Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
3) Generally this only comes from people who have lost an argument and don't know how to gracefully concede. I have refuted everything you have said. .

Refuted everything like my only statement related to this thread that was "a party of 6 and tons of companions define Baldur's Gate 1/2" ?

Usually people that also wants to win a discussion when they have nothing interresting to say also try to derail it, bringing non sense arguments to win somewhere else... you know, like "authority", "sentimentality", "not native EN so the guidelines",...

Anyway you can refute what you want. But you're still wrong in this thread. :thumbsup: /end

Party size of 6 =
+ More variety in party composition
+ More replayability
+ More action/bonus action/reaction per round
+ More managament (equipment, level up)
+ More quests, more stories (companion side quests)
+ More personnalities in your party, a journey more "colorfull".

But it also mean :

+ More companions needed.
Not sure Larian will ever make other companions than their wierd and over complicated Origin characters (mercenaries >< companions)

+ Slower combats because of Larian's combat design philosophy (>< other 6 party based TB games).

Before patch 5 (that I'll try in a few days), the game's difficulty was perfectly fine with a party of 5 but it was a bit boring with a party of 6.

They could really reconsider how the XP is distributed so players can choose the number they like. That would be very Baldur's Gate 1/2 like and very DnD like.

Alas, a lot of people on these forum want to be special snowflakes. They want to bring out a different point of view and absolutly convince everyone that they are right. It's an ego problem, very common at that.

This is a video game, and its about fun. Which means, its all about feeling in the first places, there is no logics to what people ''feel'' is fun, though they can try to explain it. In my opinion most of what we know of game design is empirical. like ''that game did it and its worked, let do it and tunes it a little differently''.


I support the 6 party size, which is closer to the original game, leave more room for interesting party combinations, and more room for decision making. I feel that 5 to 7 companions would be nice.

Last edited by Hachina; 02/08/21 07:42 AM.

If it's what it's takes to save the world, then the world doesn't deserves to be saved - Geralt