do so because I'm very sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
Besides,just saying "NO" in a thread is quite ridiculous,aim to help and satisfy a little bit,if Larian didn't want it to be and it will likely ruin the gameplay,let them do it anyway,it will be our problem,not yours,geez can't people be more open minded towards EVEN games?
Feel free to contact me by d.nightmare@hotmail.com or skype : randomguy0981237,ANYONE.Because honestly I just created this account for this thread,for the while at least.
Joined: Aug 2014
No offense,but why not simply GIVE THEM (including me) the OPTION to do so by mods/updates? ??? go mod the game, nobody is gonna to stop you.
Joined: Aug 2014
I liked how it was done in Baldur's Gate (and all of the other Infinity Engine D&D titles). No respawns, but resting in an area or fast traveling had a chance to trigger an ambush. You could use these to grind if you chose, but otherwise they served merely as a deterrent to excessive use of rest breaks (without save scumming, anyway).
D:OS doesn't really have a need for "rest breaks," however, so the main reason for such a system's existing is notably absent here... not just BG; many old school CRPGs don't have farming xp as game feature. basically, when you clear one area, it's done. the fast travel encounters in Fallout sometimes are even deadly~~" even now, Bioware pretty much stick to the no respawn tradition (though I think DA games still get too much grinding) it's not about single-player or mmo game types; respawning enemy is a norm in Action RPGs (Diablo type) and JRPG, that's about it.
Joined: Aug 2014
You can argue a button for anything, really. Open world is fun in when handled well in an open world game. In such games, where you revisit areas over and over, respawn has a point. Or in a game where leveling has its own merits such as many MMOs.
In D:OS, nah.
Joined: Aug 2014
As I've said,I'd have no modding experience with this game nor lua/other programmings,could you or someone point out how to do it?Even if a separated world cell with a spawning machina,somewhat as an arena.
Joined: Aug 2014
As I've said,I'd have no modding experience with this game nor lua/other programmings,could you or someone point out how to do it?Even if a separated world cell with a spawning machina,somewhat as an arena. There is a giant thread in the mod section of this forum with the respawning mod already working...
Joined: Jan 2011
Not me. I would hate having to defeat a boss all again at a choke point for 5-10 minutes xD
Joined: Aug 2017
Yes! DEFINITELY! Aside from building up an inhuman kill tally simply being satisfying in a general way, I would appreciate being able to play the game in such a way that I don't feel pressured to connect the proverbial dots of progression and can instead soothe my anxiety with some good old wilderness-cleansing!
I also really don't like the idea of there being limited... well... resources and experience from slain beasties. I feel pressured to perfectionism when it's like that, and to make every single thing count, and it's very stressful.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian