Joined: Aug 2008
Hi everyone, Today's patch contains over 150 improvements and more are coming. FYI, we'll soon be organizing a Larian Devline where you can talk directly to our developers and suggest further improvements. You'll also be able to tell us what you'd like to see in our future RPGs. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date on when the first Larian Devline will be hosted. Here is the changelog: Patch v1.0.219: Story/Game play: - Fixed start of fight conditions for Witch Cabin fight with Immaculate Mage
- Fixed Arrest scenes in Cyseal (mortician for example), while using a forbidden door during arrest sequence
- Fixed issue with Watcher/imps quest not completing
- Fixed companion dialogues when they were being triggered at the same time in multi-player
- Fixed issue with performing crimes when the guards are already talking to another player
- Fixed dialogue issue with Zixzax in Luculla forest (Homestead attack warning)
- Added reactions when characters are blinded
- Prevent start listening when already in a dialogue
- Fixed issue where sheathe/unsheathe state could get out of sync
- You can listen to NPC's too now, instead of only player characters
- Added option to turn off camera shake
- Fixed issue where a sitting animation could get stuck
- Projectiles can be shot over knocked down enemies now
- Fixed issue when a peer disconnects during listening
- Fixed issue where characters sometimes stop following their master
- "Target is out of sight" is shown now instead of "Target is too far" when blinded
- When healing someone in combat, you will immediately join the combat as well
- No longer possible to fumble applying wet status
- Dialogue history is synced to characters who join in a dual dialogue now
- Fixed issue where names disappeared from the dialogue logs after a load
- It is no longer possible to send teleporter pyramids to the homestead
- Added armor damage UI element
- Fixed issue where the combat log got smaller after each load
- Weapon damage % is now always shown in skill descriptions
- Fixed game freeze in the lobby menu, when failing to join a Steam lobby through the Steam tool
- Fixed several crashes reported to us via support mails. Thank you!
Interface: - Fixed issue with "almost broken" icon not showing on equipment
- Items that require targeting now also show active state in tool bar
- Remove active animation in tool bar when slot is cleared
- Combat log resize now uniform with resizing chat log
- Fixed journal for keeping element in view
- Journal: scroll into view disabled
- Combat log scroll issue fixed
- Combat log: fixed getting smaller after load
Code: - Fixed crash when removing items from story
- Skill descriptions now always show amount of damage from weapon, even if it's 100%
- Extra support for playing specific effects on skills
- Fixes for main menu and create profile specifically for the Mac AppStore
- Fixed AI personalities for 3-way dialogues
- Gender of player character now stays correct after transform (e.g. after char creation or respec)
- It is no longer possible to send the teleporter pyramids to the Homestead
- Consumables can now do damage
- 4Player Mod crash fix
- Mac: OS X Yosemite compatibility fixes
- Mac: Game Center Integration so that users can connect cross-platform
- Mac: Arrow keys are now correctly mapped for the interface (Load/Save) & World 銑 and 閃 keys did not close their respective panels
- Mac: Added Multi-threaded OpenGL renderer (use defaults write com.larian.dos ThreadedGL -bool true)
- Mac: Added automatic workaround for Yosemite users with the following cards:
NVidia 330M NVidia 320M NVidia 9400 based NVidia 8600 based If the game locks up for you in Yosemite please use the following command in the Terminal: defaults write com.larian.dos ShaderBasedClear -bool true After that, please send us the name and brand of your video card. Combat: - Rebalanced troll zombie near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced shambling mound near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced fire skeletons near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced stats of a lot of characters in Hiberheim and Luculla
- Tweaked script priorities of some Dark Forest characters
- Rebalanced the undead in the Temple of the Dead in the Phantom Forest so that these fights are more challenging (late game stats)
- Fixed stats for characters in the Luculla Mines
- Fixed equipment for Luculla Immaculate students
- All goblins can now carry Tenebrium items without getting rot
- Can no longer teleport Guardian in Hiberheim
- AI will no longer make ally invisible if ally is kd, stunned, petrified or weak and will prefer melee chars
- Fixed Infernal Chimera script in Cyseal
- Fixed range for Spiderling in Black Cove
- Fixed water ball disappearing in Giant Spider fight in Black Cove
Skills: - Daggers Drawn fix: now costs 6 AP instead of 8 AP because a single dagger attack costs 2 AP
- Vampiric Touch fix: now does as much damage as the caster heals from it
- Voodoo Dolls fix: now costs 4 AP instead of zero
- Flurry does less damage if you do not keep your STR up to level
- All healing Skills are tweaked so that the higher level healing skills are better than the low level healing skills
- Fixed Cloak and Dagger so that it now does leave a smoke cloud on jump
- The damage of Flare, Small Fireball, Ice Shard and Blitz Bolt now levels up less aggressively
- Piercing Ice Shard does a little more damage as you invest more in INT
- Teleportation does less damage if you do not keep your INT up to level
- Survivors Karma costs 6 AP now and also affects critical chance
- Trip fix: Trip no longer requires a dagger
- Clarified Cloak And Dagger tooltip
- Clarified Flurry and Daggers Drawn tooltip
- Fixed saving throws for Vampiric Touch, Soul Sap, Nullify Resistances, Lower Resistances
- Damage boosts of Oath of Desecration and Rage no longer stack
Design and balancing: - Sneaking characters no longer trigger Attack of Opportunity
- Balanced Arhu's stats, skills and equipment
- Arhu now has the same stats and skills and equipment in all the regions
- Blocked off areas in Luculla Forest where you could walk over lava
- Fixed greeting nodes of Alfie, Homestead elementals, Dark Forest spirit and Jinxika so that voices fit
- Sentinel statues in King's Tomb have no use so they are no longer clickable (this was confusing)
- Fixed reset of guards in Luculla when they die
- Added extra check for waypoint shrine teleport in Homestead to only happen when the active region is the Homestead
- Trade option fix for shared dialogs when the clicked actor isn't the first speaker
- You can no longer talk to Ralfie after the Kadraskaz fight; if you have Pet Pal, he will talk to you
- Healing skills now actually last as long as the tooltip says they do
- Braccus' axe drop is now human size and not oversized
- Poisoned food now also does poison damage instead of only setting the poisoned status
- Fixed item combos: Orc horn, big chicken claw, Mysterious fabric dye
- Fixed Acid Breath skillbook and scroll name (was Ooze Spray)
- Fixed "OneShot" Automated Dialog triggers (e.g. Orc in Luculla prison never entered dialog and never became hostile)
- Fixed tooltips for items that said "Equip: x AP" when they should have said "Use: x AP" because you cannot equip an apple
- Fixed consume setting for bone item so that item does what tooltip says
- Added 4 Kickstarter henchmen
- Fixed Maradino using Elemental Havoc
- Fixed Spider in Black Cove skipping turns
- Fixed digging spot in Luculla Mine
- Fixed Wolf in Hiberheim saying "Vengeance"
- Fixed Fear conditions of Rafflesia in Luculla
- Fixed Demon dialog in Dark Forest
- Fixed missing text in Rat catcher dialog, Well dialog, Wardens dialog
- Fixed animation used on enemies when casting Mass Slow
- Fixed mix up of names for Fiery Heart and Bottle of Swirling Mud
- Fixed ADs of prisoners in Silverglen
- Fixed stats of Weresheep armor
- Fix for spamming "locked" on open door in Inner Sanctum
- Fix for mushrooms in Luculla looping dialog
- Fixed AI grid in the Immaculate cathedral in Luculla
- Fixed faction of the Luculla Mushrooms and their summons as they enter combat
- Fixed Maelodia opening doors
- Special arrows now either do no damage, half weapon damage, or full weapon damage, nothing in between
- Fix for quickly clicking disappearing forcefield in Boreas' castle
- Fixed trading with Bicky
- Fixed dialog in Cyseal Warehouse
- Fix for touching Bairdotr's cage after she is freed through teleportation
- Fix for Esmeralda's door closing
- Fix for Braccus fight exploit
- Fix for Boreas fight exploit
- Fixed Mortician and General Store signs
- Moved key to Esmeralda's basement to a less obvious place
- Fix for Jareth being mentioned after he's dead
- Moved around magical blocking boosts in the generation classes so that there is one per class
- Too many different shields were available at low level, treasure generation will no longer choose the weak shields to drop
- Magic generation will generate less elemental resistance boosts on equipment other than shields
- Magic will no longer generate immunity boosts to crippled, petrified, stunned, frozen, on normal equipment, only on shields
- Improved elemental res boost on shields
- Can no longer sit on nightstands even if they do look a lot like barstools
- Magic generation can now select new crit boosts
- Arhu, Jake, Evelyn, Thelyron, Bellegar and Astarte have a chance to crit
Graphics: - Footstep effects for animals
- Effects for Fatality and Shadow Strike
- Fixed the Magical Unlock effect and animation
- Fixed Targeted Bless effect and added impact
- Characters no longer walk up in the air in the Knight's Tomb
- Updated icons (enemy portraits and items)
- Icons for Weresheep ghost, roasted pork, Well Teleport scroll, Pirate archer, Raw Meat
- Fixed floating scenery, water tiles, intersecting planes
- Fixed skinning in male hero's neck
Sound: - New sound effects and ambiances
Editor: - Fixed a lot of stability issues in the Divinity Engine
- Exposed death type to scripts
As always, thank you for all the feedback!
Last edited by Larian_QA; 30/10/14 11:48 AM.
Joined: Oct 2014
So no fix yet for the Savegame issue?
Basically the game stopped saving any kind of saves after a while of playing, no autosaves, quicksave does nothing, and manual named saving does nothing either Just had it last Sunday.
Last edited by Stabu; 30/10/14 03:01 PM. Reason: wrong link
Joined: May 2013
no fix for missing PowerStance Sound? no dual wielding? no new Difficulty Level?
Last edited by john carmack; 30/10/14 03:43 PM.
Joined: Sep 2014
So no fix yet for the Savegame issue?
Basically the game stopped saving any kind of saves after a while of playing, no autosaves, quicksave does nothing, and manual named saving does nothing either Just had it last Sunday.
There wasn't some time switching during this time (as it was for me with daylight saving)? 
Joined: Oct 2014
Since this patch, clicking items on the toolbar (such as to switch weapons or equipment with) now removes the item from the toolbar for me.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2014
I for one, will say that this patch is amazing. Great job. Besides fixes, which are awesome if not terribly exciting, there are dozens of significant balance changes, all of which look like they're in the right direction.
Special arrows now either do no damage, half weapon damage, or full weapon damage, nothing in between
I imagine this means that some arrow types (pure utility, like charm) do no damage, some of them like (partially utility, silver arrows) do half, and some (like damage arrows like fire), do full. This should be a good incentive to use the damage special arrows, which tended to be on the weak side since they costed more AP but usually did less damage.
Moved around magical blocking boosts in the generation classes so that there is one per class Too many different shields were available at low level, treasure generation will no longer choose the weak shields to drop Magic generation will generate less elemental resistance boosts on equipment other than shields Magic will no longer generate immunity boosts to crippled, petrified, stunned, frozen, on normal equipment, only on shields Improved elemental res boost on shields Magic generation can now select new crit boosts
Some great rebalancing of equipment, though that's a lot of shield buffs (even if they're buffs only because all other equipment is being nerfed). I don't quite get what the first point implies. I guess it means that every type of shield now has one kind of blocking boost it can get? Reduction of elemental res boosts on gear is exactly the kind of anti-resistance inflation I was hoping for.
Most of the skill changes look great. Not sure about increasing dependency on stats for certain skills, but it's only a couple relatively powerful skills, so that's fine. Excited for rogue skill rebalances, especially trip not requiring a dagger. And survivor's karma buff was much needed. I suppose the stat changes to individual fights are a sort of precursor to hardcore mode, and those should help for now. I imagine the game is already a lot harder with the reduced resists and improved enemies, but it probably needs more.
I too was hoping for the hardcore mode and other big changes, but I can wait longer so they're really implemented properly.
Last edited by Baardvark; 30/10/14 06:50 PM.
Joined: Oct 2006
Thanks for the patch (not tested yet). One detail, about a fix: "Target is out of sight" is shown now instead of "Target is too far" when blinded. In French, the translation is now pretty good and complete, at my eyes (I could not quote some details), but I think this exact point is still bizarre at least it was still bizarre before this last, patch. The French translation for "Target is out of sight" is blinded is French.  It's like keys in inventory, still translated as Touches meaning only keys of keyboard and not at all keys to open lock. 
Joined: Aug 2014
Ok ... there is stil no action for Speedruner ... maybe one day you will fixe the Beer Barrel glitch. And if for u that a logical use of trics and skill, well that just very sad ... vid駮 : http://www.twitch.tv/mrogam/c/4755223post : http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=57678&Number=548280#Post548280No more Compagnion ... No solo character mod ... (and of cours the game with mod for doing this will be brokken with in some place) No dual Wielding or difficulty lvl (like said before) ... Still a good jobs, i am not idiot, but some fix in the patch note aren't so important than add feature or solve major bugs and glitch. OR maybe you just don't care about runners ?
Joined: Jun 2014
The Oct 30 patch fixes the arrow keys for the Mac but the numpad for the PC is still not functioning properly. Why not?
Joined: Oct 2014
So no fix yet for the Savegame issue?
Basically the game stopped saving any kind of saves after a while of playing, no autosaves, quicksave does nothing, and manual named saving does nothing either Just had it last Sunday.
There wasn't some time switching during this time (as it was for me with daylight saving)? There was, but this has happened before that as well, oh and the game is a multiplayer.
Joined: Mar 2003
Basically the game stopped saving any kind of saves after a while of playing Did you try verifying local files? In the Steam library, right click on Divinity Original Sin and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache...' button. Are you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? Have you moved or changed permissions for your My Documents folder? Do you have enough fre space left on the drive it is on? Usually either of those would produce an error message, though, rather than the save process simply not starting. Try starting the game directly from the '..\SteamApps\common\Divinity - Original Sin\Shipping\EoCApp.exe' program file, by right clicking and running as administrator. If you create a new profile and start a new game can you save and load? If so, copy your latest save over from the old profile to the new one and continue from there. Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. If a new profile doesn't help, a cleaner test would be to browse to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Divinity Original Sin' subfolder. This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. After that, start D:OS, create a new profile and see if you can start a new game and save/load. If so, exit and then copy a couple saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's savegames folder. If that lets you load the saves and re-save, move the rest of the saves over. If that doesn't work either, delete the new My Documents D:OS folder and rename the original back again. If that doesn't help, please email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file generated by the D:OS support tool (for the PC version). The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size, you can delete all but one save from the zip, since the problem is not directly related saves themselves (unless possibly a new save is fine but an existing save in a recreated profile displays the same symptoms).
Joined: Feb 2014
Thanks for the patch, the OSX Yosemite problem is gone. I can play now (and sorry for the runners waiting for a big update, at least I can play now)
Joined: Sep 2014
This is great! So many tweaks. Wonderful! ... Too bad for me that I can't PLAY the game. = Waiting for ability to REMAP the mouse keys since I can only play with left hand. (And the game overrides everything else key binding wise apparently.) ... I still can't believe this is even an issue. (!?) It's just incredibly frustrating when you backed the game with your money and time and input, and then you get screwed out of playing it at all. ... Cheers, Bonafidelife
Last edited by Bonafidelife; 31/10/14 09:03 AM.
Joined: Jun 2014
The Oct 30 patch fixes the arrow keys for the Mac but the numpad for the PC is still not functioning properly. Why not? Please fix this.
Joined: May 2013
fix for Power-Stance Sound still missing !!!
Last edited by john carmack; 31/10/14 09:28 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
A quick and, perhaps, silly question if I may. Do I need to start anew to see all changes implemented? The reason I am asking is because one of the changes was that vampiric touch damages the target equally to what it heals. However, upon loading a game I saw no change. The damage was about 180 and it healed only 77.
P.S.: Also for some reason I am missing sounds for Ranger power and precision stances for Bairdotr.
Last edited by Elidar; 31/10/14 11:00 PM.
Joined: May 2013
A quick and, perhaps, silly question if I may. Do I need to start anew to see all changes implemented? The reason I am asking is because one of the changes was that vampiric touch damages the target equally to what it heals. However, upon loading a game I saw no change. The damage was about 180 and it healed only 77.
P.S.: Also for some reason I am missing sounds for Ranger power and precision stances for Bairdotr. All power-stance sounds are missing!!!
Joined: Aug 2013
In this version(1.0.219) I encountered a strange bug, related to the battle with Boreas. After the combat is started and we attack Boreas' sentinels he begins to run around the battlefield during other characters' turns. He still seems to be affected by combat mechanics - we can attack him, he triggers attacks of opportunity(though he does not use abilities). Also, sometimes he randomly teleports to other places. In his own combat turn he seems to behave normally. Additionally, the game is continued from previous version(the one before this patch, can't remember exact number). I use gog.com version of the game. The game was started as multiplayer, though bug appears even if I continue alone
Last edited by Khaelenmore; 01/11/14 02:54 PM.
Joined: Nov 2014
I have the GoG version. Previous patch the sounds associated with the burning ship in Cyseal functioned but after patching to 1.0.219 the ship is back to having no sounds with only the sailors dumping buckets.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian