Well, I have no problems to kill the undead (so they do not recharge the robot), but the 3 soldiers run forward and get killed by the robot. My job is to save them, but I cannot stop them from being killed by the robot if they desperately try to bash it in melee. Once I was able to freeze it, but I was was unable to keep it frozen the entire fight.
I have a new favorite way of saving the three stooges. It just worked perfectly in Tactician. And I did have to talk to them this run since I did not to pick up the Fab5. So I had to dialog with them to get the journal entry. However, if you don't need that update, stealthing whole party by should work.
I used these two things: Once you talk to them they follow the character you initiated dialog with. Pyramids.
1. Have one pyramid on the character that has the stooges in tow.
2. Split the party.
3. Walk the character that has the stooges in tow all the way to the entrance. Stooges follow.
4. Take the other three characters, and position them as you prefer before the fight. Make sure the second pyramid is on the character you want the missing one to be positioned nearest.
5. Start the fight with those three.
6. Use the pyramid immediately on the other character to bring them into the fight.
7. Win.
Stooges never even try to come. They do initiate dialog spontaneously after and thank you though.