I knew this mission was a bad idea..i was very unsure about my capability's..and that feeling has made a chainreaction, wich seemed to flow all through my lives. All seemed to look at me and watch me..i could feel them all. All of them had different looks on the way that i was feeling..but most of them were annoyed...
"you have accepted the mission, now you must carry it out..even if it kills you. Our honour demands it of you." One voice said..
Then suddenly i was standing in front of myself..no it isn't me..or it isn't me now..."you're.....me?" i asked carefully..
"You can say it that way..but in fact i'm just the spirit of a past life."
"what did you mean with 'our honour demands it of you'?"
"Honour..it has always been the thing that kept us doing with we had to do..we have no time to be affraid or unsure..we accept the missions we do, for the people we love..and our honour makes us finish it..at any cost. We live, we fight and we die with honour! You can't fail and you can't quit....you know that."
He was right and i hated it...i was affraid..very affraid..but not because i could die but, because i, no!, we could fail..
"it's okay to be affraid, just don't let it show.." and with that he disappeared..
Again it seems like time has went by on it's slowest. The guy was still explaining the plan. " We'll go where he hit last, and try to stop him when he shows himself for his next attack." he said
"good then let's prepare to do so" i replied...
No time to be affraid..
Last edited by kabuti; 01/05/04 10:25 AM.