old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2014
Alright, makes sense. Definitely would be a pain to test story stuff without the editor (testing simple changes with Scales has been tedious but doable.)
Joined: Jan 2016
Oh I'm afraid I can't do that... I'm a retired modder and for reasons I care not to explain I'm setting myself away from being involved with anything.
And besides, my knowledge is only on 3D (and I don't think I'm even that good), I know almost nothing about modding D:OS specifically. I don't even know what the Resource Manager you speak of is. Is it the D:OS editor or a tool developed by the community?
But, if anyone has any particular 3D related question (be it directly about 3D and/or textures/maps) feel free to ask, and I'll gladly answer to the best of my ability.
And to shortly answer to the rest of your query:
About Animations: Thanks to Norbyte's tool, you can import and export animations, so you can edit and/or replace them for sure. I only tested importing so far and it works.
I can't say if its possible to add new animations in a sense that those would have to be "hooked" to an action. So that would require for you to build those actions first. I've already stumbled upon the LSF that has the list of all animations and other assets used by any character, so I would believe that adding new actions/animations will most likely be possible.
Armors: I'm sure its possible, but its pretty much like the animation assets, you have to first create the data to be usable in game, so it can call whatever asset you want. I can't really talk about adding new armors or how they relate to the "slots" concept. I don't really think there are slots (at least not as Skyrim has them), but I'm sure you can certainly influence meshes from being visible or not, because bracers for example, are hidden if you equip a Robe. I don't think this is hardcoded. So basically you would only have to create an item, assign a mesh to that item, that when equipped displays and/or hides on the character. D:OS makes extensive use of Alpha maps in order to normallly show/hide/tint the textures/meshes, so in my opinion hiding meshes are being controlled by alphas, rather than slots.
In general, although sometimes its not so easy to find information about how to edit/add something specific, you can always just browse the LSF/LSB/LSXs to find out where certain things exist. Even the Classic D:OS game editor will be useful for you on this, because if you want to know how to do something in the EE LSFs, you can just do it on the editor, save your mod, and see what changes/LSBs exist. For example, I wanted to see if you could scale the characters, since I didnt knew how to do it, I did it on the editor (technically a friend did it for me, as I don't have it installed), looked up the LSBs it created, and then easily found out where to change that.
Last edited by Vector; 01/02/16 07:23 AM.
Joined: Sep 2015
Thanks for answering! Resource Manager is a tool included in the Editor which allows to add new models, textures, materials, sounds, effects, animations and (character and item) scripts. It looked as if you could assign animations to predefined actions (walking, attacking etc.) here, to make your model use its animations ingame (if I remember correctly). I was hoping to find some advice how to do that. As soon as I have some free time I'll look into that and, maybe, post what I found out. Thank you anyway!
Armors: Yeah, I imagined something like that. Should be possible for me to find out. If there are some 3D questions, I'll be glad to participate in your knowledge!
Joined: May 2016
any chance, Gr2Converter gets the capability of decoding compressed .gr2 files ?
Joined: Apr 2013
So far I've only seen one or two compressed meshes in DOS so it was not really worth the effort. The compression used in GR2 is proprietary (Oodle0/Oodle1) and is quite hard to reverse engineer. Is there a specific mesh you need this for?
Joined: May 2016
Does anyone know why my meshes would appear sort of.....blocky in game? They look very polygon-ish, if that makes sense.
It looks like the problem is happening in blender, because I am able to convert to .dae and back to .gr2 using the tool and the effect doesn't happen. But if I import into blender, then export, THEN convert using the tool, I get the blocky effect.
Been banging my head against this for a while now, would really appreciate any insights that anyone might have.
Joined: Apr 2013
Hi Ashryu,
Can you attach the original and modified .DAE files so I can examine them?
Joined: May 2016
After messing around some more I got the process to work with freshly extracted .GR2 files. The reason this one in particular isn't working with blender has to have something to do with me getting it off of the Divinity Nexus. Thanks for the reply though.
Also, thank you very much for writing these tools!
Last edited by Ashryu; 26/05/16 12:15 AM.
Joined: May 2016
Actually I am not using it for DOS. I am playing around with the models of EVE Online. There is an .gr2 Exporter existing for this game (called Tri-Exporter). The issue is that it seems not being able to handle multiple UV maps in granny files it just exports data for just one, while there is no doubt there must be several within the file based on the texture maps that are used.
So I was sooooo happy when I saw that there is an exporter out there that seems to be more capable .... but unfortunately yours cant handle the compression. :-/
Joined: Apr 2013
Can you upload a few compressed samples somewhere and I'll see what I can do about the compression and UVs.
Joined: Apr 2013
Updated the tool to v1.6.1! Available here: https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/nb-stor/dos/ExportTool-v1.7.2.zipChanges: - Add support for half-float UV formats - Support multiple UV sets (currently up to 2) - Add support for compressed GR2 files* * you need to copy granny2.dll to the exporters' directory to do this, as redistributing that file violates the RAD game tools license
Joined: Jul 2016
Always getting same error trying to convert .dae-.gr2 "System.ArgumentException: Class doesn't have a vertex format descriptor" ...
tried exporting .dae from max, maya and blender always getting same result. any help?
Joined: Jul 2016
nice, works fine. thanks!
Joined: Sep 2016
Trying to conform back into the gr2 and i get this message.
Export failed!
failed to conform skeleton: No matching mesh found in source file for mesh 'CP_M_Body_AMesh'. Check bone counts and ordering.
Joined: Apr 2013
Which GR2 did you export to DAE, and which did you select for the conform option? Is it CP_M_Body_AMesh for both? In that case, make sure that your exporter tool exports the mesh using the same name as the original imported name; otherwise it may fail to find the correct mesh.
Joined: Sep 2016
Sorry I figured out what I was doing wrong. I dont know what conforming to the original mesh is for but it appears it is not neccessary. I do however not understand why some of the meshes refuse to be changeable. I do everything correctly without error and yet for some reason some meshes just dont seem to be loading the loose files so it is impossible to alter them. They just ignore the modified files and load the default ones. It is strange. I have noticed the orcs as well as the wooden shield and metal shield so far. Any idea about this?
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I've been using this a bit to experiment with whatever's packaged in D:OS II and I'm really rather impressed with the scope of what it can do. So far I've extracted the PAKs, and even converted a mesh to get it into Blender and then back into the game. It mostly works (er, by which I mean "I can mostly work it") but the one thing I can't get to work is UV maps: somewhere in between converting the mesh to Collada format and then slurping it into Blender (v2.75) the UV is going missing. I suspect it's something I'm doing wrong, especially as 2.75 is a bit of an unknown to me: as much as I hate 2.49's interface, I've resisted changing to something new until I've basically been forced to do so.  Granny Viewer shows that the UV is there in the original GR2 so I figure I'm using the wrong options somewhere along the line. For the record, Granny Viewer can't read the newly created GR2, though that's probably because I'm using a really ancient version that appears to be dated 2008.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Apr 2013
somewhere in between converting the mesh to Collada format and then slurping it into Blender (v2.75) the UV is going missing The default Collada importer in v2.77 displays UVs just fine for me. Granny Viewer can't read the newly created GR2, though that's probably because I'm using a really ancient version that appears to be dated 2008 Not even the v2.8.49.0 (the version D:OS 2 uses) Granny Viewer can open them. It appears that the D:OS EE and D:OS 2 GR2 files use a different header signature that the Viewer doesn't recognize. A workaround is to save them in the (old) D:OS format.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'll give v2.77 a try, then! But I'll give it a try tomorrow when I'm slightly more awake: I feel like I should have my wits about me (such as they are) when I do anything with Blender. In the meantime, are there any tickboxes in the export pane I should tamper with, or are the default values reasonable enough to keep my meddling hands well away?
I should also maybe add that I'm not doing any serious remeshing or planning anything especially ambitious, I'm mostly just curious to see what's possible.
J'aime le fromage.
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