So I am not going to long wind things, simple lists.
Yay 1 - Classic mode is very very hard. This is yay.
Yay 2 - Larian ♥ you added long hair and softer female faces.
Yay 3 - Yay 2 deserves 2 yays so yeah. ♥
Yay 4 - NPC personality, Every single NPC I interacted with
I felt had their own story and just neat. So far
the crab on the beach is my fav ~^_^~
Yay 5 - The new AP system , much easier for battle.
Yay 6 - Physical and Magic armor meters. I enjoyed this
greatly, specially when I found I can learn spells
to fortify and arctic barrier my people to give them
more Physical armor and Magic armor.
Yay 7 - All the options, the quests don't feel one sided..
I kinda felt like I could be evil if I wanted to.
Yay 8 - The dark story! I forgot to add this one.
Okay now to the ohs.. these were things that kinda bummed me out.
The ohs1. Npcs searching pockets every time you steal. ugh.
2. Not much loot to be had, so it made the fights in classic
mode really hard. which hard is fine, but..I'd like a lil
loots >.<
3. no clothing dye option.. I was stuck in a dark blue top
and a mustard yellow skirt...No ;_; not a good look.
4. No ability to at least customise a second character
to bring with you. I know it won't ever be an option..
but it made me sad, I miss it.
Overall the game is simply amazing. it held my attention for 6 straight hours in my play session I just ended. I was not bored even for a second.
My wishes for the game.
1. easy to use modding tools.
(for dumb people like me who get confused by code)
2. A respawn option for enemies / possible random
random respawn table with it
3. Level scaling option, so we can set our own creations or
mod the base game to scale with player level.
4. Corpse remove option or corpse clean up timer.
5. for you to look below into the magical mist get hypnotized and fulfill my wishes *I can dream!*
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