old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
I've actually been really hesitant on the Physical collectors edition over the Oujia board. Going by how the campaign is going, they will most likely sell out by the end. I might just get the $100 one. I really don't want a Oujia board in my house, it is a very unwelcomed item.
I'm sure all stretch goals will be met, especially if they do a fundraiser party at the end like last kickstarter. Which was a lot of fun.
Speaking of which-they should add some more $200+ tiers as the current ones just sold out... this is just crazy!
Last edited by LightningLockey; 31/08/15 10:13 PM.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Jan 2008
Tbh, I'm getting the ouija due to the tier I'm taking, but I do not like it.You can call me silly or disrespect my beliefs as a christian that you should not seek out evil (although larian community I would be very dissapointed in you if you did) but I think we all have the right to have our own opinion about that.I'm not saying don't use it because I'm aware a lot of people do not feel the same, but why include it in all higher physical tiers?Right now I'm paying money for something I will throw away, which is a not very eco friendly (luckily it's wood).
Last edited by dwelfusius; 02/09/15 12:49 PM.
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
One question that's niggling away at me, is the inclusion of a ouija board really any worse than the name "Divinity: Original Sin"? Especially a game series that involves quite serious matters such as violence, spirits, necromancy, demons and so on. To be clear, I'm not dis'ing anyone's beliefs here and as I mentioned previously, I'm a Christian myself; I just think that for me personally, there's no end of worrisome things that have rather greater importance to me.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jan 2008
for me yes since that all is fiction, in a fictional world.The name is not bothersome to me because even if borrowed from biblical terms it has no bearing on it. The ouija board however is a physical attribute used to actively and willingly call out spirits and what not (for shits and giggles or in seriousness doesn't matter).There is no room for ambiguity there, that is what it is made for.Now whether you have a problem with that or not due to believing/not believing in it is everybody's own personal business.
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue.
Joined: Apr 2013
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. That or you could pledge at lower level and not get the collector's edition.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2011
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. But don't forget to make a youtube vid for us.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. That or you could pledge at lower level and not get the collector's edition. Or not pledge at all and purchase the game on release.
Last edited by Demonic; 03/09/15 09:06 AM.
Joined: Jan 2008
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. This is basically paying for something to throw it away which isn't very eco friendly now is it. Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. That or you could pledge at lower level and not get the collector's edition. I wish I could but I'm pleding for the redux tier because I want the hoodie and because I want to support larian in ensuring my future fun  as it were.
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
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Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
Destroy the Oojia board then. No one is forcing you to keep it, it's really a non-issue. This is basically paying for something to throw it away which isn't very eco friendly now is it. You can always sell it on Ebay if you do not want to destroy it.
Joined: Dec 2013
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Aug 2013
Oujia Boards are, I think, a pretty poor physical item to provide as a "reward." As this thread indicates, many people find them repellent for one reason or another--and then there's also the problem of originality--there's nothing original about a Oujia board--it's like id software using pentagrams everywhere in its games--Oujia Boards & pentagrams have been *done to death* in the popular culture. Enough is enough, imo.
I mean, it's actually sort of funny...can you imagine a "wish list" where the person wishes for a Oujia board?...;) I just can't make that leap, somehow.
Those who believe in dimensional realms different/higher than the one we presently inhabit (not an unscientific idea at all, actually) point out what it is about these boards that makes them uncomfortable--that they may be used by unsavory beings trying to "cross over" into our dimension/realm. As such things go it is difficult prove that out to the skeptic for all the obvious reasons...but at the same time I feel it is not an irrational concept at all. I don't think the actual Oujia board itself--as in its basic, physical components--is a problem or "magical", etc. But I think it possible that people using such a device in order to seriously try and contact beings from "the other side" may well open their minds up psychically to malevolence that is both sentient and directed. The people using the board may in effect become "receivers" for some kind of spiritual malevolence from another dimension--that is where the "danger" may well lie, if there is any danger at all.
It's actually amusing to discuss this as we all enjoy playing games in which magic & spells and ghosts and spiritual malevolence feature prominently...;) I think it would be rather narrow minded to simply sweep all such "Oujia board" sentiment away as ignorant propaganda or superstition. Superstition to me is throwing a pinch of salt over one's shoulder or walking around a ladder instead of under it, etc. Having a respectful, open-minded concern about using a Oujia board is simply erring on the side of caution, if it's nothing else, it seems to me.
I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)
Joined: Jan 2009
I fully agree. I refuse to have my photograph taken for any reason because it is well known that cameras steal pieces of your soul. I personally can attest to the veracity of this. As the result of some experiences in my personal life that I won't get into, I now have to be driven everywhere (no driver's license) and walk around covered from head to toe in tinfoil. It's very uncomfortable, but it's a small price to pay for soul security.
It's a shame that so few people realize the dangerous of these seemingly harmless objects.
Joined: Jun 2014
The board is more related to the the story of the game, as the sourcerer can all talk to spirits.
Besides that: I am actually myself on the fence about the collector's edition. Hardcover lore and art book sound great, but the cloth map was garbage my d:os. Will it be the same lousy thing again? In that case I have to agree, cut the board and give us instead as high quality large size cloth map. *shrugs* Or even just give us a digital vector version of your map and a licence to do it ourselves, quite sure it would look awesome on a high quality fabric when you use some stitching automaton for it.
edit: Oh and btw, Oujia boards are scientific explained since ages, nothing necessary superstitious about them anymore. Even when still quite a lot people are not aware how they really work. They are for sure just a game. ;-)
Last edited by Apocalypse; 05/09/15 02:04 PM.
Joined: Jan 2014
I'm at a loss when people willingly giving their money out to help create a game (they will eventually play) about witches, sorcerers, undead and/or nightmarish creatures, the realm of the Dead, demons, so on and so forth, still feel offended, concerned or put at risk by a reward's folklore about... the realm of the Dead, demons, witches and evil spirits.
You do see the paradox, right ?
Should I be nailing owls on my front door, though ? All this talk about evil spirits has made me uneasy.
Last edited by Maali; 05/09/15 02:29 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
Well, the new addition of physical add-ons makes it easy for you to get the other stuff in the CE now without the oujia board. Nice offering by Larian, their new tiers and add-ons are really accommodating. See Update #6 .
Joined: Jan 2014
Hooboy. Well, since we're all sharing opinions, here's one more: I think the Ouija board adds nothing attractive to the Collector's Edition because I think Ouija boards are pointless, nonsense items that I'll ultimately get zero entertainment out of. I thought they were silly when I was a little kid, and I think they're even sillier now. In other words, it's a useless thing taking up space in the box that could have been filled with something actually cool and strongly related to the game. Doubly so as this seems to be the "big ticket item" in the CE. That's just.. *really* disappointing. It sounds like there may or may not have been a vote on what to shove in that CE box at some point.. if so, I missed it (my fault), but I'll just say this: man, those of you who voted on this item sure know how to make a bullet list of rewards far, far less attractive to someone like me.  You might as well have stuck a lump of coal in the CE box. Please don't vote on anything else. :P
Joined: Nov 2007
How about Larian simply makes something like a set of 2 pyramids? They could be paperweights or salt/pepper shakers...
Joined: Oct 2013
To be honest, themed salt shakers and a pepper mill with ceramic grinders (both with caps!) would be awesome  They could be made from hard wood, sculpted to look like the wood elf... I just wanna bring this up, but for me Collectors Editions are only worth something when whatever is in it has some actual function. Anno 1404 comes to mind, it came with a working compass in a properly crafted wooden/metal/leather box styled like something you'd find on a ship in the 1400s.... Imagine that! That was a kick-ass collectors edition and I actually use the box and compass to this day (granted, the compass is cheap, it has nothing on a modern gyrocompass or even your tablet GPS locator, but hey..)