Joined: Mar 2003
The axe name and problem with wares after splitting a stack are known issues. There is an issue with self-buffs and some polymorph skills going on cooldown but the effects not applied (saving and reloading should get them working again); that should be fixed in the next update (no ETA yet).
I'll create a bug report for the magister rangers skipping turns in that save (after using Battle Stomp).
Battle Stomp doesn't work with Necromancer's heal in the release version, but does in the latest QA version (and is compatible with the Zombie talent), so that should be in the next update.
Joined: Sep 2016
Thanks for the replies Raze.
I sended another mail with some other issues i came across.
I captured this time around on video not being able to drop items, not sure how helpful that is but just wanted to highlight that it is something that happens sometimes.
As you can see in the save file so did i kite some skeletons up to Tarlene and for some reason the blessing on the ground event triggered, pretty sure that is not supposed to happen, i gave more details in the mail.
Also the music is not working this time around, that is rare but do happen sometimes, usually fixed by restarting the game.
Joined: Oct 2016
If you spin the character models around counter-clockwise really fast during character creation using the mouse, the cape will get stuck inside the character model. This happens on elves, as well as female humans... I was really bored 
Joined: Mar 2003
Which preset? I couldn't reproduce this with the shadowblade or inquisitor preset for the female human, or wizard, witch or shadowblade presets for the female elf.
Joined: Nov 2015
A couple of issues my coop-partner and me encountered today: - *After the (first) fight to become the Chosen One in the cellars around Fort Joy, next in the initiative queue was my summoned incarnate. After the dialog that starts the second fight, my main character was selected at the start of the incarnate's turn. It took me some time to figure out I had to click on the incarnate's picture at the top-left of the screen to act. It would have been really helpful if the incarnate would have been selected automatically right after the dialog.
- *The item description of Hildur's Plate sais: Reflect 10% ofmelee damageas fire damage. Note the two missing spaces.
- *In the cave leading to the dungeons of Fort Joy that is infested with fire slugs, there is a pond in the main area containing most of the slugs. While that pond looks like it is filled with water, the game does not fully recognize it as such. Moving a burning character into the water does not extinguish the fire.
- *While we fought the slugs where the way down meets the "hall", one of the slugs glitched through the cave wall and appeared behind us on the upper level. I am going to send a save game for this bug.
- *Lists are not working properly in the forums
Last edited by PiJaei; 14/05/17 02:56 PM.
Joined: Sep 2016
*In the cave leading to the dungeons of Fort Joy that is infested with fire slugs, there is a pond in the main area containing most of the slugs. While that pond looks like it is filled with water, the game does not fully recognize it as such. Moving a burning character into the water does not extinguish the fire. This is something that has existed since previus game. I think it has to do that lake, rivers, waterfall etc is part of the enviroment while the things you interact with like oil and self produced water is coded differently. I agree they should try find a way to fix that, it is always jarring to have fire burning beneath a river, but i think it is a difficult task for them.
Joined: Jan 2009
Bug: No tags for custom character. I made a custom character, which did have tags, but then realized way too late that I had given them the wrong skills. I started a new character, but this time the "Tags" section was totally blank.
Bug: Zombie Talent still appears in character creation. The patch notes said it was supposed to have been removed.
Joined: Aug 2016
When starting a character (Custom Human Female - Soldier and Barbarian Tags - Excecutioner Talent, 1 Point in Warfare and 1 point in Polymorph) attempting to start a game says "Please use all your skill points to continue - Skills - 253 remaining" Removing skills from my bar fixes the issue, but then i have no skills to use 
Last edited by Twiztedterry; 25/05/17 03:35 AM.
Joined: Aug 2016
Bug: No tags for custom character. I made a custom character, which did have tags, but then realized way too late that I had given them the wrong skills. I started a new character, but this time the "Tags" section was totally blank.
Bug: Zombie Talent still appears in character creation. The patch notes said it was supposed to have been removed. Select an Origin Character, click next a bunch till you see tags, then go back and select a non-origin character, tags should return.
Joined: Mar 2003
Stabbey; The tags issue should be fixed in a hotfix next week. I'll check on the Zombie talent.
Twiztedterry; Do you recall which preset you started with? Did you edit and back out of any other characters, etc? I tried reproducing this with a Metamorph preset (moving a skill point to Warfare) and got no error, and a Knight preset (moving a point to Polymorph), getting the correct message that there was an extra attribute point.
Joined: Sep 2016
Found one more bug with new character creation tools. If you change point in skill tree and take new skill for that point, then you switch between origins, then this preset will change back the skill points, but skills will be the same as with new ones. For me it was Knight -> changed 2H to Geomance, Criiple Blow and Enrage to Battle Stomp and Fortify-> changed origin -> still same skills but now I have Fortify w/o geomancy. Was able to start a game and have that skill. But it seems to work with any other class/skills
Joined: Mar 2003
Stabbey; The Zombie talent is fine. That entry was a reference to a bookkeeping change in the talent, and should have been removed from the public patch notes.
626th; Thanks, I've reopened the bug report for that. It occurred in an earlier version and was fixed, but apparently snuck back in with the change to character creation.
Joined: Sep 2016
A bug just occurred when I was trying to get the Bless skill:
So I went through the Braccus Rex vault and interacted with the shrine at the end. The character I have created was transported, leaving behind the other party members. Got the message popup saying I have acquired the Bless source skill but the main char did not get the skill. Instead everyone else learnt Bless. Also I was unable to trigger dialogue with the lizard god. Currently stuck please help
Joined: Mar 2003
Rotate the camera at least 90 degrees in either direction, and you will be able to talk to the god. There is a known issue with camera occlusion that blocks interacting with the god at the default camera angle.
The notification for learning Bless is just being triggered early; the character will have it after the conversation.
Joined: Sep 2016
As I understand "Fixed issue with stats not properly resetting when reconnecting to character creation" in hotfix means that bug I described got fixed, but it's actually not. ![[Linked Image]](https://thumb.ibb.co/ntOZ5v/20170526174143_1.jpg) Or am I wrong?
Last edited by 626th; 26/05/17 02:47 PM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Is Ben Broken now? he will not move or talk to my party members.
Joined: Nov 2009
Lizard leg stretchy texture is still around, this time i've made screenshots so that you can see what i'm talking about. This happens with shoes on. The shoes i'm using is tattered shoes but it's possible that the same happens with other shoes as well, after all i'm at the beginning of the game. This bug has been around since the first early access version, plz fix. ![[Linked Image]](http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa56/Dark_Messiah_1989/2017.05.26-20.39.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa56/Dark_Messiah_1989/2017.05.26-20.39_01.jpg)
Last edited by Zolee; 26/05/17 06:57 PM.
Joined: May 2017
hey, i was playing i closed out, but when i came back in, i was forced onto profile called debug_profile_1 and i can't switch back. how do i fix it
Joined: Mar 2003
If you click on Profiles in the main menu, can you select the original profile (left click or the up/down arrow keys), so the text colour turns red, then switch by clicking the Select button or hitting Enter? What about creating a new profile, and then try switching to the original?
If you exit out of the game, you can manually delete the 'Debug_Client_Profile_1' profile folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\PlayerProfiles' folder.
Joined: May 2017
I assume this is where bugs go. When fighting the blood rogue guy in the sewers with the meat puppets in cages he kinda bugged out when he got stuck in a cage and dropped out of the fight. This was after lohse was netherswaped with a meat puppet and then lohse teleport-ed the boss and he somehow ended up in the cage with lohse (the cage was still locked) this teleporting caused him to totally drop out of the fight even with lohse in the same cage as him. I was frankly surprised there was even space for two in there. It also looked like the teleport bugged cause i'm pretty sure the teleport wasn't aimed at the cage but this was in multiplayer so *shrug*.Dude also has like 100 dmg burst at lvl 4 which felt like a bit much.