Okay. So, for context as to why I am writing a guide on this fight and this fight specifically, I've beaten this game 6 times and counting, yet this is the only fight I've gotten stuck on in any of them (barring the 2v2 playthrough I'm doing). My main playthrough, a duo with the Red Prince and Lhose, could not get past this for the longest time. It took me ten hours of practice (I have spent 25 hours practicing this specific fight total) to get through it on that particular playthrough. To sum up my reasons, I think that this singular fight is the hardest fight in the game. Let's start out with the reasons this fight is so dang hard.
Reason #1: The boss. Let's take a look at his stats:
288-294 damage. I don't know your personal stats, but by this point in the game, my red prince had less than 200 hp and less than 100 armor, so that's a one shot if he gets hit. Yikes! But wait! Those are just base stats. In practice, thy should be different.
That's more like it. He uses Oath of Desecration liberally, adding 40% more damage to his attacks. This means that he will
definitely one shot squishies, and he's still not done; the Decomposing Swashbuckler that spawns to the north of the boss knows Rage, and knows how to use it. During the opening of the fight, he will usually rage himself, sometimes the boss, and for the remainder of the fight, he will usually rage the boss, sometimes himself. This means 100% critical rate, which adds 50% more damage to the boss' 387-395 damage. So this paints a pretty clear picture: in this fight, if you
must eliminate the boss in an expedient fashion in order to win. He is what we call a HVT - a High Value Target, because eliminating him essentially eliminates the majority of the threat present in this fight. The swashbuckler still knows rage, and can still use it to kill you. The other one knows battering ram, and can use it to CC you. So they are not insignificant threats; but neither one can do over 600 damage in 2 AP. So let's take a further look at our HVT. What are his skills?
Aside from oath of desecration, he also uses Void Shard. Now, I've fought him with all rangers, all mages, all warriors, all (one) rogue, and various mixed compositions in varying numbers. This ability never really messed up any of them. It's some damage dealing pew pew that hurts a bit, especially when Oath is up on him. It misses quite often, though, and has never done much more than a hundred damage, so while it can be lethal, I personally have never died to it. It's not very threatening for this reason, and he usually uses it when he's at range. So it's a great idea to keep this boss at great range. However, this boss has one more ability: Phoenix Dive. This particular variant on phoenix dive does not involve fire; instead, it curses nearby enemies, and makes them "suffocate", which reduces magic armor every turn. The curse is the nasty part, though. Being cursed not only gives you a penalty to all resistances and to hit, but also curses any surface you come in contact with. It is blocked by magic armor, though, and strips none, so even the 4 MA Migo's Ring will protect you from this status. Suffocating may eat through it, but that takes time, and ideally, the boss will do this move only once, tops.
I've noticed that some time usually passes before he uses this ability, so keeping him at distance works for a while. But as soon as he does it, he's on you, and he likes to save AP, so this dive often comes with a strong 300-700 damage physical attack afterwards. Be extra careful at medium range; this boss can move, contrary to commonly held beliefs, and he will do it if it means killing you.
So now that we've looked at the boss' abilities (he has others, such as Shackles of Pain, but these are the three that are of any concern), let's look at the other reason this fight is so darn hard.
Reason #2: The Arena.
This is the entrance to the arena. Next to an oil barrel (there is a pyromancer in this fight), and surrounded by vantage points. You can get up on one of the vantage points to the south or north, but I wouldn't reccomend it; this place is a deathtrap with or without height advantage. I have beaten it once from this direction, and once only. The main concern I have with it is that the boss is far away. This means that our aforementioned strategy of focusing the HVT will not work very well, unless you play a full memory generalist build, and have 3-5 teleports. So the solution is to come from the other direction:
The reason this is rarely done is simple: it's hard to find out how to get here. The ladder up to the north area is here:
And it looks like this:
So, now that you're in, the fight is simple: engage by phoenix diving/tactically retreating/cloak and daggering to the high ground where the boss is, from the correct direction, and start to burn his armor/magic armor. Then, eliminate him from the fight immediately, in the first turn or so. This does not necessarily mean killing him, though a raged warrior with the Sundering Cleaver can easily do so. You can eliminate him by CC'ing him until he cannot act, like so:
Here, I used Hail Storm, Electric Discharge and Winter Blast (3 skills, 3 memory) to CC a group, which I stacked up using teleports from both my Red Prince and Lohse. This allowed me to deal with everyone at once, though CC'ing the boss is the important part; as long as someone takes care of that, then you are left with 3 players to fight an Aerotheurge, Pyromancer, Marksman, and two warriors. The warriors have no magical armor, and the mages no physical armor, so this should be simple. If you're still having trouble, try withdrawing to the ledge where the boss stands, and fighting there. This will break line of sight (LOS) with the combatants in the pit area, forcing them to waste turns and AP running up, all while you are able to potion, heal, save AP, and deal damage to the boss to free up your
CC bitch mage.
I hope this helps! Using this strategy, I managed the fight with as few as 1 characters (a single rogue, abusing stealth). It is worth noting, that although the encounter does not normally start unless the boss sees you, it does initiate if you get too close to the boss without being seen. Useful knowledge for you rogue soloists out there. If you can get bless through the other method, before this fight, then simply blessing a character renders them virtually immune to the pyromancer and aerotheurge, as the surfaces they create will be made into blessed ones by the effects of bless, rendering them helpful instead of harmful. To use bless, though, you'll need your collar off, which can be achieved by helping the Seekers at the Seeker Encampment in the southern portion of the swamp east of Fort Joy. I don't know where the other area to get bless is, or I'd mention it here in this guide, as it trivializes the rest of the fight not involving the boss.
I hope this helps someone like me! Please leave feedback, even if you don't think it'll be helpful. It always helps me to know what people think!