Joined: Jul 2014
I'm sitting on a mid-low range rig right now.
AMD FX-6300, 3.5ghz GTX 660 Ti 2GB 8GB DDR3 RAM etc.
This thing handles games like Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3 with few issues; I've thrown Battlefield 4 at it with pretty great results, too.
However, in D: OS, once I get into town or a larger battle I routinely stay at 20-30 FPS, regardless of whether or not I have the game set to ultra settings or low. Is there something I'm missing? I have V-Sync turned on, but that's because the tearing gets HORRIBLE without it.
We who are about to die, don't want to. --Rincewind, The Last Hero
Joined: Jun 2014
You should be running it smoothly even in 4k at medium to low I think. My guess is you're playing a pirated copy that doesn't have the performance patches or some other issue that's not related to the game itself, because my rig is much worse and I can play comfortably at high at 720p at a constant 60.
Last edited by Kriss; 19/07/14 02:20 PM.
Joined: May 2014
V-Sync clamps your FPS, so that's one thing. That said, I have a GTX 580 with an i7-2600k and it runs butter smooth now. At first the game stuttered when panning, but now there are no noticeable problems.
I disabled texture streaming, but I don't think that affects your problem.
Is it noticeable though? Is stuff stuttering or slowing down? Is it being lagged by your recording software?
Joined: Jul 2014
I've got Shadowplay on, but it's not actively recording while I play. I know V-Sync clamps my FPS, but really I just want the game to stick to 45-60FPS, not above that. Basically what's happening is that I'll get into a fight or go into town and the game will drop from that 45-60FPS to 25-30FPS--anytime there's more than a couple of characters onscreen, my performance takes a hit. I'm wondering if this is my rig for some reason or if it's a bug/issue with optimization, is all. As for whether or not I'm playing a pirated copy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vimescitywatch?l=englishI'm playing a legitimately purchased Steam version, as is evidenced by my achievement tracking through Steam. I'm playing with the latest update, too. I should also mention I'm playing the game at 1920 x 1080, so there's that.
We who are about to die, don't want to. --Rincewind, The Last Hero
Joined: Mar 2013
I used to game on Nvidia. I've changed to AMD now. Did you enable tri-buffering with v-sync? That's the best thing on earth if you asked me. But i got crashes when enable it in-game.
I'm forcing it with RadeonPro along with other features like Ambient Occlusion. Game is awesome and no more crashes. If your v-sync doesn't work, try d3doverrider.
Joined: Jul 2014
you should be able to run it perfectly fine. try to do a integrity check through steam to make sure nothing is corrupted and if that didn't fix it try to mess around with the settings.
I'm running this on a intel core 2 1.9Ghz processor with 2GB DDR2 ram and a nvidia GT220 1280x720 resolution and everything off or on low but its playable and fun :P
Joined: Nov 2003
However, in D: OS, once I get into town or a larger battle I routinely stay at 20-30 FPS, regardless of whether or not I have the game set to ultra settings or low. Is there something I'm missing?... Try checking your GPU utilisation with software like MSI Afterburner and checking your CPU utilisation in Task Manager. If one (or the other) is at 100%, that's likely where the bottleneck is (most likely the GPU - I get 35-40FPS on a 580GTX though at 2560x1600). If your GPU temperatures are low, then using MSI Afterburner to overclock it may offer slightly better performance - but do take care to ensure your cooling is good enough (i.e. try running a graphics benchmark like Unigine Heaven for 30-40 minutes).
Joined: Jul 2014
My guess is you're playing a pirated copy that doesn't have the performance patches or some other issue that's not related to the game itself, because my rig is much worse and I can play comfortably at high at 720p at a constant 60. Wow... Just... wow.... So because you can run the game just fine with your setup means that everyone else having a problem must be a pirate? How do explain that my copy, bought legitimately from Steam and set to auto-update on high priority whenever a patch comes out, cannot run the game without severe performance issues? Piracy has nothing to do with it mate. Performance optimizations on the other hand... See, here's the thing. When performance optimizations are done to a game, they are done for select hardware with each patch. The pool of optimized hardware grows larger with every optimization patch, but it will not cover all hardware for quite some time. Just because optimizations were done that fixed your problems, does not mean that those same optimizations were a fix-all for everyone. As for the OP, you can only wait for Larian or Nvidia to decide to do something about this. I've been posting constructive posts regarding this issue on these forums for over a week and all I have gotten as a response is that Larian is "aware of the issue". But "aware" and "working on" are two very different attitudes in my book. I really hope the next big patch will address these issues. Oh, and here are the readings I observed from RivaTuner on the usage of my hardware... ------------------------------------------ Core 1- LP1 = 50-100% load LP2 = 10-20% load Core 2- LP1 = 10-20% load LP2 = 5-10% load Core 3- LP1 = 0-5% load LP2 = 0-5% load Core- 4- LP1 = 0-5% load LP2 = 10-30% load Total CPU Usage - 10-20% GPU 1 = 80-95% usage GPU 2 = 80-95% usage FPS = 28-34 -------------------------------------------
Last edited by MetaMoose; 19/07/14 08:16 PM.
Joined: Nov 2003
My guess is you're playing a pirated copy that doesn't have the performance patches... ...So because you can run the game just fine with your setup means that everyone else having a problem must be a pirate?...Piracy has nothing to do with it mate. I'd have to agree that comment was less than helpful - particularly since "cracked" games (where the original used media-check DRM) typically ran faster (SafeCast and SecuROM disc checks had a 10-20% framerate hit). ...As for the OP, you can only wait for Larian or Nvidia to decide to do something about this. I've been posting constructive posts regarding this issue on these forums for over a week and all I have gotten as a response is that Larian is "aware of the issue"... In fairness to Larian, performance issues should be lower priority since most people have workarounds (lower graphics settings, lower resolution), whereas those with crashes, conflicts or game-breaking bugs do not.
Last edited by Stargazer; 20/07/14 10:14 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
However, in D: OS, once I get into town or a larger battle I routinely stay at 20-30 FPS, regardless of whether or not I have the game set to ultra settings or low. Is there something I'm missing? I have V-Sync turned on, but that's because the tearing gets HORRIBLE without it. I think that's just the way it is at present: I'm getting similar performance on my i7/920 with ATI 6970. I figure I could turn down some of the graphics settings, but then I'd just complain about that instead. 
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jul 2014
In fairness to Larian, performance issues should be lower priority since most people have workarounds (lower graphics settings, lower resolution), whereas those with crashes, conflicts or game-breaking bugs do not. But in equal fairness the game should not have been released with this many widespread crash reports and performance issues in the first place. They could not have been unaware of these issues prior to launch and thus have no excuse as to why they exist post launch other than that they took the game out of beta too soon.
Joined: Nov 2003
But in equal fairness the game should not have been released with this many widespread crash reports and performance issues in the first place... Larian gave a commitment to a release date and stuck to it - what do you think the overall reaction would have been if they decided to hold it up for another month or so to fix outstanding issues? Especially ones limited to specific PC setups? For every game there's a balance between releasing too early (bugs galore) and releasing too late (frustrating buyers). Given the number of people who have bought D:OS and completed it (and the relatively small number of postings here in comparison), I'd suggest Larian have got the balance close to right.
Joined: May 2014
I didn't crash once through all of Cyseal. My only crash thus far was at the Homestead. Just locked up while switching characters. Weird!
The game appears to be very stable.
Joined: Jul 2014
Bumping this to see if there's been any further progress on optimization.
Also, I should note that I'm not CRASHING frequently, it's just that my FPS is all over the place.
We who are about to die, don't want to. --Rincewind, The Last Hero
Joined: Jul 2014
Devs are on vacation until August 4th. So we can expect another patch in another couple of weeks for these issues if we are lucky.
Joined: Jul 2014
That's fair. They've put together a pretty brilliant package, here--I just wish I could get a steady framerate while playing.
We who are about to die, don't want to. --Rincewind, The Last Hero
Joined: Aug 2014
Perhaps you could submit your query to the devs and seek a bit of advice from them? I mean, I'm not really sure what your problem could be. Is your hard drive very free for space? have you any programs running in the background that could impede performance? just some thoughts. Maybe you could scan for viruses and see if that turns up anything.
''And so it was, that the herald of Cthonian war mastery stormed the burning violet fields of Kerrul'thar, enraptured in glorious twilight as he reigned destruction upon the brave Atlantean heroes!''
Joined: Nov 2003
...I just wish I could get a steady framerate while playing. For what it's worth, I'm in agreement that more optimisation is needed (I see the same framerate - mid 30's - regardless of whether the graphics are set to Ultra or Low which does suggest engine issues), but Larian did bust a gut during and after release fixing the most important crash bugs so I wouldn't begrudge them a short break before getting back to business.
Last edited by Stargazer; 04/08/14 02:52 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Yeah, no, I'd take a vacation too.
And Morgoth, I've tried several of those things. The other issue is that I'm running other games fine--Battlefield 4, Payday 2, Borderlands 2, Diablo 3, etc. All of these games run beautifully. The only other game that gives me framerate issues is Torchlight 2, and that's another case of poor optimization.
We who are about to die, don't want to. --Rincewind, The Last Hero
Joined: Aug 2014
Ahh ok, sorry to hear about that mate, I'm not sure what else to recommend. Like I said, maybe just send a query off to the devs and they will probably be able to help you the most, I'm not sure what else you can do. I'm not too savvy with hardware and all of that to be honest.
''And so it was, that the herald of Cthonian war mastery stormed the burning violet fields of Kerrul'thar, enraptured in glorious twilight as he reigned destruction upon the brave Atlantean heroes!''
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