Since I love this game so much already from the alpha, I figured I should help however I can. Though these bugs may already be well known.

1- I managed to Teleport one of the Tromboy enemies with the gloves on my Red Prince and immediately Battering Ram through him as he landed, somehow making my Battering Ram skill not go on cooldown, allowing me to use it again if I wanted.

2- the teleport skill from the gloves found inside the crocodiles isn't the same as the one you learn, it only has a 13 meters reach compared to the 15m from the skill book. (Might be intentional, but I doubt it)

3- A few continuity errors, like showing Braccus' ring to the gargoyle making him recognize you as it's master, later talking to you as if you were a normal adventurer if you go inside the maze. It may be intentional too, but he should think you're inspecting the maze or at least question you about it.

4- All the timing issues with spells if you don't wait for the animation to finish. It happens with a lot of skills, but more commonly found with Flesh Sacrifice followed by Adrenaline. Unless you wait for the full animation of Flesh Sacrifice to finish, Adrenaline's animation will go off, but neither the effect or the skill going on cooldown will happen, forcing you to recast it again. (Gets a bit annoying considering I cast Flesh Sacrifice -> Adrenaline -> Haste, on every start of the fights on my Pyromancer)

5- The Voidwoken Worm barely does anything after popping up and maybe hitting someone once. If I'm very far he will cast his ranged attack every turn, but if i'm close by, he will stand there and do nothing, and sometimes burrow back to the middle of the room where he still does nothing. (My final fights usually involve running to the farthest stairs and pulling Alexander with my tank, making everyone blow up with barrels on the following turn, the magister mage dies the turn after, and finally the worm pops up, barely doing anything. Maybe he does more if the fight goes differently and he appears while Alexander is still alive)

6- On every run I blessed the pigs while not having pet talk, and received the 600xp per pig. However on my best and final run I somehow made an undead named "Trevor" (I think) appear, who dropped some nice loot. I have no idea what happened differently. I don't know if this qualifies as a bug, but maybe he should have appeared every time?

7- There are multiple instances of being able to do an action with every party member separately. Like healing the gambler in Fort Joy will give exp. Healing him again will give exp again (probably intended). But you can continue over-healing him with each other party member to get additional exp every time. (Can be done easily with Migo's ring) allowing for 4x 200exp If I remember correctly).

This can be done too with the thirsty people in the well, who ask for a fare to go to the afterlife. But you can do this interaction with every party member. You only need to move your money around so they can make the deal.

8- Plently of scenarios where damage during combat doesn't turn neutral NPCs against you, but as soon as combat is over and the residual damage ticks, or said NPC runs over an environmental effect cast by a party member, they will turn aggressive immediately.

Can be found with the elf getting bullied by Griff's men, making her run and the guards arrest you for "getting violent". The paladin whom you save from the magisters. And Stingtail after you save him from Griff's assassin Silence.

9- Might be intentional, but I can highlight traps with the Red Prince's skills like Battle Stomp, and the Lizard's racial skill Dragon's Blaze. Feels weird those spells highlight traps, but other AOEs do not. I feel it should be consistent if it's not a bug.

10- I would actually keep this as a feature, but it's probably a bug. If you channel teleport and cancel it near bodies it will keep them highlighted (the circle, not outline) allowing you to more easily discern where they are. Very useful and worth keeping in my eyes.

11- Keeping Ooze Barrels and Oil Barrels in a normal Barrel up the hill near Zaleskar (undead vendor) had a weird interaction where, once I came back to it to pick up my barrels, most of them had disappeared from inside the normal Barrel, and when I destroyed it with an arrow, they all sprung out from the (now empty) Barrel and clipped into the hill. Showing me a few Ooze Barrels and Oil Barrels almost completely buried into the ground. I could still pick them up normally.

12- Some runs I killed everyone in Fort Joy and the skill book vendors dropped all the skill books they sold, sometimes they didn't drop a single skill book even though they were still selling them. Seems inconsistent and weird.

13- A possible exploit for infinite gold (though very time consuming) is letting one of the 3 skeletons in Braccus' Maze's underground, who's jar you can destroy, summon "Margaret" over and over. For said poisonous slime drops loot every time. (Greens and high value items like golden cups, etc most of the time)

14- The Barrier under The Gargoyle's Maze is opened with a source point, but similarly to "Trevor", on one run I somehow made a ghost appear who helped me for free. When asking why he was doing it, he just told me I shouldn't question it and accept his help. Searching the internet I haven't found anyone talking about him, everyone says you need a source point to activate the mysterious tech. Did I do something different that run or was it a bug? no clue.

EDIT. Went back to a save file of my very first run where he appeared, and the "ghost" is Lord Withermoore that I apparently only saved that run? I can't remember... I must have absorbed his soul every other time. Well, mystery solved in any case. (PS. you need to touch the Mysterious Tech with the person who agreed to help Withermoore, otherwise he won't appear).

I guess "Trevor" is a similar case, but I don't have a save file close enough from that run to confirm or deny.

15- If characters are linked they will waypoint/enter areas together no matter how far apart they are or how impossible it is for the other characters to get there. Though this occurrence may be intentional to ease party movement, it can feel cheap sometimes depending on the situation.

16- Some AIs are oblivious to the fact that their allies are "Zombies" and will cast healing spells on them. Notably the Decomposing Ranger in the Witch encounter, sometimes casting healing spells both on the inquisitor who's not a zombie and his other allies who take damage from his healing spells. (I know he's an undead who may not be necessarily smart, but gameplay-wise it feels more like AI being stupid, and it feels cheap when he wastes his turn damaging his allies)

17- I love being able to use Backpacks you get at the start of the game to somewhat filter/tidy up your inventory, but they sell for 1 gold, and are sold for 378+ gold from vendors. Huge discrepancy.

There you go, I definitely found more, but those are all the ones I remember which aren't in the other bug posts I skimmed over.

Sorry for this huge post. Hope you guys don't expect 1 post per bug like some game forums do!

Last edited by Glitchy; 07/01/17 06:54 PM. Reason: Went back to check on n°14