old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
NOTE: There is no public version of 1.0.131.
Hotfix version 1.0.132 August 22 - Larian_Octaaf Hi everyone,
We kept a close eye on your feedback on the latest patch and have put the following hotfixes live:
- HP Bug on loading - Changes to resistance cap that were supposed to be in the patch but did not make it in (zombie talent fix, can go over cap with potions and temporary effects)
We apologize for the inconvenience and if you have any more issues directly linked to the patch, please let us know. ---------------------------------------------------
Update V1.0.130 August 21 - Larian_Octaaf Hi everyone,
This update mostly brings some overdue fixes on the code and balancing side of things, although there are some small improvements to UI as well. Several story and ganeplay fixes have also been incorporated.
We've also done some re-balancing in the Dark Forrest area, which should hopefully make things a little more difficult.
You can check out the full changelist below:
Code fixes:
- Leech only works in your turn - Rotation corruption fix in savegames - Unique object fix - Allow resurrect skills when vision is blocked - Added level names to localization - Added combination stats to loca parser - Added journal to loca parser - Fixed loca parsing paths - Localization of secrets fixed - Fixed bleeding damage scale - Next character in UI follows order of the character chain - Localized level names in lobby - No more invisible armour after character creation - No more double dialog log line after load - Ability, talent and stat tooltips in character creation take level into account - Fixed combinations with skulls, bones and sinew - Fixed henchman rotation in henchman ui - Updated Iggy, support for a fallback font - Fixed faulty dialog cleanup - Fixed bad savegame crash, now throws an error - Updated Troll and deamon voices to be more brutal - Tuned texture streamer to fix some objects using a lower resolution than needed - Texture streamer is more responsive now - Fixed players not getting the kick or refused connection message - Fixed character "walking through walls" when experiencing connection problems
Mac specific:
- Fixed story random problem - Fixed memory crash - OpenGL experimental mode - Fixes to OpenGL renderer - Using 禅erminal app you can now enable following tweaks: 1) Precise mouse tracking for low-end systems and for 奏ouch to click functionality: defaults write com.larian.dos DelayMouseClicks -bool true 2) Completely disable any 礎leeding notification centre popups: defaults write com.larian.dos DisablePopups -bool true 3) Enable performance GL tweaks: defaults write com.larian.dos EnableExperimentalGL -bool true
User Interface:
- Added sorting in trade UI - No graphical artefact in scrolling of saveload, options, ... - Player portraits chain fix - Panel position reset fix - Improved long text visibility in dropdown menus - Enlarged container UI limit
Story and gameplay:
- Made summons a bit less interesting for default targeting (AI) - Totem should not debuff specializations - Clarified error message during character creation when you don't have required skills or talents - Fixed end dialog on some dialogs - Added sound effect to burning ship - Fixed quest lose condition of burning ship - Removed burning status when ship is destroyed - Fixed the gossip keyword - Fixed philospohy of death, book and quest - Fixed Snorri tomb icon - Moved William water well, he got back at the wrong location - Fixed the prison key, it used to lie on the ground but now it's in the guards pocket - Hiberheim watcher synchronizaiton fix, the trap is always in sync now - Lawrence and Nadia dialog fix - Removed Free personality, changed Spirit to Free Spirit personality - These are all combat fixes, also most DF characters have been remade with new root templates because the level override didn't always work turn ramon's chest indestructable
Note: for story and gameplay fixes, it is possible that a new game has to be started since not all story fixes can be pushed into existing savegames.
Editor fixes:
- Fixed painting terrain corruption - Fixed ai grid save problem - Fixed problem with loading certain mods - Fixed crash when entering game mode - Crash fix in script parsing
Last edited by LightningLockey; 22/08/14 08:15 PM.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Aug 2014
Larian - Can you help me understand why the 1.0.132 hotfix was necessary to fix a resistance cap issue in patch 1.0.130? There is no mention of a resistance cap change in the notes for 1.0.130.
As a customer, it is discouraging to me that you are not being transparent on the changes that you are making to the game that I bought from you. If you feel that you must modify my experience with my purchased product, please do me the courtesy of informing me of all the changes you are making to my experience in your published change list.
D:OS is the first of your products that I have purchased. I do consider how a vendor treats me as a customer when deciding upon future purchases.
I think you have a great product here, and I'm glad that by all indications on Steam that you have done well. I hope you've earned a healthy profit on this product and that it encourages you to offer products of similar quality in the future that will result in greater profits for you and another enjoyable experience for your customers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to one of your customers.
Joined: Aug 2014
I posted in another thread,but I think I should re-post it here.regarding to the resistance cap,I think maybe spiderweb's games can offer some insight.for example,the chest amor offers 20% resisance, then legs 20%,but in stead of being caculated as 20%+20%,it counts as 20%+(1-20%)*20%,and so on,if your hand gear has 20%,it's 20%+(1-20%)*20%+(1-20%-(1-20%)*20%)*20%.so without potions or temporary boosts,you'll never be able to reach 100% by equipments alone.
Joined: Mar 2003
There is an effort to include all changes in the notes, but with multiple fixes being worked on targeting different updates, things can often be missed (especially with small tweaks or rare bugfixes). Arguably, changing way resistances work should have been much harder to miss, but it is part of a larger set of balancing changes that are still being worked on, so maybe that is how it got missed.
Joined: Aug 2014
80% cap is for player only? I'm tired of skipping half of the turns just because some mobs are healed by any of my hits... It doesn't make fights harder, just long.
Zeros and ones are everything - execute me!
Joined: Jul 2013
I guess it's for players only. The enemies that get healed by elemental damage are usually enemies where it makes sense, e.g. elementals (against their element), demons (varies) or undead (poison). Against such enemies you should of course use a different weapon (better to keep a backup weapon ready).
Joined: Jul 2014
Great updates. Thanks for the patch notes. One question though, will environmental effects still keep affecting the cap? (i.e. under Rain your max water resistance unbuffed is 60, not 80?)
Joined: Jul 2013
AFAIK, as of now effects that lower your resistance practically lower the cap (i.e. if your total resistance is 130, but capped at 80, something that reduces your resistance by 20 will lead to a total of 80-20=60, not 130-20=110, again capped to 80).
But please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Joined: Jul 2014
You are wrong, I just tested that.
Enviromental effects do affect your cap. However you can go through cap with Shield Spells, Absorb Elements and potions.
So if you total is 80 and you get wet, you go to 60, but if you use Water Shield, it will go to 110.
Joined: Jul 2013
It doesn't exactly contradict what I said, it's just an extension of it. I was referring to the capped resistances you get from armour and talent bonuses. I should maybe have mentioned that you can go beyond the caps with spells and potions since the hotfix to 1.0.132. Sorry if I was a bit ambiguous there.
Joined: Jul 2014
No problem mate, i failed my text interpretation check =D
Joined: Jul 2014
In the new patch 1.0.132 are again new texts that are not in the language file english.xml. Specifically, for example. "Free Spirit". You do it on purpose? Seriously you enjoy hinder translators work? What is so hard about it just to add? Every little intelligent creature would automatically add it right to have an overview of what is and is not finished. Just for you to be constantly doing the double. In one patch put new texts that are just and only English, and then we hope that you think of it in any other patch to fix!
Joined: Aug 2014
Why Storm and Infectious Flame spells damage my own party? Sometimes Storm hits and stuns 2-3 times my chars ONLY! Totally ridiculous 
Zeros and ones are everything - execute me!
Joined: Jul 2014
The change does make the game significantly harder...from what i noticed...and much harder on hard mode...
Joined: Aug 2013
The change does make the game significantly harder...from what i noticed...and much harder on hard mode... Well I never played with anyone having 100+ resistances anyway. I had maybe 80-85% on some characters by the time I got to the end boss. So the resistance 'nurf' will never really affect me. If you played in such a way that you really needed that kind of resistance then I'd say that's pretty cheesy. Just use cheat codes and make yourself invincible and be done with it.
Joined: Jul 2014
Your advice is to cheat? Bans for cheating and you should be ashamed ...
Joined: Aug 2013
Your advice is to cheat? Bans for cheating and you should be ashamed ... Why? I don't need to cheat. I'm able to play with those restrictions.
Last edited by LeBurns; 27/08/14 05:59 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
The change does make the game significantly harder...from what i noticed...and much harder on hard mode... Well I never played with anyone having 100+ resistances anyway. I had maybe 80-85% on some characters by the time I got to the end boss. So the resistance 'nurf' will never really affect me. If you played in such a way that you really needed that kind of resistance then I'd say that's pretty cheesy. Just use cheat codes and make yourself invincible and be done with it. I dont cheat, my way was to build a character who is immune, took me a while to get the gear i needed and a ton of luck...the reason i luv this game so much is because it dosnt force a particular gameplay on a person...my way was to max resistances...thats how i play...
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian