I am not impressed with this guide. It's bad.
"The Enchanter is similar to Jahan, so I'll just assume that you are also going to take Jahan."
You don't even consider for a second that maybe this character will replace Jahan. That's a massive oversight. You give the rest of your advice based on the idea that you no longer have water as a skill.
"Get the spider summon and remove Bitter Cold because you no longer have water. Also maybe get fire."
At this point, It seems to me like you do not actually understand the concept of an Enchanter. Summons distract enemies, Enchanters manipulate them. Earth is questionable, as it has a summon and later on a knockdown. Fire is definitely useless for an Enchanter build, all it adds is damage.
"With 9 Intelligence you are becoming quite a damaging machine at this moment."
Okay, now I KNOW you do not understand the concept of an Enchanter. An Enchanter is NOT about being a DPS machine. At all. They are really more about battlefield control, comboing water and air to stun and freeze, with some witchcraft for other debuffs.
The spider summon doesn't fit with that type at all, and going heavy into Earth just makes no sense, as it only really has one CC spell with the boulder drop.
Fire does not fit at all as it is pure damage, no control. Just make an Earth-Fire wizard if DPS is what you want.
Your guides also tend to focus on specific starting stats, but what really makes an specific build is the ROLE a character plays. It's the specific skills that a role focuses on that makes them that build.
Wizards focus on Earth and Fire to combo poison and fire into explosions for big damage. Witches combine Earth and Witchcraft into buffs and debuffs. Enchanters combine Air and Water for crowd control. With those roles in mind, pick specific skills to fit the roles.
Last edited by Stabbey; 15/01/15 02:13 PM. Reason: roles