Ok, you know I love you guys and I'm totally digging DOS:EE
But after playing some yesterday with the controller some things were irking hence I thought I'll write it down

(concerns kb+m as well)
Custom markers all visible on world map w/o taking in account floor levels - optional toggle .I use them to mark certain traders and so, but is useless f/e on 1st floor of inn, unless I'm on that floor
Toggle party gold? I thought something like that was in the pipeline, mss dos2?
Compare toggle not by default but with button, like in console
B for exit dialogue , it exits EVERYTHING except dialogue.
Equip -possibility to equip directly in off hand or normal hand
Compare controller only shows one hand even whilst dual wielding
Anvil crafting -not able to directly combine with equipped items
Tag items for sale and\or sell junk
Quest markers? Wtf? Make it optional please
Minimap fixed but compass like direction indicator? (an arrow or circle that moves around? I keep heading in the wrong direction

Flip book pages with arrow keys on pc
Dialogues grouped by person
Thx guys for a splendid game btw