Joined: Dec 2009
2nd, I'm not doing anything wrong. Right after Cyseal (as I've complained many times before) the % hit chance for warriors and archers goes down drastically to the point where they are useless. The last monster I fought in the Cyseal maps was Bracuss REX. He was at 90% hit chance. Once I entered Luculla Forest, the hit chance with into the low 70s. Well, I think you are doing something wrong. On a former play, character lvl 14 had 13 in Strengh, and about 85% chances of hitting.
Joined: Jul 2014
Granted, from a pure balance perspective, some of the enemies seem weak, or some ability combos need a nerf, BUT, this Isn't a PvP game so it doesn't need to be perfectly "balanced". This is a world where if you're smart enough to figure something cool out and take it to your advantage you're supposed to if you want. Wasn't there a "Divinity" game where you could use mind control on Every NPC in the game if you wanted (I might be thinking of another game)? That was a single player game so it didn't matter if you took over a NPC's mind and robbed him for all the stuff you just sold him. If that was a multi-player game or PvP game though then someone being able to do that might be seen as cheating. In a game where you're meant to be able to "game the system" though I'd say it's ok. Also, take into account the difference between "gaming the system" and flat out "cheating". If I figure out a way in game to boost a spell's damage by %500 that's ok. If I mod in a "God Weapon" and take all the fun out on my own, that's cheating and that's on me and if I want to play that way. That's just my 2 cents though.
What do I see? I see time as it affects all things. Human flesh whithers and dies before my eyes. Flowers bloom, only to fade. Trees drop green leaves, never to regain them. In my sight, it is always winter, always night. ~ Raistlin Majere
Joined: Apr 2013
First thing, what is "CC"? Ive never heard of this acronym before. Don't feel bad, I kept thinking they meant Close Combat, heh.
Joined: Jul 2014
Mages are drastically easier than other classes. You don't need to come up with fancy new tactics for each fight and can pretty much blindly employ the same strategy over and over again. They have so many options to control the flow of the fight; between summons, blind, and the various elemental CC spells, nothing is going to threaten you.
Joined: Aug 2014
Granted, from a pure balance perspective, some of the enemies seem weak, or some ability combos need a nerf, BUT, this Isn't a PvP game so it doesn't need to be perfectly "balanced". this, and the game isn't supposed to be played solo. magic and brute force works together, that's the idea. to increase chance to hit, bless and status effects, fighters don't need to do that themselves~
Joined: Jan 2011
This is how I build my melee on my first through on normal. Defeat my first boss at level 7 and I live with 19 health left : P http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/condor-1/level7firstbosslevel8_zpsdb929a1d.jpg~originalside note: I never use magic to damage on my mage. I invest in healing, rain, buff, debuff, summon , CC and pop a few arrows into enemy throat and butt to make the game more diversify. My favorite is still "GET OVER HERE!" best skill ever
Joined: Aug 2014
In my first Playthrough i played Doublemage with 2x Lonewulf, and atm im on my second one, with a Warrior + Rogue Lonewulf Combination, i totally cant agree, Warriors deal insane damage, but i still like mages way more as you have a ton of many different Stun/Frezze etc etc. spells, i prefer CC over everything else But still i felt some spells pretty useless in the class combinations i have played so far, on that double mage playthrough it were buffs for example, Reinforce? Blessings? Curses? I used them when i played the first hours, but soon it was always without exception -> CC everything -> Dmg -> CC -> Dmg, it was similiar with the elementals, in Cyseal i was really weak, i only used summons for bossfights like the one with that fireelemental, i summoned one myself, and all enemies without exception focused on him, and well -> hes immune to fire damage, and thats it, as soon as i had enough CC Spells i never used them again, im only remembering a few useful buffs, like Haste, and of course the enviroment spells, like rain etc, i often thought about using buffs in certain situations, but i asked myself what makes more sense? Buffing myself, or preventing that damage entirely so ill just CC? Or just thinking a few moves ahead and saying okay screw that i will deal damage so my foe will be one round sooner dead -> This is just my point of view on that single playthrough but it wont be the only one 
Last edited by Sorina; 17/08/14 02:38 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Just wanted to tell everyone that the OP is correct about mages being op.
People in this topic are only seeing the normal OP build. which is exactly why they are saying a mage isn't OP...They're basing what they say OP is off of the normal mage build which uses saving throws and crap. Putting points into areas of a mage like saving throws and crap will reduces how OP the mage can get. Putting a point into willpower instead of another school of magic has a major impact on how OP a mage is...
Rogue (meaning out of the ordinary) Builds are so OP it's not even funny.
If people created rogue builds they would see just exactly what they're missing.
Joined: Aug 2013
Just wanted to tell everyone that the OP is correct about mages being op.
People in this topic are only seeing the normal OP build. which is exactly why they are saying a mage isn't OP...They're basing what they say OP is off of the normal mage build which uses saving throws and crap. Putting points into areas of a mage like saving throws and crap will reduces how OP the mage can get. Putting a point into willpower instead of another school of magic has a major impact on how OP a mage is...
So if you are making something overpowered and impacting your own fun by putting points into something.. why are you doing it? Easy enough to just put the points somewhere else if it's more fun surely?
Joined: Jul 2014
If you are unable to hit enemies then you're doing something severely wrong.
Sorry but that's so not true with a ranger. You're not going to try and blame the player because of a class that just outright sucks the ranger literally misses almost all the time. Remember that any hard cc = 100% chance to hit. That's False Rangers start off with lower accuracy, but fairly quickly make up the difference. By level 8, my Ranger's accuracy was comparable to my melee classes - from anywhere on the battlefield. He's talking about chance to hit, not good the aim is. Accuracy doesn't affect CHANCE TO HIT DEXTERITY does. And don't try and argue read DEXTERITY and Read Accuracy what one says CHANCE TO HIT..DEXTERITY does. I had a level 9 ranger that still couldn't hit and with a dexterity at 13 you're not supposed to have a 49% chance to hit an enemy standing right next to you that's 1-2 levels lower than your character so I deleted it. Rangers also have boatloads of free utility built into them, including the best cc ability in the game - static cloud arrow. If you aren't using and abusing special arrows then you're essentially ignoring 80% of what makes rangers useful. I'm calling absolutely BULLSHIT on that. All these so called Free utilities are useless and as far as special arrows what a waste. If you cannot hit your target to begin with, then no arrow will be good. For you to be doing good with an archer clearly means you're using a cheat of some sort. Because the facts are rangers are the worst class and special arrows do jack shit when it comes to anything. A Ranger with a dexterity of 11 at level 7 cannot even hit anything 1-2 levels lower then them while being directly next to them out in the open. And to try and say someone who has this happen is doing something wrong clearly doesn't understand the game is broken because they're trying to say it's a players fault for not being able to hit something 1-2 levels lower than them with a DEX of 11. Get the fuck out of here that's a players fault.
Joined: Jul 2014
So if you are making something overpowered and impacting your own fun by putting points into something.. why are you doing it? Easy enough to just put the points somewhere else if it's more fun surely? UMM I was just making a point that people replying to the topic Creator are incorrect by saying a mage is not op and why they were incorrect is all. I like my mage very much thank you
Joined: Jul 2014
My ranger has 11 Dex and 10 Per. Not amazing, but not bad. My ranger's chance to hit at point blank against an opponent of the same level. As you can see, my chance to hit is 79%. Not bad. I'll hit about 4 out of 5 times. My ranger's chance to hit far away from the same opponent. Due to range, my chance to hit has gone down to 69%. Not as good. My ranger's chance to hit far away from the same opponent with 1 more point in Perception. Increasing my perception increases my chance to hit at long range from 69% to 71%. Not a lot, but every little bit helps. The most obnoxious thing about tx3000 is that all the things he whines about are so easy to disprove, he just doesn't bother to check. Or he's trolling. Or hell maybe he's got some mental impairment.
Last edited by dirigible; 17/08/14 08:21 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
My ranger's chance to hit at point blank against an opponent of the same level The most obnoxious thing about tx3000 is that all the things he whines about are so easy to disprove, he just doesn't bother to check. Or he's trolling. Or hell maybe he's got some mental impairment. You need to fix your first img tag, you have ing. As to your other point, indeed that's what we had tried to do in that other thread on Rangers/Bows. Regardless of what we say it's his way or the high way, and he doesn't acknowledge when corrected or shown to be wrong.
Joined: Jul 2014
[quote=dirigible]Remember that any hard cc = 100% chance to hit.
That's False That's actually very true. Thanks for trolling, come again!
Joined: Jul 2014
[quote=dirigible]Remember that any hard cc = 100% chance to hit.
That's False That's actually very true. Thanks for trolling, come again! Sorry but chance to hit and the enemy actually getting hit is not the same thing. it's like trying to say 100% successfully cast is the same as the enemy getting hit...
Last edited by Elwyn; 17/08/14 09:12 PM. Reason: removed offensive language
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
Off topic:
This topic is as good as any other to post the following here: In the last 2 hours we got 10 notifications about foul and offensive language in several threads and posts. I am going to try to edit the worst of the offensive language which we got notified of. Please try to keep the discussion polite.
Last edited by Elwyn; 17/08/14 09:29 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Elwyn Don't dictate rules to me when I'm being harassed. And if you edit/remove my replies, then you are also going to edit/remove the replies people posted harassing me because the TOS says NO HARASSING so there are zero excuses and nothing to justify your edits one sided.
If you do not remove/edit the replies of people harassing me then I'm just going to put my replies back the way they were. You're not going to allow harasser's comments to remain while my responses get edited. You edit mine you also edit theirs, you allow their replies to stay up then mine are going to stay as well. You will apply it both ways or not at all.
People find it perfectly fine to run around and harass me, but don't like the responses they're getting from me afterwards...TOO BAD this is what happens when you screw with people. Your actions have consequences
People want to call me a troll, fine but you're going to get told off any way I feel like it, if people want to mention to place me on ignore, fine but I'm going to verbally attack you any way I see fit.
Don't like it then keep your comments to yourself. Don't harass me and things will go fine.
It's that simple.
Last edited by tx3000; 17/08/14 09:39 PM.
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
tx3000 There is a notify button in the right corner of each post. If you feel harassed by some users or posts, then hit the button and provide a reason why you think the post is offending you.
Namecalling other users as "cunts, asswipes, fucking assholes" is highly offensive and against the forum rules.
Joined: Jul 2014
Yes, tx. Pick a fight with a moderator. I'm sure you'll win this one.
Joined: Jul 2014
Namecalling other users as "cunts, asswipes, fucking assholes" is highly offensive and against the forum rules. SO IS HARASSMENT. And you and others need to quit making excuses for it like it's my opinion because that's what you all do when I report someone. If someone calls me a troll then they're going to get called vulgar names, if someone says for people to ignore me I'm going to be excessively rude to them any way i feel like it. If people don't like my responses...too bad no one seemed to care about me being harassed. People don't like my language well I don't like being called a troll and having people harass me by announcing for others to put me on ignore. That's how it works. And if I get banned, then so be it...I get banned... Oh well I'm a big boy... The bottom line is that Harassment is against the TOS and calling someone a troll or blatantly announcing and off topic posting for people to ignore someone is harassment..But yet people are allowed to do it and then excuses are being made for them but then people complain about the way I speak to people harassing me instead of getting the concept to quit harassing me and I won't be rude...
Last edited by tx3000; 17/08/14 10:03 PM.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian