Joined: Sep 2017
So this is... "fun". I've been bashing my head against this particular brick wall for a few hours now, but I can't see how I can possibly win this fight.
My party is lvl 21, I've got all the best gear I could loot / buy / craft / steal, gone over my skills and runes and stats but I just get wrecked every time.
In the conversation, I choose to give up my source, and Braccus Rex goes haywire, the fight starts.
It goes okay at the start, I can focus down Sallow Man, and maybe one more. But then the Kraken thing just starts spewing out these massive damage AOE attacks, and people start dying.
Dome of Protection really helps, but once it runs out.. I'm pretty much screwed.
At this point.. I'm not sure what to do. I've come this far, I'm almost done, over 100 hours spent.. and.. can't do it, nope, not gonna happen.
Joined: Jul 2014
Well, if you have Ranger then this whole thing is in the bag.
You see Kraken is not immune to CC, in particular to Knockdown. Strip its armor off and then just keep it permanently knocked down with knockdown arrows and then it can't do shit. I stacked a ton of those before anyway because they are amazing really.
I am sure you can see how good that is because that worm is pretty much the only really hard part there with ridiculous AoE spam.
While you are in process of getting rid of armor - spread to minimize AoE and stall all the trash with teleports, especially Sallow Man can't do shit if you teleport him on some far away bluff, Kemm also gets stalled a few turns once his leap is on CD.
Once armor is off on Kraken, just keep ranger on it with knockdown, kill the trash and take down Rex, he is not a big deal if you have a good tank/support. Don't kill Kraken, it will just respawn and all sworn will be respawned too, which will just make it tedious.
Have a healer around to toss on Ranger a heal or two, because sometimes some trash teleports on bluff around him and it's troublesome then.
Also as a side note, everyone having Comback Kid and Morning Person talents is just amazing really. You can fuckup hard and still do it, simply because you can have as many rez scrolls as you like. That may help you too.
I also heard that tunneling Rex hard also works, but I did it conservatively and killed trash first.
Last edited by Gaidax; 23/09/17 10:34 PM.
Joined: Dec 2016
Just drop your meteor and Arrow storm on the kraken. It took me quite a few retry with planning only to still fail when I finally decide to shoot the Kraken and then.....
Lololololol 2 Arrow storm with a level 20 Epic crossbow is all you need. If you have trouble, just respec someone and have 2 rangers in the team.
And when the kraken dies, he take all the summon with him.
Last edited by Ellezard; 23/09/17 10:33 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Target braccus. You kill him it's all over. Just beat it on tactician.
Joined: Sep 2017
Yepp, just realized.. kind of cheap after after all that, lol
Joined: Sep 2017
Thunderstorm is a bloody thing. the kraken has a NEGATIVE 20% resistance to air. Thunderstorm is a multi round area of effect condition that casts multiple dazzling bolts on steroids on everything. here is how i won the fight with a two man lone wolf party, a rogue and a aero/geo summoner who never actually summoned anything.
Put the summoner on the cliff behind me while the trash engages lucian, a gheist, and that annoying as hell cleric/metamorph magister and conserve 2 ap. send the rogue to die. with one ap to spare for re-positioning, rez the rogue out of sight and stealth them from out of combat. if re-positioning wasnt required (shouldnt have been) re-position the mage then stealth. fight ends when the neutral faction dies on the following turn. sneak to uber high ground where braccus always bloody goes for superiority. stab him from out of combat with mortal blow (if you have a ranger, assassinate is lovely. now you are fighting BR and the kraken alone, no trash. mage casts thunderstorm which now suddenly has highground vs the kraken. As previously mentioned, it is highly susceptible to CC. Which includes stun. Which is an air aligned status ailment... delivered by air magic. I mentioned to automatic 20% boost to damage after ALL other modifiers that air damage gets versus the kraken right? Fuck it's aoe, the damn thing cant do anything when its permastunned/dead
Joined: Sep 2017
Pretty sure you just insta kill Braccus and it's ggez, kinda like the early Trompdoy fight, where you kill the original and it's all over.
Joined: Sep 2017
it took me actually killing the kraken, seeing it respawn, then killing braccus rex and watching the kraken instantly die to know what a horrible mistake i had been making for the past hour or so
Joined: Sep 2017
I didn't even know the Kraken could respawn, the only ranged damage dealer I had on my team was the healer, at least the only one that could reach said Kraken, who had maxed out intelligence and hit like a truck, but just didn't have enough to completely eradicate it. I wasted probably 3-4 complete turns trying to move my melees into position so that I could kill off the Kraken, eventually gave up, insta killed Braccus Rex.
Joined: Oct 2017
Hey, I dont know if you have already found a solution but I had the hardest damn time with this. My party was my custom character, Fane, Ifan, and Lohse, all level 21, we had the best gear we could find and our stats were great. We, however, did not even HAVE the dialogue to give up our source. Ifan automatically initiated being hateful and started the fight with lucian. After doing the fight a few times, we realized that all you have to do to initiate the second fight is get Dallis's health low enough to make Braccus start bragging. Then once we got to the second fight, we got our butts handed to us. Not only was Braccus and his minions killing us in one shot, but so were Lucian and his buddies. I must have tried every conversation option, every fighting style, stocked up on intelligence potions, HP potions, stoneskin potions- the works. Turns out, it is Ifan. If he is in your party, you dont get the option to give up your source. So we kicked him out. Right before we entered the tomb, we had Ifan leave. Then we only had my custom, Fane and Lohse. Went in and started the dialogue and we got the option to surrender our source. Doing that made them our allies. They never actually got to take our source because Braccus interupts and that goes to the second fight, but then it is your three characters and all of Lucian and co. fighting Braccus. It is so simple. Ifan's punk a** just wouldnt let sh** go so he kept dooming us all.