It was a long and glorious fight. I stepped in unprepared but managed it, but I'm on Classic, so I pity Tactician players. I was mainly on the highest platform and took most care for saving Gwydian from death by healing and shielding him. Luckily the dump idiot did not leave the platform.
About 6 to 7 blobs jumped onto the platform and it was covered in necrofire soon. Unfortunately I had not memorized Bless on two of my chars, that was a bit annoying.

So I had to stand through it. I used what I had plus my only rain spell to extinguish the necrofire, I had cursed steam there most the time but that was not as bad.
A great help were shielding skills. I think I would not have won without any deaths without these skills. My main is custom and Dome of Protection is just awesome. I also have Mending, Fortify, Frost Armor and Soothing Cold on him and the latter two on my summoner too.
A second great help were my summons. Lohse's incarnate blocked the only ladder up to the platforms in the late fight, useful because the big blobs cannot jump. My main and the bone widow summon on my two-handed/Necro Ifan guy blocked the ramp. So after the first chaotic stages with the jumping blobs the fight became much more controllable.
It is a good idea to use fire to set ablaze the big fields of oil left after the first wave of oil blobs. The small oil blobs do not have any armor, so you can use both magical and physical damage. As I've a purely physical damage group, I had to use the few fire grenades I had not sold to create a sea of flame. The fire blobs later are healed by the fire but that's not that important because they have to come to you. If you have a rain spell or water sources, you can then weaken them, or just kill them on the platform. Anyway, I found the oil blobs much more annoying and dangerous.