Going to get to the point and not beat around the bush: first person old school dungeon crawler.
Why I think this is a good suggestion:
- First person CRPGs are making a comeback now with games like:
...-Legend of Grimrock series (high sales data)
...-Stranger of Sword City (and many other Japanese titles)
...-Might & Magic X - Legacy (Ubisoft published)
...-Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon (indie effort)
...-StarCrawlers (Early Access game)
- It will be new for the franchise meaning potentially more customers, who in turn, will check out the rest of the franchises' games
- Cheaper to make because it's first person and party-based, meaning more development time spent on things that matter
- Potentially high profit outcome, simple yet addictive games can sell quicker than hot ice cream during summer
- Easier to port to mobile devices due to less resources and assets needed to be made
- It can be a spin-off, meaning it doesn't have to follow the lore 1:1, which allows for experimental gameplay ideas
I really hope a Larian staff member can give me feedback on my request, I can see it being a hit and I will personally love it! First person CRPG dungeon crawler with the Divinity treatment = heaven.