Joined: Sep 2016
- Sneaking in the Arena or PvP does not stop enemies from seeing you on the minimap.
- Rogues in Arena mode proper do not have any sneak ability.
- The arena in the Campaign, if done multiplayer, requires that you kill literally everyone at the end, including yourself, before you progress, assigning a seemingly random winner.
- You can teleport down into the arena in Campaign Mode, and are unable to get back out without the assistance of a teammate.
- Similarly, if the Campaign arena is in progress, you can break it by having a friend teleport you out.
- After beating the PvE part of the Campaign arena, you can only challenge another player once. Coupled with the glitch that forces you to all kill yourselves, this means that in multiplayer, up to one or two players can be left out of the deciding matches in the contest to become The One.
- When another player looks at you while sneaking in the Arena, you are not revealed. This lead to me walking through one of my friends while trying to reveal him, and being totally unable to get to him as a warrior. The only solution is to hit them with an AoE such as a grenade, spell, or special arrow, or by sniping them with a wand , bow, crossbow, spell, or Staff of Magus shot. Warriors, especially those with no grenades, are unable to reveal sneakers because of this.
Last edited by SlamPow; 07/10/16 06:51 AM.
Joined: Oct 2016
In the campaign you have to defeat every other player-char, you don't need to defeat NPC-compagnions. When I played with my friend, I did not need to defeat my NPC-compagnion, only his player char and his compagnion. You can teleport down to the chests to loot them, but you need to loot the corpse of the NPCs in the second round, otherwise they just disappear. Warrior habe skills on their own with AoE like battle stomp, whirlwind, etc? The winner of the Arena of the title "The One" can get his collar removed. (Magister won't like that tough.)
Joined: Sep 2016
In the campaign, with multiple people, you still have to kill yourself to proceed in the first round.
I guess the warrior does have AoE skills. But mine just has Phoenix Dive (yeah, I guess it's AoE, but he was fire immune from his own dive), Rage, and Crippling Blow (AoE doesn't really help here).
Edit: You also might want to put the part about what happens after in spoiler tags. Not everyone's beaten it.
Last edited by SlamPow; 07/10/16 09:32 AM.
Joined: Oct 2016
True about the spoiler.
Did you use the trick to create a fullteam of custommade chars oder did you use official compagnions?
The fight for "The One" always ended for us, when only one player had chars alive.
Crippling blow needs a target, so yeah, that hardly helps. ^^
Joined: Sep 2016
Well, I made one character, my friend made another. Then, another time, three customs from three different friends. Then, yet another time, two customs with me and a friend. All three times, it's glitched. I've started bum rushing the arena and doing it solo at level 1 to avoid the glitch, since it doesn't happen if you're alone, single player or solo with companions.
Joined: Oct 2016
Strange, I did the second round twice:
- Once with 4 friends from wich one retreated, he killed mine and the other remaining friend and won. - Once only my friend and me, we both a player char and a player compagnion. His two chars were dead, mine both alive and I won.
If you use a custom created from different friends I think they still count as player chars, even if they don't get played by other players tough. (Not sure if you mean, they played them or they just created them for you.)
Joined: Sep 2016
Nonono, the second round works! It's the first round that always glitches out. What I meant by that last point was, that if the winner could be decided from the first round, there would be no problem. But, you need to play the second round to see who the victor is, and that can only be done with two people. Meaning, in my three player game, I got left out and did not have a chance to become The One, even though I stomped them both in the first round.
Joined: Oct 2016
What are you meaning with the first round? In the campaign the first round is fighting the 4 NPCs, the second round is pitching player chars against each other.
Joined: Sep 2016
Yeah. In the round with four NPCs, even if I kill everyone else (the NPCs as well as the people playing with me), it doesn't make a difference as to the outcome, as it glitches out, and I have to kill myself in the end. Like, everyone will be dead, but I'll still be in combat. Only one on the initiative order, pressing space does nothing but tick down my cooldowns and restore AP, etc. Without a spell that can be used to damage yourself, you're SOL. Luckily, I always play an enchanter, so I always have Hail Storm to do the job. But this makes the winner randomly determined. So, the second round, which can only be between two people, is the deciding factor. And in my three player game, the other players thought I was going to win if they fought me, and were having a dispute between who would win between the two of them. So, they fought, and I was left out, unable to ever become The One.
Last edited by SlamPow; 07/10/16 11:04 AM.
Joined: Oct 2016
Hrm... I hardly understand, I can just say, it worked both times fine for me and my friends.
Joined: Sep 2016
Alrighty. I suppose it's helpful to know if it happens to everybody or not, so thatnks for contributing! 
Last edited by SlamPow; 07/10/16 08:17 PM.