knew about the engine part, yeah

Just thought it'd be out of topic;
If both end up TB (for the love of god no RTwP) and we cannot have real time, perhaps a mini UI that pops up by pressing 'magic' skill? Gathered runes can be listed in the left/right, rest of the space for ingraving or something similar?
And assuming the lack of real-time inherent difficulties (draw while running/kiting/dodging), it would need to have some element of difficulty that could be derived from other elements:
- combos would be a touch more complicated, like 3+ runes at least
- maybe the dedicated party caster would need some profession/skill such as engraving. Farm mats to draw/paint with, or at least craft the runes themselves. Find books to read how maybe.
- a chance of failure if at the time of carving there is a debuff active (a-la DnD concetration)
- one spell memorised/active, the rest can be drawn in the middle of combat, but costs AP to bring the UI up
- You could add lore/alignment to it too if you'd have such a system..some runes can only be attained the 'wrong' way?
Could be cool

Of course the 'gogogo' crowd might have a fit seeing that, lol, wtfwheresmyfireball, but i think it added such a depth back then..
Let me remind you of something.. that? ^^