Joined: Jan 2016
Toggling Helmet doesn't really work. It works momentarily but as soon as you do anything, like initiate combat your character becomes bald.
Joined: Sep 2016
only 2 obvious bugs: - camera centered on the player (and moving along with them) sometimes unlocks for no obvious reason (didn't pan around or zoom). has to be reset using the home button most frequently happens when entering and leaving the inventory, however also sometimes happens after interactions with NPCs. - waypoint/mapmarkers for quests disappear after interactions/loading. sometimes it is just entering a new area and then heading back to the quest area, sometimes after loading a game. can't find a way to set them active again. usually they reappear after reloading the game.
is there a way to force movement? like to position your character behind an enemy for a backstab? it is sometimes quite painful to do with the "smart" movement on.
Joined: Apr 2016
Oh, another one:
1. Daggers drawn (in the pvp arena) description says it delivers 5 stabs with 300-350 damage _each_, however it is actually only ONE stab with that damage.
2. Not actually a bug, but. No bald haircut for dwarves. And there actually is a bald dwarf on the loading screen (and on this forum's background) in the lower left corner...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
There is a Bedroll you can just pick up on the starting beach that you can just take. There is no stealing symbol and absolutely no one is there. The one on the broken part of a bridge, or wall (hard to tell)
However if you check the item it is stolen.
In spite having no real owner or indication of having an owner.
Joined: Sep 2015
In an area near the cursed burning pigs there is a ruin where you are ambushed by by these void... whatever bugs and when you kill them, more of them spawn. First time I had to reload, because the area was so covered with cursed poison that I could not walk anymore. Second try I started combat, moved my party away from there and killed them elswhere. When the new ones spawned, every party member fled from combat. Then I send my archer there. While sneaking she one hitted every one of them with the sniper skill without starting combat. I could continue it for all of them. Is it intended that you do not start combat when you kill an enemy with one hit while there are other enemies of the same group nearby and you are out of sight of other enemies when you kill them?
- I did some more testing. "First Aid" skill does heal you when you do not suffer any status effect. If you suffer under any status effect the skill is supposed to remove (like poison), the skill does not have any effect. You are not healed, no stat buff and the status effect is not removed.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Sep 2016
to post above: i have used first aid to remove poison and burning during combat, so it is not a simple case of 'this always fails'.
BUG: some dialogs won't start. Dialog window flashes briefly and closes again. Example: cannot talk to Gratiana after returning from the illusion cave with her soul.
Joined: Dec 2015
A few bugs I found:
Removing helmet graphics with the checkbox causes the character to become hairless.
Moving on stolen items while in a trade window with an NPC can remove the "stolen" tag on items.
Teleporting 2 elemental plants (those spore pods that shoots out elemental effects) on top of each other can cause the game to crash.
Possible to enter a state in combat where attacks show animation (even spells) but don't deal any damage and don't cost any action points. Also the skip turn button stops working (quick load necessary to fix the issue again).
Ill report more issues if I find them.
Joined: Nov 2015
So a couple bugs I've encountered so far;
Enemies are able to battering ram/melee up terrain. So if you're on a bridge above them, they can attack you even if they're way below (2+ levels) you.
Enemies will get an attack of opportunity without it saying they will. It won't have the indicator for the attack when attempting to move. They can also do it when you're stealthed next to them. This happened to me when I was stealthed, and it stopped me from moving with the popup "attack of opportunity" even though the enemy didn't attack.
Looting an enemy with a non-created character (Lohse in this case) and switching to another character before the loot window opens doesn't let you loot the enemy at all. It just pops up with "Already in use", no matter what you do (loot someone else with that character, etc).
Joined: Sep 2016
Not sure if these are posted already, but...
If you choose not to take a side with Kana, Burrow, and Elodi they will engage each other in combat as expected. However, while I was watching, one of my party members got hit by an AoE ability and it pulled me into the fight. Immediately after joining the fight, the combat ended before any actions could be taken and both parties acted as if they had won. Kana and Burrow remained there and gloated while Elodi thanked me for saving her before running off her usual spot in the caves.
It doesn't seem like the talent "Opportunist" works at all right now. Enemies are able to gain opportunity attacks just fine against me, however.
There is a typo when talking to the blind elf seer in the caves. I can't remember what it was exactly, but it was after I had chosen one of The Red Prince's dialogue tag options. I think the word in question was a misspelling of "Please".
If you try to flee combat while beside the teleportation point you flee to, it causes some weird behavior. I'm not sure if this can be exploited or not since the thought didn't cross my mind.
If you press any of the hotbar hotkeys (1 - +) while typing in the chat bar (such as shift+1 for !), your character will activate that spell (casting for spells that require a target/confirmation, or just immediately consume other things like potions).
Occasionally the Backspace key will not register or allow you to delete typed messages in chat. I'm not sure what causes this.
When confronting the Witch in the Blood Roses cavern, the dialogue choice to mention the dragon knight she imprisoned appears even if you have not met him prior to the encounter.
Last edited by ShyCryptid; 19/09/16 10:00 AM. Reason: Added more
Joined: Oct 2015
Can somone do a known bugs post to get rid of some of the repeats the show helm one has come up so many times
Joined: Sep 2016
Two minor bugs well one I am not sure is a bug. But first is.
The ladder to the Haven your characters don't automatically go up it when your team leader does.
The second thing the pirate's treasure does not go off the map after you have found it.
Joined: Sep 2016
[quote=Tiaan]The ladder to the Haven your characters don't automatically go up it when your team leader does.[/quote] There are more ladders like this. Unfortunately I've not taken the time to make a list.
Joined: Sep 2016
I think I have encountered a third bug I can't talk to Gratiana after doing the quest involving Soul Jars.
Joined: Sep 2016
AI issue(spoiler): * I killed all hounds in the houndmaster's room with Hail Strike and they just stay where they are without any reaction. * In the last battle, I teleport my team up to castle wall. Enemy will not engage as long as the boss Alexander didn't see me. I positioned my "Teleporter" at the edge of castle wall then started the fight. When enemy came close, I just teleport them to the coast out of the castle, then they were stuck, they can use buff skill on each other but they didn't move and they didn't attack me. Bug(spoiler): * If enemy died near the coast. Their body will be covered with water and can not be looted. For example, I killed the act boss Alexander, but I can't loot him. If there is key item on him then the game progress will be broken. * performance issue -- If "lightshadow" was checked in the video options then camera will became very choppy in underground scenes. (i7-4790/GTX960) * Teammates will be stuck when climb some ladders.
Joined: Oct 2015
Certain spells can strike outside of their targeting reticule, Hail Strike is the biggest offender I've noticed.
There's a Ground Smash skill book that can't be learned if you have Battle Stomp. They seem like the same spell but Ground Smash does slightly more damage, I would guess it's an outdated version that was left in the game.
If you teleport a certain character in Fort Joy and teleport him back to you before he runs off, there's no indication that anything untoward happened and the character just ask you to use teleport again.
High Judge Orivand didn't die despite having 0 hp. Reloading before the fight started fixed it for the next fight.
You can't learn a skill while you have an item equipped that grants you the skill, bug or possible quality of life improvement.
No reaction from Fort Joy prisoners to killing all the Magisters aka liberating them.
Joined: Apr 2013
The game regularly freezes my whole system on startup. It always happens between clicking on the game's icon on the desktop and the Larian logo. When that happens, keyboard and mouse won't react anymore and I have to manually restart the system. That way it's sadly also impossible to send a bug report.
My system: Xeon E3-1230v3 nvidia Geforce GTX 970 (newest drivers) 16GB DDR3 RAM Win10 Anniversary
Joined: Sep 2016
I've Just encountered a bug where after you beat the Fighting Arena in campaign to become the 'One' and you get your collar off, one of the guards will see you with your collar off they will give you two dialog options of going quietly or try to resist. I chose to resist and it started a battle (which i lost) then i reloaded a save before i encountered the guard(for the first time) but when he saw me again he just immediately started a fight, so i reloaded a save before that one and again immediate fighting. PS. i did try other guards and they all just seem to aggro onto me without any question.
Another bug I've found is: If you have a stolen item in your inventory and start a trade, when you put the stolen item in a give / your offered items for trade spot and then just take it out and back into your inventory it removes the 'stolen' tag from it
Last edited by Jackorwahh; 19/09/16 02:26 PM. Reason: Another bug
Joined: Sep 2016
[quote=Vanir]I haven't been able to load my game up yet. I got my key, entered it on Steam, and downloaded the game fine on Friday, but it won't launch. I get the same error every time I try to load it up. "The procedure entry point TryAcquireSRWLockShared could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." I have tried unistalling and reinstalling, verifying the game files on Steam, and searching through the troubleshoot for anything, yet still getting the same results. I have sent all of my crash reports to Larian, but if I type any words in the crash report then it won't send. Any ideas? [/quote]
I don't know if you got an answer yet but I thought I should ask about your OS version. TryAcquireSRWLockShared is an API that should be available on Windows 7 onward. 99% sure that it's available in the release-to-market version but, otherwise, it's definitely available in Windows 7 SP1.
Yours truly, Jean-Michel Gilbert
Joined: Sep 2016
There is a glitch where your stat bonus increases when loading after a quicksave. It may have started after consuming a Blood Rose potion or two.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
While this may be minor, it is a little annoying:
When playing with dual monitors and fake fullscreen, the game gets minimized automatically whenever you click on a window on the other monitor. I'm pretty sure this was the case in DOS as well. Most modern games can handle this configuration without the confusion.