Joined: May 2013
Hi all, i am playing D:OS EE i would like to know if it is possible to edit Bairdotr before i start a new game or before i she joins my party? Can i change Bairdotr to be a Geomancer Mage? Thank you 
Last edited by john carmack; 28/03/16 05:30 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jun 2013
Couple ways to do this I think. Pretty sure it would have to be before a new game.
The way I'd do it is use the editor to make a mod dependent on main using the editor and then copy/paste the stats files/folders from Data\Editor\Templates\Stats\Shared to Data\Public\GeomanerBairdotr(Or whatever you call it)\Stats
From there just edit the appropriate .xlsm files to your needs. The files in question are probably character.xlsm and skillset.xlsm. Scroll to the entries for Bairdotr and change the as required. Save and close your work, then open the all.xlsm file and run the macro.
Activate the mod and try it.
The other way you can probably do without the editor.
Take those same stats files as mentioned above and paste them directly into Data\Public\Shared\Stats. You might have to make the folders yourself. Make the changes to the same character.xlsm and skillset.xlsm files and then run the all.xlsm macro (there's a huge button, can't miss it).
Here you wouldn't have to activate the mod but it will semi-permanently change your main campaign until you deleted those stats files. I think this would break MP as well unless you were playing with someone who had the same changes.
Joined: May 2013
only Single Player! i will try, thank you 
Last edited by john carmack; 28/03/16 07:14 PM.
Joined: May 2013
(GOG Version)
Enhanced Edition does not have the path: Data\Public\Shared\Stats
and there is no Editor available......?!
Any other way to change skills?
Last edited by john carmack; 03/04/16 09:23 AM.
Joined: Sep 2015
You can find the Stat files in Data\Editor\Templates\Stats\Shared now (since Larian added them a few days ago). Four your purpose it's viable to take the character.txt file you can find in ...\Shared\Generated\Data and copy it to Data\Public\Shared\Stats\Generated\Data (if there are no folders yet: create them). Now open the file with a text editor and search for the companions you want to edit. To know what information you can add/change have a look at the other characters in the file or have a look into the character.xlsm file you can find in the Editor Templates folder (s. above). For Companion skills, as Sniper said, use the SkillSet file: you can find the .txt file in ...\Templates\Stats\Shared\Generated. (You can do this with the xlsm files and generating the text files via All.xlsm too, as Sniper described).
Edit: The Editor for EE should be available under tools in Steam. But for your purposes you don't need it. You can make your mod selectable in the game menu this way (as Sniper described) so you don't have to delete the files to uninstall your mod.
Last edited by Abraxas*; 03/04/16 10:04 AM.
Joined: May 2013
Edit: The Editor for EE should be available under tools in Steam. But for your purposes you don't need it.
...but i am playing GOG Version!
Joined: Mar 2016
The latest patch on GOG (PATCH includes the editor. However, while it creates Data\Editor\Templates\Stats , all folders under it appear to be empty...
Joined: May 2013
Hi, ok, something is wrong...?! I have D:OS EE v2.0.119.430 (GOG Version) installed and i have none of the mentioned folders...? "Data\Editor\Templates\Stats\" does only exist in D:OS AND NOT in D:OS EE Install Directory or sub folders! ! !
The File: "character.txt" does not exist in D:OS EE Install Directory or sub folders ![[Linked Image]](http://www2.pic-upload.de/thumb/30241167/DOSEE21.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://www2.pic-upload.de/thumb/30241008/DOSEE.jpg)
Last edited by john carmack; 03/04/16 12:58 PM.
Joined: Sep 2015
Sorry, missed your information in brackets. That's strange. But Sniper does have the files on GOG? Or are they taken from Steam? In this case you could unpack the main.pak file (to somewhere else, not the game folders) you can find in the Data folder (the Stat files should be in there). Use Norbyte's export tool: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32263228/dos/gr2/ExportTool.zipAnd if nothing helps: I can make these changes for you.
Last edited by Abraxas*; 03/04/16 01:28 PM.
Joined: May 2013
ok... sorry, i have no idea... Could you please just rework Bairdotr to be a Geomancer Mage with appropriate Talents and Abilities and Attributes? (D:OS EE v2.0.119.430 GOG Version) Some Mage Clothes and Weapons would be nice too  Thank you very much!!!
Joined: Sep 2015
Building should be your task. I don't want to force you into a special build (or waste points). I just can make suggestions:
I would choose BoulderBash and Summon Spider as Geo Spells and maybe Oil (but take some fire with you to take advantage from both Oil spells; should be helpful for the first fights, especially against skeletons) or a fire skill (if you are going to combine Pyro and Geo). Or the Water Healing spell if you want her to be your healer.
Attributes: intelligence + speed primarily.
Talents: FaroutDude, Stench + X
Abilities (6 points available): Geo 1 --> should be enough at the beginning, there are just a few spells you can use Pyro 1 DualWielding? (two wands) 1 or 2 (=3 points) + X (Bodybuilding and Willpower would not be bad; maybe Loremaster or another useful ability)
Last edited by Abraxas*; 03/04/16 04:25 PM.
Joined: May 2013
ok, sounds good! I agree  Please change Bairdotr like you suggested. I like Geo / Pyro / DualWielding / Bodybuilding / Willpower / Loremaster / Telekinesis 
Last edited by john carmack; 03/04/16 05:08 PM.
Joined: Sep 2015
You agree to X as well?  Fine. Will do that tomorrow and probably offer it as a file on one of my Nexus sites (should be the easiest way to make it accessable).
Joined: May 2013
Thank you  I trust your experience!
Joined: Sep 2015
So, it's already done! You can download the zip folder from my Nexus site for StandStillWhenIAttack (just follow the link in my signature); it's under Miscellanous. Unpack to the main directory of your game folder. The folder structure should - hopefully - be the same as the Steam version. The changes to equipment, skills and stats of Bairdotr all apply well (tested). The build looks as follows: Attributes: Int 8 Speed 7 Con 6 Abilities: Geo 1 Pyro 1 DualWielding 2 Willpower 1 --> probably it's a good idea to invest in bodybuilding soon Talents: Stench FaroutDude WhatARush --> for mages, who use to be on low health quite often (due to less Con), quite useful (extra AP on low health for healing purposes) Skills: Summon Spider Boulder Bash Flare new Equipment: Earth Robe Two Earth wands Scroll of Fireball I hope it applies to you! For changes just edit the files as you like. It's very easy to do that. Also offered to all other players who are interested in playing Bairdotr as a mage.  Edit: Please note: Only stats seem to apply for existing games (but before Bairdotr is recuited I think). Equipment and skills require a new game.
Last edited by Abraxas*; 03/04/16 09:06 PM.
Joined: May 2013
Thank You very much!  Thats Great 
Last edited by john carmack; 05/04/16 09:33 PM.
Joined: May 2016
Hi Abraxas!
Thank you very much for the heads-up on companion modification.
Sorry for a lame/newbie question, but could you please direct us to a good read/info on modifying companion starting stats / skills / gear by editing the text files you provided?
Thanx a lot!
Joined: Sep 2015
Hi GoroBoro, I don't know of any guide for that. Most information is strewn around the forum. But I can write a guide how to edit these files in the next few days if you have some patience. 
Joined: May 2016
Oh, that would be great!
My idea is to adjust the companions stats in order to gather a well balanced 'hybrids' party as advised by some popular guides at steam community or gamefaqs. If you could make a short guide on what-means-what and how to assign skills and talents in the *.txt files, it would be just awesome.
Alternatively, maybe it is possible to just 'wipe blank' companions, giving them starting level 'zero' AND 8000 xp, so that the player can (theoretically?) level them up in-game upon enlisting to the party.
Kind regards, GoroBoro
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jun 2013
Alternatively, maybe it is possible to just 'wipe blank' companions, giving them starting level 'zero' AND 8000 xp, so that the player can (theoretically?) level them up in-game upon enlisting to the party.
Assuming you know a bit about the editor, this would be quite a bit easier actually than learning the stats system and xlsm/txt files from scratch. I wouldn't do it by unleveling them though, I'd do it by removing their attributes/abilities/talents and giving them the points back. Well actually you could also assign them in the way you want as well this way too. All you need is a main dependent module, and then copy each companion file to your mod by right clicking it on the story list. INIT Section:
//Jahan Reset ------
//Attributes -----
//Abilities ----
CharacterRemoveAbility(CHARACTER_Jahan,"WaterSpecialist",2); //Remember 2 levels in an ability = 3 points
KB Section
//Give the points back -- This is the part I added
The big problem with this method is you can't remove talents. For that you'd have to use the files. If Abraxas* writes a guide for that, it would be nice since there really has never been one. It's all spread across the board in different threads. If you don't know anything about the editor I would say try and learn the txt/xlsm files, it's probably easier than learning the editor. Baardvark's mod includes respecting companions in a more proper way: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=669623796
Last edited by SniperHF; 29/05/16 11:37 PM.
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