Joined: Mar 2003
I nearly finished the game second Time now. But I am not so happy with my Party.
First point: you can create/modify your own characters more effektive then Madora or Jahan. (Because the Moloch in "End if time "is usable only for the own characters.)
I Play in easy mode and want to make the fights more easyer if it is possible! So how to form the Party more effective.
I use ranger using bow an can make now (Level20) 4-5 Shoots in first round (fine! he also petpal and effective crafter) and an a fire Mage (with eart Magic and which also and Charisma and my jobseller) for good assistance.
Jahan (Water and Air) seem not so effektive in the endgame, he is slow and his water and air Magic is not so effektive. Only teleportation works fine, but I can use this only once per figth. I early game he is a good healer of course and his Ice Elemantal is also good.. but air magis is not so effective (only teleportarion)
Madora is my "Tank" with two handed sword. Effektive but not enougth Action Points...
So whats better?
Ranger/tank the own characters? and Madora/Jahan as Mages?
Two handed sword or sword+shild? Bow or crossbow?
I reach the 5 Bloodstones in Level 8 and use all point-books during Levelups.
Last edited by Alix; 30/07/14 06:47 AM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2014
Jahan can be modified as well during the encounter in the Phantom Forest Swamp. Get Glass Cannon for everyone and you will never have to worry about having enough AP again. In easy mode you won't be down to half your HP, but rather ~70%, because you start with 160% HP and GC reduces that value to 110%, which is >2/3 of what you would have without it.
If Jahan can only use Teleport once, it is probably because his INT is too low. The cooldown gets reduced every 2(?) points over the minimum requirement to cast that spell without penalties. Your mages should have access to low level spells of the other schools (including Witchcraft), because these are not affected by your skill level in that school, but your INT.
2H > 1H, because you can just attack for 1000 per swing without additional buffs and don't need to invest additional skillpoints into shield specialist.
Once you have Quickdraw, Bows will deal way more dmg/AP than crossbows. The big bonus of XBows is that they work better with your skills, but Rangers only have few of them compared to other chars and their CD is quite high.
There are 2 options to make your chars basically invulnerable if that is your choice: With a high rank(5) in Sneak, you can just switch to sneak mode at the end of combat for a single AP and move a few steps away and the enemies will just ignore your party (as long as everybody is hidden).
The interaction between Leech and Comeback Kid means that any physical attack that would kill you brings you to 1 life and creates a big pool of blood, which heals you back again, allowing Comeback Kid to trigger again at the next potentially lethal attack.
Last edited by eidolon; 30/07/14 12:46 PM.
Joined: Aug 2013
My PC's are a Ranger and Cleric.
The ranger has basically remained as such. She's maxed out Marksman and carries more arrow types than DC's Green Arrow. She is also my crafter, blacksmith and trap finder.
The cleric was a mistake I suppose. I thought he'd be a good healer, but since I have to put so many points on STR to wear armor he's really a tank. I buffed this even further by giving him a lot of the combat buff skills (resistances to blind, crippling, etc.) and blocking. So he's pretty durable, but not much of a healer.
Jahan I've just kept as the same build basically and just made him better at it. His Rain spell I use all the time and he's a SUPER healer. Now he also summons Ice and Air elementals. Add to that his teleport spell will kill just about anything that's at half health or less. Rain plus Lightning bolt. Loving him.
Madora is my DPS character. She hits and hits hard and all her skills/abilities focus on that as well.
This group works (it's my first playthrough), but if I had it to do again I would have made my Cleric just a Tank and focus on Sword and Shield and all defense.
I won't be playing my second play-through until the next big patch adds the new companions. Based on what they offer will determine what my PC's will be. I already know Jahan and Modora's story, so I'm anxious to see the new companions.
Joined: Mar 2003
Glass Cannon maybe a way... I try this out next time. my Party is Level 20, i dont know If I found a possibility to use glas cannon in this game.
My ranger has: str 7, dex 16, int 7, con 11, Speed 12 und per 22! My Jahan has: str 6, dex 6, int 20, con 12, Speed 11 und per 7! My Madora has: str 21, dex 9, int 6, con 10, Speed 10 und per 6! My Firemage: str 6, dex 7, int 19, con 9, Speed 14 und per 9!
So whats wrong? Why Jahan can use Telekinese only once per figth and Madora can do only one hit with her 2H Sword? (I create her an 2H with 204-407, give her 417-833 damange)
The combination rain and bolt I can't do bacause Madora is near the enemies and so I will hit her with the rans spells.
Maybe 2 Rangers und 2 Mages are a better Party?
Maybe ist better to use Jahan for crafting and only as Watermage, so you have more Point to create sword/shild combination for Roderic.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Aug 2013
So how many AP is it taking Madora (4?, 5?) to swing her sword? Is it her total AP that's the problem or the weapon? What is her 2-Handed skill level?
I admit I generally only get one or two swings with her in my game, depending on whether or not I have to move her.
Joined: Jan 2014
I see 4 potential problems: 1) Only level 20 There are at least 3, likely 4 more levels that you could gain 2) low dmg Your 2H weapon has a relatively low damage output - you can get an additional 25%. Are you making use of Tenebrium, crafting and Leadership? 3) High Perception For finding stuff you only need 14 PER to spot everything PER only adds an cth bonus for long distant shots, at medium distance only your DEX value counts (although boosting your chance to hit might not be that important at the lowest difficulty). Compare that to my LW Ranger: str 8, dex 22, int 11, con 18, spd 17 und per 21 (dex+con maxed, increasing the spd would not add more TAP) Why do the casters have such a high Perception? Are you not using the +1 Int -1 per books? I had 8 of those on my LW Mage: str 8, dex 8, int 29, con 19, spd 17, per 0
Maybe trading more talents for Attribute points would be helpful?
If your Melee char is in danger of getting hit by friendly fire, just delay his turn or attack a different enemy instead.
Last edited by eidolon; 30/07/14 06:45 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Madoras 2H has 204-407 dmg + 61-126 Tenebrium, +2Str +2dex... I never found a better waeppon in the game. (Leadership = 5 has the main character.) Madoras 2H need 4AP, Madora has 8AP so one step to go then only one hit. Madora has 2H=6 , Bodybuild=3 Armor=3 willcraft=5 and Weapponmagic=5 Dont know how to give her more AP's
Thanks for the book Information, I'll look for this book. Found only one tis time.
I trade allmost every Attribut Point to Talent. But this ist only possible for the main's.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2014
2H does not increase the damage of Tenebrium enchanted Weapons, you need to improve your Tenebrium Skill instead. What do you mean with "Weaponmagic"?
At the risk of repeating myself: everybody should have Glass Cannon. Unless you are playing on hard you don't even have to take any additional actions to increase your HP. Mandora's 8 AP (walk +1 attack) would turn into 16 AP to walk and attack 3 times.
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm flustered to see your stats eidolon, how many points come from equipment? Also, you did use every secret book every level from what level?
Joined: Jan 2014
level 23 party Ranger: str 5+3, dex 15+7, int 8+3, con 14+4(*), spd 12+5, per 12+9 Tenebrium 5+2+2 Armour Specialist 2+1 Body Building 5+1+1 Willpower 5+1+1+1 Experts Marksman 5 Geo 2 Scoundrel 2 Witch 2 Leadership 4+1+1 Crafting 2+1(+2 with other gear) Blacksmithing 3(+2 with other gear)
Bully Quickdraw Lone Wolf Glass Cannon Stand your Ground (A high Int mage can use Earthquake every 4 turns)
*+1 AP from boots instead of the 15th point
mage: str 5+3, dex 5+3, int 15+8+6, con 14+5, spd 11+6, per 0** Armour Specialist 1+1 Body Building 5+1+2 Willpower 5+1+1+1 Fire 5 Water 5 Geo 5 Air 5 Witch 5 Leadership 4+1+1
Lone Wolf Glass Cannon Stand your Ground (A high Int mage can use Earthquake every 4 turns) Far out Man Lightning Rod
**5-8 still gets displayed as 0
I have unlocked the Merchant at ~level 10 (finish the entire Cyseal map (5 Bloodtones), enter Sylverglen, lockpick the Cellar door get 2 Bloodstones) and have bought both books each level so that is 16 attribute books (14 from SoS+1 from Last Chest +1 from Watch quest) and the same number of ability point books (14 from SoS+1 from Last Chest +1 from the chest buried near the Swamp Hut). The mage has used 8 Books of Perilous Thoughts
This is certainly not the most powerful version of the chars, since I intentionally did not play without Sneak or Leech and not all magical schools need to be put to 5.
Last edited by eidolon; 31/07/14 06:41 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
That's awesome.
I'm doing it from level 4, the difference is, i decided to try a different approach. I started buying the books from level ~4, but i'm evening out the books, giving them to Jahan and Madora as well since i didn't get lone wolf OR glass cannon, but i just realized something.
By doing all of this at the start i forgot to not complete the tenebrium quest and only my main characters got the tenebrium skill =P
Still, this is pretty awesome stats even if it's not the best possible.
Joined: Mar 2003
2H does not increase the damage of Tenebrium enchanted Weapons, you need to improve your Tenebrium Skill instead. What do you mean with "Weaponmagic"? Weaponmagic, forgot the english Translation for Waffenknecht (Weapon-servant?) With this Magic you can use Phonix dive. I finished the game today second time. Level22 (dont know where to get more points) Found the last 2 fight very frustrating. Have about 1% Damange to the Dragen in one round. So it takes about one hour to win this figth, no one was killed (I Play in easy mode!) but I think about how to manage this figth better. Madora take some damange and my Ranger (if I Manage to Keep them dry and not electric) The Ice elemantal take some damange but so few! I want to kill the Dragon in about 10 Rounds and not in 50 and more Rounds! But how? How develop a Party to do this easyer. I use all the development books.. look for good Items allmost in every chest. (Per=22, I see every hidding Thing!) Tenebrium is 4 for ranger and 5 for Madora but the mages cant use tenebrium wapons, the staffs can't Combine with the tenebrium bars. Maybe Glascanon is the solution! I'll try this!
Last edited by Alix; 31/07/14 08:35 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2014
Ah weaponmagic is actually Man at Arms - it would be kind of weird not to have that ability on your warriors...
The fights are not supposed to take that long more something like 5 min. Lower the dragons saving throws and just keep it permalock it with status effects.
Joined: Jul 2014
My submission for "best possible party," for Hard difficulty, assuming a finish at level 20. I'm going to assume no Teller of Secrets books, for if/when the every-level thing is patched. Dexterity +6 (11 base) Constitution +2 (7 base) Speed +2 (7 base) Perception +5 (10 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Expert Marksman 5 Tenebrium 4 Barter 2 Charisma 2 Scoundrel 1 Sneaking 1 Loremaster 1
Pet Pal Guerilla Picture of Health Glass Cannon Weather the Storm Quickdraw Bully
Craft Tormented Soul, Sextant, and Tenebrium Bar onto your Bow. Try to get another +1 Strength from gear for a 100% Knockdown Crushing Fist, but if you don't you'll live. Keep a sets of Bartering, Charisma, and Loremaster gear handy. Get Sneaking 5 off of Cautious trait and gear bonuses with your combat gear.
Strength +6 (11 base) Intelligence +5 (10 base) Constitution +4 (9 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Aerotheurge 5 Pyrotechnic 4 Shield Specialist 2 Hydrosophist 1 Witchcraft 1 Scoundrel 1 Expert Marksman 1
Far Out Man Leech Picture of Health Glass Cannon Weather the Storm Lightning Rod Elemental Affinity
Craft Tormented Soul and Tenebrium Bar onto a crafted Sword of the Planets. You don't need more than 13 Strength to use a level 20 version of that sword plus 20 resist-all plate armour. Try to get another +1 Dexterity from gear for a 100% Haste on Fast Track, but if you don't you'll live. Fire resist is pivotal for healing off of your own Explodes. Tactical Retreat is your friend.
Strength +9 (14 base) Constitution +4 (9 base) Speed +2 (7 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Leadership 5 Tenebrium 3 Two-Handed 2 Bodybuilding 2 Willpower 2 Scoundrel 1 Expert Marksman 1
Opportunist What a Rush Comeback Kid Picture of Health Glass Cannon Weather the Storm Leech
Craft Tormented Soul and Tenebrium Bar onto a crafted two-handed axe. Try to get another +1 Dexterity from gear for a 100% Haste on Fast Track, but if you don't you'll live. Fire resist is pivotal for healing off of Roderick's Explodes, which you will often be near. Try to get +1 Leadership on your helmet. Tactical Retreat is your friend.
Intelligence +10 (15 base) Constitution +3 (8 base) Speed +2 (7 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Hydrosophist 4 Geomancer 3 Aerotheurge 3 Witchcraft 2 Blacksmithing 2 Crafting 2 Willpower 1
Far Out Man Elemental Affinity Scientist Picture of Health Glass Cannon Weather the Storm [free talent]
Keep Blacksmithing and Crafting gear handy, but wear more useful stuff into battle.
TL;DR: Glass Cannon, Picture of Health, and Weather the Storm are overpowered. I feel one common error here is to try to undercut Str/Dex requirements too much, saying "I'll just get the bonus off of gear." You can also get Con/Spd/Per bonuses off of gear, so it's better to just use attribute points and guaranteed crafts like Tortured Soul to hit gear reqs, then you can choose between +Str/Dex gear or +Con/Spd gear, whichever you happen to find.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB; 01/08/14 02:19 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Ah weaponmagic is actually Man at Arms - it would be kind of weird not to have that ability on your warriors...
The fights are not supposed to take that long more something like 5 min. Lower the dragons saving throws and just keep it permalock it with status effects. Which spells do you cast on the Dragon? I look for him and see that he has resistances allmost everywhere. Seems to me, that only sword and bow can make an signifikant damange on him. (Up to 100 Points. not importand as the dragen hast 20000HP) He has so many spells and AP! He cast Poison and make this burning with fire and all my charactes burn. He (or his companions) cast Water and half the Party got stunt (especily tank and ranger) Jahan has to Keep Astarte alive and sometime to create an new Ice ELemental. My Firemage cast Speed/Heal on Ranger and Madora and sometimes create a Spider or undeath Knigth(which book) Ranger and Madora try to hit the Dragon If they not lay stunt or knocked down. The 2 helpers (Ice Elemental und dead Knigth hit the Dragon, if the Dragen Keep them alive one or two rounds) Maybe class Canon is a solution (especialy for this figth), I try this next time.
Last edited by Alix; 01/08/14 09:47 AM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2014
Drain Willpower + anything with 150% Shock is a guaranteed way to disable the dragon.
After that deal with the resistances through Nullify Resistance / Soultap and boost your attack damage Oath of Destruction / Rage and its Armor (Silver Arrow).
Just tried it again: T1 ranger delays turn Dragon summons stuff and attacks Araste Mage uses Drain Willpower and Lightning (and maybe a buff) Araste gets attacked down to 50% health Ranger charms 2 summons and maybe a a buff/ Silver Arrow
T2 ranger delays turn void summons attack eatchother mage uses Soultap on the dragon + Deathpunch and another small spell Ranger shoots the Dragon down to around 2000 health using the regular attack
T3 ranger deals the last points of damage
Thats a 3 turn kill without preparations.
Last edited by eidolon; 01/08/14 11:02 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Cool, thanks, I'll try this next time... maybe I have a savegame.
For now I am glad to find a possibility to reach 5 Bloodstones on Level 5 (Level 4 is possible I think.) So there are some more Points to give to the Party.
Last edited by Alix; 03/08/14 07:10 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Aug 2014
Hi Scrotie, Nice builds and advice, just a few questions Did you mean Pyro 4 and Hydro 5 on below to utilize Explode? But then lose out on Lightning Rod with the Aero 5 requirement? [spoiler="Roderick (Armoured Caster)"] Strength +6 (11 base) Intelligence +5 (10 base) Constitution +4 (9 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Aerotheurge 5 Pyrotechnic 4 Shield Specialist 2 Hydrosophist 1 Witchcraft 1 Scoundrel 1 Expert Marksman 1
From another thread: Some things I've noticed this playthrough...
1. I still stand by my advice earlier than Pyrotechnic and Geomancy should be split between two different casters, and Aerotheurge and Hydrosophist should also be split. I also think it's key to combine Pyrotechnic with Man-At-Arms, so you can utilize Explode by using plate armour and Weather the Storm to acquire fire immunity (or at least decent resistance). The part I got wrong was that Pyrotechnic should be combined with Aerotheurge. Hydrosophist is just too useful, so you want a "fire and ice" armoured caster as one of your mains, with Jahan specializing in aero, geo, and witchcraft.
And also for Jahan, should I make Aero 5, Geo 4 and leave Hydro at 2?: [spoiler="Jahan"] Intelligence +10 (15 base) Constitution +3 (8 base) Speed +2 (7 base)
Man-at-Arms 5 Hydrosophist 4 Geomancer 3 Aerotheurge 3 Witchcraft 2 Blacksmithing 2 Crafting 2 Willpower 1
Last edited by Descartian; 14/08/14 07:17 PM.