Hello everyone. This probably isn't the right place to post this...maybe in General, but General feels too cluttered. Anyway, I apologize ahead of time if this is inappropriate.
I'm looking for 3 players for either of the following:
1) Competitive MP run
2) Co-Op MP run saving the Arena quest for last
The plan for (2) is to reach lvl 6 or 7 as quickly as possible and spending as few stat points as possible, so that when we go to the Arena quest, we can save, make our build and PVP. We can re-load and try different builds, and even swap characters. I'm thinking it will be possible to reach lvl 6 under 4 hours with an experienced group.
The plan for (1) is a bit complicated because some ground-rules need to be laid. For example, it's possible to abuse other players outside of combat with a skill like Teleport. Maybe we can agree to some Honor rules, and the "final objective" (maybe not as simple as "last man standing") not sure what they'll have to be, but I think this could be a lot of fun with the right group.
So what do you say?
Last edited by vivalafai; 18/05/17 08:43 PM.