You need to start shouldering the weight of success in terms of what it entails for your community and how that should be run/relegated. You are big enough now for people to be critical of factors beyond the ingame-related. Sorry guys

We can give you a lot more visibility, a lot more power. Given the tools:
- pictures! Each and every team/support/larian related member must have their own picture as their avatar. It does wonders. I know so many of you by face, but your names? Nope. This has to change.
a) i will see two, three posts by one of you at most, and that is it, i will always, always have a name matching a face. Recognition. I do not need to explain said potential further.
b) standing out. Both in the sense of my suddenly paying attention (i saw pic i know it's one the "guys"), and in the sense of say a long post-train where i may or not be bothered to read through, but will pause at your post regardless. Because of the avatar. Discernible.
- Help us help you. Elect or 'elevate' some of us in a position that will lead newer members to us. And not you. Be it for help, advice, or even troubleshooting (on a superficial, user friendly level of course). You neeeed that. Give said people badges, so that they stand out (just badges, because see avatars above). Give them a tag/title. "Rivellon tourguide" for your helpers to give an example. Same with regions. You have a regular poster that speaks a non German/French/English language? See if he can be bothered. "Lexicon scribe".
- some forums have a little clickie on their /home page, where people can click and see a detailed list of who is who. Moderators, community helpers (see above?), Devs, community manager(s). You need that. On the home page, not within subtopics like you have it now.
- Names should match people! Vometia!? Cool name

But i'd prefer to know it's 'x' guy or girl. Helps me relate, feel closer. I have some crude level of interaction with this person. I therefore have or develop some degree of empathy towards said person. I therefore care more. Good thing for a customer.
- motivate us! I spend insane hours in forums, the least of which here. Even so, have a look at how many times a day i log in/stay online. Really, search me. Now search how many posts i have made. See the discrepancy? We need the little, crappy, superfluous little things every big forum has to offer.
a) Open a general discussion, but to be moderated for RPGs general discussion alone.
b) give us functionality. Xenforo if your current UBB cannot offer all the little things Xenforo platform does. From forum layout customisation, to clickies to inserts to everything.
c) the most important of all. I know you read the Codex. Seen the "brofists"? An easy 1/4 if not more of the posts there are done for brofist harvesting. Same with most forums that have said "like" tag function. It is petty, but we all crave reputation, recognition. Give us that, and you will see a triple benefit:
c)1) people care more about how they express themselves. They want the 'like' 'cool' 'agree' tag. Self-moderating, cheapest and most effective.
c)2) people are motivated to try and research, read, think things through prior to posting.
c)3) people post more. A LOT more. You want that. See Google algorythms and numbers of site visits. See below for linking this to your games.
(all this will both attract and keep more people to you)
- on your (hopefully new) forum's main page, you need a link to Swen's blog. Pronto. You need any forum registered user to be able to post on said blog. If too late, make said blog redirect people here in order to comment. Profit.
- on your (hopefully new) forum's main page, you need a link to your steam /products page. I mean openly, not like now. I want to see the registered Steam icon and logo. Recycle the view circles. And not on the top. See below for that.
- on your (hopefully new) forum's main page, you need (where appliccable) links to each and every "social" media Larian account you have. Same principle. All of the above somewhere to the side.
Your top banner/header should either serve as your way of 'encouraging' people towards a specific action, or be reserved for the Studio logo. For example, as it stands right now? You are not named "" are you? :p
- Have one moderator or elevated player hand-pick one, just one forum post a week, or even biweekly for starters, that a Dev team member will get to answer. Highlight and sticky said topic. Makes us read, makes us get involved. Makes us feel we matter.
- Occasionally come and post. Nothing to show care (from your side) like your odd popping in to say a one liner and disappearing again. Again petty, but it all adds up.
- Larian archive. Each and every video, presentation, game show you have done, participated or got involved in. Have it accessible from here. Your own forums. Embedded Youtube links work from here, link and view numbers still count elsewhere as well since they are linked. Again profit.