Interresting, since I am going to play with a friend we agreed on roleplaying without preplanning, as 2 strangers that met on that boat.
I will be playing mostly as a summoner, yes that build is weaker than most other skills as of the last version but it still has its advantages.
For my team if I would have played solo it would have been:
Role: Tank
Race: Human
Primary attribute(s): Constitution
Secondary attribute(s): Memory / Strengh / Wits
Primary Combat Ability(s): Polymorph / Warfare
Secondary Combat Ability(s): Retribution / Perseverance
Civil Ability: Loremaster (would allways be the first of the team to move so he/she can place himself/herself)
Talents: Opportunist / Picture of health / Leech
Role: Healer
Race: Lizard
Primary attribute(s): Intelligence / Constitution
Secondary attribute(s): Memory / Wits
Primary Combat Ability(s): Hydrophist / Necromancer
Secondary Combat Ability(s): Dual weilding (Wands) / Aerotheurge
Civil Ability: Telekinesis (Will stay close to the tank, this will help moving barrels away in a surprise fight)
Talents: Comeback kid / Walk it off / Mnemonic
Role: Physical damage dealer
Race: Dwarf
Primary attribute(s): Strengh / Finesse
Secondary attribute(s): Constitution / Memory
Primary Combat Ability(s): Scoundrel / Dual weilding (Dagues)
Secondary Combat Ability(s): Leadership
Civil Ability: Thievery (RP)
Talents: Back-stabber / Opportunist / Parry master
Role: Magical damage dealer
Race: Lizard
Primary attribute(s): Intelligence / Memory
Secondary attribute(s): Wits
Primary Combat Ability(s): Pyrokinetic / Geomancer
Secondary Combat Ability(s): Aerotheurge
Civil Ability: Persuasion (Nothing better than a Lizard for that)
Talents: Far out man / Glass cannon / Savage sortilege
Every character will have at least 2 CC spells exept the physical damage dealer, I don't think a specialised CC would be useful.
Little edit to add: There will be more races at launch and most class may be reworked, I will surely make an other team after I have played it once with my friend.
An other edit after seeing the last update video: I wonder if it would be better to make a 4 undead team, give Geomancer to my healer instead of Hydrophist... or even make my magical damage dealer as a hybrid Damage / Healer and make a Marksman...
In case you missed it: