Joined: Sep 2017
So I have no idea where to go now, I've killed the doctor demon, helper the toymaker so I got half the help on the statue, found the secret magister place and also freed a wendigo..
The stuff I have no idea on what to do is
1) Finding Arhu ( I think he is a cat somewhere?) And his dog said the guy in his quarters smelled like rot ( maybe the doctor?) But I cant find him anywhere. 2) Opening Kemm's vault, it says I have to drain the water around what I presume is the vault entrance in the fountain, but I have no idea how to do this. 3) Opening the chests etc in the demons basement that are protected by magic
I have wandered about in the city for some hours now, yet I have no clue at all where or what to do
Joined: Sep 2016
Hey I have the same problem. There is a leaver nearby if you come from the mansion it's on the right side. But that won't help you much as you need a special panting in order to get into the last room. And I have no idea were to find it I did read this: https://guides4gamers.com/divinity-original-sin-2/quest/hammerfall/Because of it I now have the 2 items needed (both stolen) to get through the Path of Blood but I don't get the amulet to work
Joined: Sep 2017
The painting can be found with the Thieves guild in the sewers. Nearby the Deathfog crates.
As for the amulet. Wear it and then drain source from source ghosts. It will tell you when it is powered up.
Last edited by alltingscome; 17/09/17 01:24 PM.
Joined: Sep 2016
Thanks I did tried that but it didn't work so I stopped. I retried it now and it worked maybe it was bug
Joined: Sep 2016
Okay this is now the most stupid questline ever. I really love the game but this questline makes me hate the complete game.
I'm now in the room with the leavers, first round it took me to realize that my oponents are immortal and that i also can't teleport them into lava. Now I'm stuck for almost 30minutes in which I coulnd't to anything else as watch because my 2 chars were turned into cows and I have no control what so ever over them.
Sorry but this is just no fun what so ever.
Joined: Sep 2017
Try taking their source right in the beginning.
Joined: Sep 2016
I just made it, but for me that encounter was really badly designed. Simply bcause you were locked out of your action for such a long time.
Joined: Sep 2017
I've been all over the map three times over and haven't found a sewer entrance, can someone help me out? :(
Joined: Sep 2017
@Scrios You'll find it inside the house on the leftside of dwarf's wedding (gate that guarded by 2 dwarves), after you go inside the basement, search the 2nd room to reveal secret ladder to 3rd room. Inside the 3rd room you'll found another ladder to sewer.
Last edited by scrapyard123; 18/09/17 09:25 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Yeah, personally a lot of the Arx quests are really tedious for me. The Demon is too tanky, I don't know how you killed them. They wiped my group by spamming epidemic of fire every single turn the second time I fought them, and it took almost 30 turns (full rotations) for me to clip through their armor, and get into a position that I could kill them, until I cc'd them, and found out that they regenerate 30% of their armor whenever they are cc'd.
Joined: Feb 2014
I've searched the entire sewers but I can't find a thieves guild. Do you mean the group of the dwarven queen? Since I'm playing the beast and his questline forced me to kill all of them, before I could talk to anyone else there.
Joined: Jul 2014
hi guys im quite stuck.. found the demon basement.. how do i grab the items inside? as well, i cant find kemm's vault... I found the fountain lol, now what?
Update: i found the source amulet, and the scroll. Question now is how do i enter the path of blood, kemm's vault and what is this about a painting? i found the deathfog boxes, and i guess i took all the paintings.. since i need gold. So chances are i got the painting lol.
Last edited by Higira; 21/09/17 07:06 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
The painting is behind a secret door near the Deathfog boxes. It's a special painting so you should see the difference immediately. For the demon basement treasure you just need to lockpick them. For the vault entrance. If you stand in front of the pool in the garden and go to your right there should be a hidden lever.
Joined: Jul 2014
thank you! ill check it out tomorrow
Joined: Sep 2017
In answer to your 3rd question, cast an Ice/Water spell on them, it'll cause them to short circuit and let you open them. Just found that out by throwing a water balloon at the display cases in rage. Edit: Raining blood also works
Last edited by Tala; 21/09/17 01:34 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
arx is bloody annoying saved the dude in the underground by killing kemm. he told me to charge up the amulet (i did that) and find a secret device to let me inside the statue? i am at the citadel, there is a giant statue of lucian im guessing thats it? cant find the "special spot" tho
i lied, im not at the statue. there is a immortal door that wont open in the way lol. any tips? i think its a bug, i saw a youtube vid the little girl (Pilgrim hopeful) or whatever goes in and dies.. but mine just keeps standing outside and wont go in..
apparently it is a bug and unless i redo hours and hours of work.. i cant proceed.. well guess my game ends here.. not gonna redo everything i just did
Last edited by Higira; 22/09/17 04:45 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
i've put the source-filled amulet into the switch and the dialogue says that a nearby hatch opens. a sound plays, but nothing appears. i get the amulet back and it's still full of source. this can be done repeatedly. is this a bug?
edit: i can confirm that this is a bug. fortunately, saving and reloading seemed to fix it
Last edited by miaasma; 22/09/17 10:27 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I can't find the basement door for the sewers at all, the whole of Arx has been an unenjoyable slog so far and this is really irritating.
Joined: Oct 2017
[quote=miaasma]i've put the source-filled amulet into the switch and the dialogue says that a nearby hatch opens. a sound plays, but nothing appears. i get the amulet back and it's still full of source. this can be done repeatedly. is this a bug?
edit: i can confirm that this is a bug. fortunately, saving and reloading seemed to fix it [/quote]
I am having this problem. I have reloaded as far back as before i got the amulet. I have emptied the amulet and refilled it. I have gotten a fresh hero from the person that you can get them from and tried with with them. I have tried a number of things and nothing works. This has broken the game for me. I loved this game and now i cannot finish it.....Can i cheat past with with a console command or something?