Joined: Sep 2016
I find myself really wanting to create a custom party. First of all, there's a glitch in the game, where the less people you have in your party, the less xp you get, which is crippling for people who are playing an origin story, and don't like *every* companion. I, for example, played a custom character so I could get a feel for all the companions. The Red Prince said I would make a good slave. So I killed him. Ifan is suffering some sort of horrible disease, and I also hate rogues. So I killed him. Sebille, I don't even think I need to mention. I was about one thousand percent done with her when I killed her. Lohse, on the other hand, is a total baller on several different levels. So I started over as Lohse, and... Well, it looks like I'm soloing now. After getting out of the fort, I had to restart since I was fighting level 5's as a level 2, and this time I spared the red prince out of complete necessity, and now I'm stuck on another fight (the blue dude) because I only have two people. Two underleveled people. Is there any chance they'll put in custom character creation later?
Joined: Sep 2016
So they gave you a wide variety of characters and you only gave one of them a chance? I think you should give the other companions a try before you write them all off.
Though I would appreciate the chance to customize at least one other companion other than the main one. Two player characters and two pre-made companions seems like a good combo.
Joined: Sep 2016
I think we'll be able to create more characters in the final version of the game.
Joined: Sep 2016
So they gave you a wide variety of characters and you only gave one of them a chance? I think you should give the other companions a try before you write them all off. Playing as Lohse, they gave me three choices, two of which tried to kill me, and the third of which was an addict who had gang connections, and, as I stated, was a rogue. Which I hate. So no, I will not give the other companions a try. I was given choices, and I made them. I am perfectly happy with that. I would merely like for the game to be able to support the decisions that I make.
Joined: Sep 2016
Playing as Lohse, they gave me three choices, two of which tried to kill me, and the third of which was an addict who had gang connections, and, as I stated, was a rogue. Which I hate. So no, I will not give the other companions a try. I was given choices, and I made them. I am perfectly happy with that. I would merely like for the game to be able to support the decisions that I make. Fair enough, you're entitled to enjoy the game however you want. I just pointed that out since you were complaining about being underleveled and having to solo the game when you do have options to not hamstring yourself in that way.
Last edited by vometia; 27/09/16 05:17 AM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Apr 2013
Playing as Lohse, they gave me three choices, two of which tried to kill me, and the third of which was an addict who had gang connections, and, as I stated, was a rogue. Which I hate. So no, I will not give the other companions a try. I was given choices, and I made them. I am perfectly happy with that. I would merely like for the game to be able to support the decisions that I make. And it did. It punished you for your ruthlessness. What do you expect? You kill everybody and still want an easy run? Well, won't happen. If you don't like anybody the world won't like you either. Call it karma.  But for what it's worth, the final game will offer some more possible companions for you to kill.
Last edited by LordCrash; 26/09/16 10:24 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Hey guys I killed all my companions and now I'm having trouble fighting the final boss. What's with this unbalanced game?
Joined: May 2013
I find myself really wanting to create a custom party. First of all, there's a glitch in the game, where the less people you have in your party, the less xp you get, which is crippling for people who are playing an origin story, and don't like *every* companion. I, for example, played a custom character so I could get a feel for all the companions. The Red Prince said I would make a good slave. So I killed him. Ifan is suffering some sort of horrible disease, and I also hate rogues. So I killed him. Sebille, I don't even think I need to mention. I was about one thousand percent done with her when I killed her. Lohse, on the other hand, is a total baller on several different levels. So I started over as Lohse, and... Well, it looks like I'm soloing now. After getting out of the fort, I had to restart since I was fighting level 5's as a level 2, and this time I spared the red prince out of complete necessity, and now I'm stuck on another fight (the blue dude) because I only have two people. Two underleveled people. Is there any chance they'll put in custom character creation later? There will be more companions on release. I'd expect at least a dwarf and an undead. Saw someone somewhere suggest a possible total of 10 origins to pick.
Joined: Sep 2016
Joined: Sep 2016
Playing as Lohse, they gave me three choices, two of which tried to kill me, and the third of which was an addict who had gang connections, and, as I stated, was a rogue. Which I hate. So no, I will not give the other companions a try. I was given choices, and I made them. I am perfectly happy with that. I would merely like for the game to be able to support the decisions that I make. And it did. It punished you for your ruthlessness. What do you expect? You kill everybody and still want an easy run? Well, won't happen. If you don't like anybody the world won't like you either. Call it karma.  But for what it's worth, the final game will offer some more possible companions for you to kill. I like plenty of people in the game, but people who try to kill me are a no go. And considering half of the companions have dialogue options leading to combat, well... It's kind of hard for me to come to terms with letting them into my party. I'm not looking for an easy run; just one where I can progress after making simple mistakes. I didn't know I had to break character and be nice to these people because they were the sole companions that I had to choose from, and I wouldn't want to do that anyways. Heck, I didn't know they were supposed to be companions at all; they were just people who obviously wanted to fight. Except Ifan. I knew about him, but i strongly dislike rogues, so what's the justification for picking him up aside from making the game a little easier? I'm sure I could restart and take them all as companions now, but letting homicidal maniacs adventure with me is not my style at all. I think I'll wait to play until some less crazy companions are released.
Last edited by SlamPow; 27/09/16 12:06 AM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Except Ifan. I knew about him, but i strongly dislike rogues, so what's the justification for picking him up aside from making the game a little easier? Have you tried NOT hating Rogues to the point where you're willing to cripple your fighting ability?
Joined: Sep 2016
Have you tried NOT hating Rogues to the point where you're willing to cripple your fighting ability?
Yes. I played a rogue. It felt cheap. I beat the game in 4 hours using four people. This time, I'm playing the game in a more appreciative manner, and it's turned out that I really am disenfranchised with the companions that aren't Lhose. I also have a three player multiplayer game, and the game is loads of fun, but I still feel weighed down by our one companion, the Red Prince. He's so elitist that I want to kick him out. It's not a matter of game balance that I'm complaining about; it's a matter of, I truly hate about half the companions, and am strongly averse to another. The game is still beatable with two people, I know - getting stuck is temporary, and a fun challenge to overcome. I'm having a blast with the red prince, even if I hate him, and Lhose is ridiculously fun to play as. My only problem is that I would like to play with four players that I like, and the game does not currently support that, as you cannot make more custom characters. That is all. I'd much prefer a hard and fun game to one that's easy and distasteful.
Last edited by SlamPow; 27/09/16 12:21 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Heck, I didn't know they were supposed to be companions at all; they were just people who obviously wanted to fight. Are you that bloodthirsty? Normal (civilized) people would try to convince them that there is no need for killing each other...  Except Ifan. I knew about him, but i strongly dislike rogues, so what's the justification for picking him up aside from making the game a little easier? He doesn't have to stay that way. You can give him a different direction in life... I'm sure I could restart and take them all as companions now, but letting homicidal maniacs adventure with me is not my style at all. They're really not as bad as you describe them. They're hunted by their own issues, yes, and they can be pretty aggressive (well, maybe because they are in a prison with torture and stuff?), but they are no maniacs. You can get along with them if you just try.  [Quote] I think I'll wait to play until some less crazy companions are released. Yeah, no issue with that. The four available companions are a limitation of the EA version so far.
Last edited by LordCrash; 27/09/16 12:23 AM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Yeah, I generally am a pretty understanding guy. But my character's not!  And that's how I love to play.
Joined: Oct 2015
The Red Prince said I would make a good slave. So I killed him. Ifan is suffering some sort of horrible disease, and I also hate rogues. So I killed him. Sebille, I don't even think I need to mention. I was about one thousand percent done with her when I killed her. I'm sure I could restart and take them all as companions now, but letting homicidal maniacs adventure with me is not my style at all. I think I'll wait to play until some less crazy companions are released. Hmm... Is this irony? Anyway, I agree that the companions currently included in the game are all a bit too eccentric for my taste. I hope later companions are a bit less weird.
Joined: Jun 2009
[/quote] Anyway, I agree that the companions currently included in the game are all a bit too eccentric for my taste. I hope later companions are a bit less weird. [/quote] Well, one is a dead person and written by Chris Avellone and the other a dwarf called "Beast" (who only knew violence all his life), so I wouldn't count on "less" eccentric personalities  .
Joined: Oct 2015
Point taken, but at this stage the bar for normal has been set pretty low, so I wouldn't be surprised if the undead guy ends up being the normal one. XD
Joined: Sep 2016
I also agree on the fact that if you would like to do things with less characters you should earn more XP. XP should be a fixed amount to be split, so scaling up if you have the same group level but less characters involved. This way you can choose to go solo, have harder times but gain faster progression or go with 4 pple, easier fights but slower xp path.
Last edited by Gled; 27/09/16 07:48 AM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Is this fucking guy serious?
Joined: Jul 2014
While I can understand not liking the current companions too much and/or wanting more of them, half of what you are complaining about sounds like complete nonsense.
"I'm killing all my potential companions on a whim or using some ridiculous, pretentious prejudice about their class as a reason. Why I can't find more of them in an incomplete build of the game? So I could kill them as well for equally hilarious reasons".