First of all I want to apologise for my terrible English and I will try my best not to give you headache.
Last week I saw a video about Dos 2 and it's release day so I decided to play again Dos EE till Dos 2 release. I almost finished act 1 and I can tell that Dos 1 is a very good game with good story and mechanics l. And lots possibilities to character development and that is one my most beloved aspect of the game. I love in rpg games to make a character the way I want him to be and not the way some dev thought what is best for me. This weekend I installed Dos 2 to see if this game developed and improved on the previous game or they went nuts. Because I don't like to make conclusion from videos, everything can be awesome with edits.
I played the game for about 7 hours I reached lvl 5 and done all the available quest at the torture fort. I killed everyone from the kitchen mafia and I am about to take my leave but I am not sure yet if I have to leave with the boat or from the dungeons, it depends how bloodthirsty I will be that day. I certainly don't know how the game/story will develop but I can give my opinion about the early game.
I created a custom character and not the pre fixed ones, I am not sure how it will affect the story as I was creating my character the origin thing was greyed out even if I was making a origin character, so I thought that it does not matter. Dos 2 has more races than humans and that awesome, in a world with crazy magic and God's it's difficult to believe only human exist. I would love to play as an orc but the game does not have them so I have to settle with the lizard race. They are very good looking and not like the Skyrim lizards that are disgustingly ugly. I wanted to make a lizard two handed warrior but to my disappointment the lizard has only magic passives, why make a lizard warrior and cripple yourself at early stages and not take a human with far better perks?. The game it's still in development so I want to suggest if it's possible to make the perk different depend on the gender of the lizard. I mean if you make female you get the +2 int passive and if you create male you get +2 Str. Because right now every passive is either for mage or light warrior/rogue character(rogue I mean class that use dex, either dagger or bow).
Human is awesome as dual wielder or rogue type and dwarf is awesome as rogue type. But the game has two handed weapons too but no one with any passive to back it up. I believe the lizard have the best body structure for two handed class. So if you want hard hitting mage go lizard female and if you want hard hitting warrior then make a male lizard. The character creation aside what I mentioned is fine, maybe it's need more options for haircuts and facial hair but otherwise it fullfill it's purpose.
Now the game starts and it has more vibrant visuals compared with Dos 1, better UI and thanks god they fixed my biggest problem with the first game. They separated the character stats from the social stats so I don't have to think 5 hours if I want to unlock better conversations and pickpocketing or to add better combat stats. +2 for lvl up is welcomed change but i don't know yet how much affects the game the memory stat, hope it does not need heavy investment.
The gameplay is fantastic except (maybe I haven't found it yet how to do it) I can't skip my turn (not end it)if I use some AP otherwise it's all good, with new crafting menu but not stat for it so I guess you can craft atleast at early stages of the game without the need to invest to that stat. So overall many quality of life improvements and very fluids combat but guys ok we know you love aoe but at that early stages of the game there is no need every fucker to have aoe fire or poison skills, it was nightmare for my melee human when I did not felt that threatened with my 2 mages applying debuffs and doing decent dmg. I have killed many times my own warrior trying to set fire+poison terrain.
I found some bugs too, one of them was I could not press backspace in chat sometimes,the second one was that the map pointer stayed there even if I had finished the quest and the last one and most severe was when getting out of the prison from the blue lizard cell to the dungeon with the fire snails, while trying to flee from battle my characters was teleporting at the entrance of the prison but I could not take control of their camera, so I had to make all team to flee and with stuck camera on some rocks to call them again there. Thankfully they were coming and the camera was resetting halfway their trip.
In the end the game has some minor issues but they can't change the fact that the devs have created a well thought game with lots customisation and interesting story.
I don't buy games, because I don't want to support companies that charge for a game that last 5-10 hours and can be completed in one sitting 60 or 70 eu even if the game is fantastic. I am not some rich dude or living in America and getting 7 or 8 dollars an hour for making fried potatoes at a fast food chain, so 60eu is two days work for me. Last game that I bought was stardew valley, I pirated the game and after two- three hours playing it, I went to their website and bought the game. They deserved the money for the awesome game they made and here I feel the same. A game thats worth my money because I don't feel that the dev are trying to steal me or fool me with half-assed game. Thanks you for making a awesome game as this one.
And sorry again for my bad English, hope the post made sense
Last edited by Marko.dimarko; 29/05/17 08:23 AM. Reason: formation issues. in my mobile it was looking fine but at the desktop its a big mess