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This was a major complaint that cropped up repeatedly during the original version of the game. I'm surprised and a little dismayed it isn't addressed in the enhanced edition, especially considering you added in a newer, tougher tactician mode for the people wanting an even harder, "make one mistake and it's time to quickload" mode.

Simply put, units still perform idle animations in combat. Because the game targets the actual unit model instead of a generic circle or shape the unit occupies, this means that a player can click on the unit, that unit moves during part of its idle animation at the same time the player clicks, and suddenly the mage is hoofing it towards that unit instead of firing their wand at it - turn wasted.

There's no action-confirmation step, as in XCOM, and there's no "sticky" targeting or "target the entire tile" as in Wasteland 2.

Quite simply, this makes the game unplayable for me, especially in co-op where quickloading is a much bigger pain in the ass. I'm sick to death of trying to use a wand mage or archer and have them end up wasting turns because the bad guy shrugged his shoulders two pixels at the last millisecond before I clicked, causing me to waste a turn and have to quickload because I basically just CC'd my character for one turn.

Why in the world wasn't this addressed for the enhanced edition? Can we please get this addressed quickly? I WANT to love this game, but this is by far the biggest thing preventing me from doing so, and it also prevents me from recommending this game to other fans of tactical turn-based strategy/RPG games. I guess I'll put this game back in the pile of "to be played" games, hoping the issue gets resolved in a patch in the upcoming months :-/

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Why is there still no pause function?

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Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
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I'd love a pause function. Especially one that didn't totally thrash my CPU & GPU when I'm afk, though it seems that's just standard for games nowadays. smirk

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The problem in the OP could partially be solved by clicking B to change camera view, and +1 for the pause button or if bringing up the main menu could stop the action (at least for casual difficulties).

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Zooming in on the unit, making use of the tactical view (B button) with unit outlines - both are options that can assist you in clicking on the right spot.

I prefer having idle animations playing rather than everyone standing around like a bunch of rigid figurines. And anyone who has needed to sneak some sort of ranged attack past a unit to hit something on the other side of it knows how advantageous the current pixel-perfect selection can be versus targeting some generic shape, so I'm glad they didn't just go with invisible cylinders and rectangles for collision detection.

A "pause animation" option (I stress "option") might be a good route for those that need it. Either that or add an optional confirmation box when movement commands are issued (accidentally or otherwise). Still, neither are absolutely necessary if you're actually using the tools mentioned above.

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Originally Posted by xiery
The problem in the OP could partially be solved by clicking B to change camera view, and +1 for the pause button or if bringing up the main menu could stop the action (at least for casual difficulties).

Yes, I'm aware of tactical view and zooming in, and I'm also aware that's a terrible half-assed solution to a problem that honestly shouldn't even have made it through focused playtesting. It still doesn't actually fix the problem, just makes it LESS LIKELY to occur.

Last edited by Vometia; 01/11/15 07:44 PM. Reason: formatting
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Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK
Yes, I'm aware of tactical view and zooming in, and I'm also aware that's a terrible half-assed solution to a problem that honestly shouldn't even have made it through focused playtesting. It still doesn't actually fix the problem, just makes it LESS LIKELY to occur.

Can you provide some screenshots of creatures that have such spastic idle animations that you can not reliably click on them when aiming center mass while zoomed in and using (or not using) the tactical view?

Anyway, in the end it really doesn't matter, and if you're truly having a problem with it there are already alternate solutions available which remove any need for further "fixes".

For one, when you're using a skill or spell, you don't have to click on the animated creature on the field to apply that skill/spell to them. You can just activate the skill/spell and then click on the portrait of the monster. The UI will highlight the opponent on the field as you mouse over each portrait, providing visual confirmation of your target (likewise, the UI will highlight the portrait of the NPC model you're currently mousing over, removing all of the guesswork). When you have the skill/spell queued and click on the appropriate portrait, the skill/spell will be used on that target in the field.

For normal (non skill/spell) attacks, you simply have to right-click on the target model in the field and select "attack" from the context menu that appears. Your character will then initiate a standard attack on that target.

Using both of these methods it is impossible for you to accidentally move towards your target instead of attacking it.

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Still don't understand why they haven't fixed this issue. I've wasted turns because of this issue. It look like I targeted the enemy but then my character ends up moving next to them, dammit. It's not like Larian doesn't have several options to fix this issue, like you said a pause function would be really nice.

Last edited by ZoddGuts; 02/11/15 01:56 AM.
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If you misclick, right-click immediately to stop moving.

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Originally Posted by ZoddGuts
Still don't understand why they haven't fixed this issue. I've wasted turns because of this issue. It look like I targeted the enemy but then my character ends up moving next to them, dammit. It's not like Larian doesn't have several options to fix this issue, like you said a pause function would be really nice.

Read the post directly above yours. As long as you are using all the tools available to you it is impossible for you to move when you meant to attack.

If someone is choosing not to use those tools.. well, that is not the game's fault nor something the developers need to fix further.

The issue is not that the developers "haven't fixed this issue". The issue is players not realizing it's a completely avoidable mistake thanks to tools that are already available to them (which means it's a non-issue).

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old hand
old hand
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You can use the right click action stop and still get screwed over by losing AP if you move far enough. It's a real issue.

Last edited by SniperHF; 02/11/15 06:04 AM.
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Originally Posted by SniperHF
You can use the right click action stop and still get screwed over by losing AP if you move far enough. It's a real issue.

If you're having trouble with accidental movements because you're trying (and failing) to left-clicking on the models in the battlefield to attack them, then why are you just not clicking on their portraits instead? You can't accidentally move when you do that. So how is this still a real issue?

Leave the model-clicking method for players with more precision clicking skills (or whatever). :P

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It's still an issue even if you try to pretend it's not, oh and yes I've right click still fucking sucks I lost AP. Come on Larian you should be better than this by now. Don't tell me I have to wait for the director's cut for this to be fix. This is probably the worst game I've played that has this issue, not even Wasteland 2 vanilla version had this issue.

Last edited by ZoddGuts; 02/11/15 12:51 PM.
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Originally Posted by ZoddGuts
It's still an issue even if you try to pretend it's not, oh and yes I've right click still fucking sucks I lost AP. Come on Larian you should be better than this by now. Don't tell me I have to wait for the director's cut for this to be fix. This is probably the worst game I've played that has this issue, not even Wasteland 2 vanilla version had this issue.

ZoddGuts, you are not "losing AP". Are you intentionally not reading what was written? I'll quote it for you again.. I'll even color the parts you should be paying attention to:

Originally Posted by Gyson
..when you're using a skill or spell, you don't have to click on the animated creature on the field to apply that skill/spell to them. You can just activate the skill/spell and then click on the portrait of the monster. The UI will highlight the opponent on the field as you mouse over each portrait, providing visual confirmation of your target (likewise, the UI will highlight the portrait of the NPC model you're currently mousing over, removing all of the guesswork). When you have the skill/spell queued and click on the appropriate portrait, the skill/spell will be used on that target in the field.

For normal (non skill/spell) attacks, you simply have to right-click on the target model in the field and select "attack" from the context menu that appears. Your character will then initiate a standard attack on that target.

Using both of these methods it is impossible for you to accidentally move towards your target instead of attacking it.

There is absolutely *NO* reason for you to ever left-click on one of the animated NPCs when using the methods I listed above. Hence (since left-clicking is used for movement) it is impossible for you to accidentally move your character when you meant to issue an attack order.

Leave the "left-clicking NPC models to attack" method for players with steadier hands - you can use the alternate methods instead. The developers already have a fix in place for those of you that can't seem to aim your mouse pointer properly, so quit asking when they're going to help resolve this because the solution has been in the game since launch. We get to enjoy animated figures on the battlefield and you get to issue attack orders without fear of accidentally moving. Win-win for everyone.

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I don't have a problem clicking targets. But I still think the proposed "figures stop animating when you've got the cursor over them" fix is not a bad idea.

You don't have to vehemently reject feedback from other people on every issue which you personally have no problem with.

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Originally Posted by Stabbey
I don't have a problem clicking targets. But I still think the proposed "figures stop animating when you've got the cursor over them" fix is not a bad idea.

You don't have to vehemently reject feedback from other people on every issue which you personally have no problem with.

My problem is not with suggestions.

My problem is with frequent implications that the developers have their heads up their rears, why haven't they fixed this issue yet, it's a game-killer-style complaints, blah-blah etc that in reality hold zero water when you realize the real problem is that the person complaining didn't bother exploring all the current in-game options available to them.

If you're going to post about a problem, at least make sure you've explored all the solutions that are actually available before launching into a rant about how the developers have failed you and gaming for generations to come. That's all I'm saying.

This is not a "fanboy" response. There are real problems with this game - real bugs that need fixing. This kind of stuff, however, is just noise. Suggestions are fine, but many of the posts in this thread (and others) are not put forward as suggestions.

Do you know that we've been able to attack with skills/spells via portraits since the original D:OS? It's not even a "new to the Enhanced Edition" feature. Keep that in mind when reading back through the complaints in this thread and maybe you'll find yourself face-palming as much as me. :P

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Originally Posted by Gyson

There is absolutely *NO* reason for you to ever left-click on one of the animated NPCs when using the methods I listed above. Hence (since left-clicking is used for movement) it is impossible for you to accidentally move your character when you meant to issue an attack order.

Apparently, you haven't noticed that you can target different parts of an enemy. Very often, you do not want to target the dead centre of an enemy, sometimes, you want to target "higher" or "lower" parts of them to place your shot.

This is mostly an issue for rangers and wizards, not as much melee (because it doesn't matter to them how the attack is placed; or at least I can't think of a single case). But there's absolutely a difference, with a lot of enemies.

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Originally Posted by Luckmann
Originally Posted by Gyson

There is absolutely *NO* reason for you to ever left-click on one of the animated NPCs when using the methods I listed above. Hence (since left-clicking is used for movement) it is impossible for you to accidentally move your character when you meant to issue an attack order.

Apparently, you haven't noticed that you can target different parts of an enemy. Very often, you do not want to target the dead centre of an enemy, sometimes, you want to target "higher" or "lower" parts of them to place your shot.

This is mostly an issue for rangers and wizards, not as much melee (because it doesn't matter to them how the attack is placed; or at least I can't think of a single case). But there's absolutely a difference, with a lot of enemies.

First, I didn't say there "There is absolutely *NO* reason for you to ever left-click on one of the animated NPCs". Instead, I said "There is absolutely *NO* reason for you to ever left-click on one of the animated NPCs when using the methods I listed above.", which is a big difference in meaning.

To answer your question, I absolutely have noticed that you can target different parts of an enemy, although you're making it sound like you can take headshots or damage a specific limb, which is not a feature of this game.

You can (for example) aim to the extreme left, right, or above to sneak a ranged shot past "something" that might otherwise be blocking your line of sight (like another opponent, or a prop). Having said that, my personal opinion is that trying to shoot the hand of an opponent *because that's all your character can see from their current position* should be a little trickier than a normal body shot. Since that difficulty is not represented in the chance-to-hit percentage, I don't think it's outrageous to look at the animated movement as a reasonable hurdle to get past.

HOWEVER - none of that matters - neither my opinion stated above, nor your concern about hitting specific locations. Because you can hold down the SHIFT key when left-clicking (which is the default key for placing actions in a queue). Your action will not be initiated until you take your finger off the shift key, and while you have it pressed down you can (at your leisure) verify that you have issued an attack order rather than a movement command. If you see you issued a movement command by mistake, you can right-click (while the shift key is still being held down) and cancel your queued action - no AP used, no accidental movement, no hitting the wrong target.

Were you not aware of that?

By the way, we should probably mention that it's actually the animated movements of opponents that often allows us to sneak a ranged attack past one monster to hit a different monster behind them. If neither was flailing limbs in and out of view that wouldn't be possible in many cases.

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Clicking in the timeline is nice, assuming the mob you want to click is in there. When you have 4summons, 4 chars and like 6-8monsters, a lot of the stuff isn't actually displayed in there. I don't think idle animations are bad, but they should have had a toggle button like say Alt or Shift or whatever that's like a force target, no ground click, no movement, it only accepts clicks when over a valid target for an attack or a spell.

There's a bunch of UI issues/QoL that could have been solved by EE and are sadly the same. One hotbar when my mages have like 35spells each is another example. Sharing loremaster skill level when examining enemies so you don't have to do it on the one char that has loremaster. Clearer visualisation of ground effects and their surface. Fixing the attack+1 AP bug when you're very slightly out of range but still actually in range so your character doesn't move but still requires 1AP for "moving" per attack.

The timeline, spell cooldowns and spell duration UI stuff also breaks pretty much every fight. Might be related to charm/summons though, as it usually starts fine and fixes itself near the end of the fights, sometimes.

Last edited by PyrosEien; 02/11/15 05:22 PM.
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Originally Posted by PyrosEien
Clicking in the timeline is nice, assuming the mob you want to click is in there. When you have 4summons, 4 chars and like 6-8monsters, a lot of the stuff isn't actually displayed in there.

The timeline can display something like ~25 portraits in its row. Short of making an entire town attack you at once, I think that easily covers most encounters. For fights that have more than ~25 participants, an arrow key appears to the left and right of the timeline, allowing you to scroll to the hidden portraits when used.

In other words, every participant's portrait is displayed on the timeline.

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