1 thing I noticed is the small feeling of speed you have; before you know you drive way to hard, like 90 in stead of 80.
Good for you; speed limits are for weenies. And most people don't know how to handle cops, either. Most people see the lights in the mirror and calmly pull over to await instructions from the officer.
That's wrong. The correct thing to do is to floor it. Gun it. Make him chase you. Make him work for it. This makes him respect you. But, just for fun, be sure to have your turn signal on, indicating that you're going to pull over. After a few miles, when the confusion sets it, you suddenly whip a 180 and head in the opposite direction.
While he recovers from this maneouver, you pull over, get out of the car, crack open a beer and kick back on the hood without a care in the world. Have your lawyer on your cell phone by the time he catches you, and simply answer every question with "talk to the cell, tough guy."
Works every time. Trust me.