The end game screenwise, in the ending chosen that you sacrifice yourself, the Ancient Empire (Empire of Lizards) disbands all of it's houses, and becomes a pseudo-Democracy.
Yet a few slides later, it says that the Red Prince returns to his Empire, becomes Emperor, and leads conquests on all the nearby Empires, keeping to his house's name, the House of War.
Not the biggest issue ever, by far not even a blimp on the radar, just thought I should mention it.
Other than that, if you have a character die at the end before finishing, and don't resurrect them, you can't resurrect them, they don't show up in the end-game cutscenes, and you can't speak to them at all (no ghost).
Example, Ifan dies one turn before I am about to finish, when I finish, Ifan dies, and stays dead. No way for me to resurrect him, he's just, well, dead.