I started to play EE just in hope they improve Tenebrium weapon conception, and what a dissapointment. You cant craft it, cant chant it, cant improve. Why? This is suppose to be an end game weapon. But it still a trash as it was in vanila. And skill should add +10% dmg and not just to unlock.
The main improvement from vanilla is that Tenebrium skill no longer outright replaces every other weapon skill. Technically it's a nerf, but it's definitely an improvement. No longer does it feel like standard weapon skill points are completely wasted.
The skill is also a requirement in adding tenebrium damage to existing gear. I haven't thoroughly tested how the skill levels work in relation to the amount of damage, but I'm told that you need 3 ranks just to craft with it at all. At any rate, it's not terribly useful and it is technically another nerf.
Nerfing of all the good perks to the point that i have nothing to pick. My mage lvl 16 have 3 talents i have nothing to spend on.
There were never any good mage perks to begin with. Still, there are some options, if not choices. Far out man, Elemental Affinity, Glass Cannon, Stench, Zombie. After that you are stuck with all skilled up and bigger and better. They didn't really nerf anything mages used to take.
stupid stat cap and w/e it doesnt improve a sh1t. 20 int - 4 turns on spells srsly?
Definitely an unnecessary nerf. Mage spells are already overpriced and underpowered, now they don't even gain as much benefit from stats. The good spells, the level 15 "ultimates", are all once-per-combat anyway.
Why? No improving in crafting except adding a stupid wand. Wand would be worth if you can use wand spell permanently, like you have a book. Instead 3 charges.. Who use this crap?
It's worse than that actually. Wand spells cost extra AP to use if you don't have enough skill in their respective schools. If you do have the skill, why not just learn the spell normally? I know there's a limit to how many you can memorize, but it's really unlikely you'll need a spell that a wand has over that limit.
In my opinion, given their limited uses, wands should be treated like scrolls. All spell scrolls have fixed damage, fixed proc chances, and 4 ap to use regardless of the spell. Wands could be the same and it would actually be fairly useful. You could even make a "wand mage" specializing in casting spells from wands and expect him to do something a regular mage can't, at the cost of not having access to the same spells as a regular mage. Probably stick some skill requirements in on equipping wands so that every class doesn't automatically become a wand mage, which would also go towards balancing wand with staff.
PCs are still selling trash, drop is still a trash. 2/3 of the game you use items that you found in the start
Now this is where you are wrong. While bought/dropped weapons are trash (except mage's stat-sticks), other equipment is very good, and vendors sell so much of it you are more likely to get an upgrade from there than from a drop. If you were still using early game items, it's probably because you didn't pay attention.
With 4 characters each with 11 slots, it's very easy to forget to even check for an upgrade for, say, your mage's bracers. Especially since there are no bracers that really scream "MAGE!". Stats are generally limited on each piece where bracers roll dex-class stuff, belts roll strength, helmets roll junk attributes no one cares about, and mages get shafted yet again. However, each of those slots still has some things that it can roll that benefit any class, it just takes a certain kind of skill to recognize an upgrade amongst the ridiculous quantity of items you find.
If all else fails, simply having a higher level item lets you put more resistance on it by crafting.
but inventory management is a huge pain in the game where item management is nonexistence i loled
Name a game with a better inventory system for managing the shear quantity of crap you get in this game (protip: you can't). It's still a mess, but there are 6 filters, 5 sorts, and even extra organizers to store junk in when things get REALLY out of hand. The only thing they don't have is a freaking keyword search.