Thank you

We need at least 3 greanades for the run. One to pull Arrhu, one to kill the fake Astarté, one to trigger the magma chest against the void dragon.
So we both took a class that starts with a grenade so we have 2 grenades. For the third grenade we took the one on the beach at the very beginning of the game.
I didn't know we can use telekinesis to throw the pyramid accross the source temple door. It might be useful but we have to take telekinesis and at this point we are level 2 which might be tricky. We will try

For the orb (right after Ornix), I think the best way might be to create another spell and use it to destroy the orb.
The huge problem of using spells to kill the bosses is that you need to be quite lucky to get the scrolls... The RNG is really weird in this game so it is difficult to manipulate it.
I think the barrel thing could be slightly faster but we didn't find a way to fill the barrel fast enought yet.
I like the barrel thing because it is probably not RNG-dependant.
The combo stealing+pyramid allows us to go pretty much everywhere (Not directly at the void dragon sadly) but we didn't find an area that have many items to fill the barrel quickly ^^
It is not really a trick but one thing I really love in this speedrun is the use of Jahan :
We hire Jahan only to deliver him 2 min later to Balberith