Joined: Jul 2014
Yeah when Larian Studios announced voice acting for DOS2 that was a huuuuuge deal for me.
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm just happy they added voice acting and it was so well done.
In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. *read in old man voice*: In my day, we read all the text in an RPG, AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT! In all seriousness, a true RPG *should* include lots of text. It's about telling a story, and what's a story without words?
Last edited by Jito463; 02/10/17 08:45 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I will take whatever give me more lizard playable. lol same
Joined: Sep 2017
honestly I was disappointed in the lack of depth in the "love and hate" system.I was expecting something amazing and instead got a crappy watered down oblivion style system.then again maybe I'm just upset cause the one character I wanted to romance was not only unromancable but also dies almost instantly the sea battle with dallis.that damn meteor shower. 
Joined: Sep 2017
I'm just happy they added voice acting and it was so well done.
In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. *read in old man voice*: In my day, we read all the text in an RPG, AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT! In all seriousness, a true RPG *should* include lots of text. It's about telling a story, and what's a story without words? really quite subjective. lots of people (myself included) would argue that voice acting gives the text tone it otherwise doesn't have, which adds a depth and feel to the story. that said, people who are allergic to reading should certainly avoid rpgs
Joined: May 2017
There is a whole Malady part unresolved and that's super interesting because she's a very interesting character for me and it would be cool to know what's her deal there.
I do think they should make expansion with that in mind, because story has sort of unfinished and exciting plotline right now which I'd love to tackle with current team, while new game can be in a whole other period.
Also technically God King is not defeated in this game, despite the wrap up shots you did not beat him directly and expansion could be about turning those end slides in reality + loose ends like Malady. i hope they do an expansion that allows us to see the other places like the ancient empire, i do wish to continue my romance with the red prince, yay polygamy.
Joined: Jul 2014
Full voiceover is definitely huge. I am pretty impressed they actually did an actual full voiceover and by full I mean full.
That said, I'd love them to include party banter, strange there is none when you travel around, I think that's a miss.
Joined: Jul 2013
I find it quite hilarious that they have the same voice actor for the Red Prince as they had for Edmund. He pulls it off so well as well.
For a future game I would like to see the events after Flames of Vengeance or possibly a story prior to Original Sin.
Joined: Jul 2017
I'm just happy they added voice acting and it was so well done.
In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. *read in old man voice*: In my day, we read all the text in an RPG, AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT! In all seriousness, a true RPG *should* include lots of text. It's about telling a story, and what's a story without words? there is also wisdom in summaries your story and keep things succinct. Otherwise you will just end up a bloated mess.
Joined: Sep 2017
I'm just happy they added voice acting and it was so well done.
In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. *read in old man voice*: In my day, we read all the text in an RPG, AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT! It's not so much that we were happy about it, it's just that we recognized that human beings without reading disabilities read text many times faster than actors can speak it, and are highly likely to simply skip long winded vocal passages. We acknowledged that human imagination is always infallible vs cheap voice actors that can be jarring. We accepted the reality that people skipped voice over passages wholesale, that they inflated the production cost of games, and that the necessity for voicing all text in a game frequently limited the number of dialogue options. Case in point, see what an unvoiced CRPG like Shadowrun Dragonfall can do with dialogue options on a limited budget. If you like words, unvoiced text gives far more freedom than voiced text does. In all seriousness, a true RPG *should* include lots of text. It's about telling a story, and what's a story without words?
A textual story on a printed page should definitely include words. CRPGs exist in visual medium that isn't reliant on textual storytelling though. They have more storytelling tools available than text. It's like saying the first 30 minutes of "Wall-E" needed more words. I read a couple books a week on average, am unimpressed by voice acting in games, and despise the narration in DOS 2, wishing it could be disabled entirely. It's not central to the reasons I'm disappointed by the game, but I can't help but wonder how much better the actual game might have been if they had just skipped out on VO, and put the money into hiring systems designers instead.
Last edited by Leafy Kale; 03/10/17 07:06 AM.
Joined: May 2017
I definitely prefer voice acted RPGs to ones that are text only. It's not that I mind reading, I'm an avid reader, but I like me some voice acting. It also helps when you play split screen with another person. Sure beats having to constantly ask if your partner is done reading before hitting continue. I find it helps immerse me in the narrative more as well. I'm very glad they got the voice acting in DOS 2. Would have felt like the game was downgraded from the EE otherwise.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'm also glad of the voice acting: the alphas felt slightly lifeless in comparison.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2017
I hate to be the stick in the mud, but I'm not a huge fan of full voice acting in RPGs, especially cRPGs like this where dialogue and text make up a large portion of gameplay. It's a huge expense that imposes restrictions about the game, and personally I've always been a fan of audible speech being something important and uncommon.
That said, I understand why they did it for DOS2 and can appreciate it, the majority of the voice actin is quite good, or is at least bearable.
The Flaws of Divinity: Original Sin II: A list of observations of the game's shortcomings for the community. Found HERE.
Joined: Dec 2016
Smugass voice turns me on and that's why they should be presented :V
Joined: Sep 2017
I'm just happy they added voice acting and it was so well done.
In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. *read in old man voice*: In my day, we read all the text in an RPG, AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT! In all seriousness, a true RPG *should* include lots of text. It's about telling a story, and what's a story without words? Trust me, I still do PNP to this day with friends. You can include text as much as you want, but an interesting and pithy encounter is more memorable than walls of text. Brevity is the soul of wit; if I wanted to read a great story pages long, I'd pick up one of my novels. In early access, I cried entering a new area with NPCs. That's a lot of reading, bleh. Reminded me of my Morrowind days. The main problem with Morrowind was the vast expanse of greige. The Divinities were always prettier than that. Well, except for Beyond Divinity. Mods fixed that, but to be honest, I started playing Morrowind on my Xbox. The landscape never bothered me. The dungeons, shrines, interesting lore/characters (omg, the 'Tower of Tel Fyr'!) and creepy encounters with Daedra kept me immensely invested. But then again, I'm a dork who enjoyed Zork and Leather Goddesses of Phobos. I think I'm spoiled by voice acting now.  That said, I understand why they did it for DOS2 and can appreciate it, the majority of the voice actin is quite good, or is at least bearable. Can you share examples of dialogue that was "bearable"? For me, and this is just my opinion, the voice acting is absolutely superb. The narrator in particular is incredibly well done. That's a huge amount of lines that poor man had to read, but still did a great job and didn't lose his 'enthusiasm' to make it captivating. All the characters ended up sounding like I pictured in my head how they would in Early Access.
Last edited by Alexstrasza; 03/10/17 09:54 PM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
The main problem with Morrowind was the vast expanse of greige. The Divinities were always prettier than that.
Well, except for Beyond Divinity. Mods fixed that, but to be honest, I started playing Morrowind on my Xbox. The landscape never bothered me. The dungeons, shrines, interesting lore/characters (omg, the 'Tower of Tel Fyr'!) and creepy encounters with Daedra kept me immensely invested. I did end up having quite a significant amount of engreenification going on: not as much as I'd like, but even on my current PC some of them are real performance hogs! I also liked the dungeons, and in particular I enjoyed the incongruity of their mysterious and slightly scary atmosphere being set to such friendly-sounding exploration music.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2017
I also liked the dungeons, and in particular I enjoyed the incongruity of their mysterious and slightly scary atmosphere being set to such friendly-sounding exploration music.
Something I appreciated too, was the fact that there wasn't any damn quest markers on your HUD. Those big, dumb, colored arrows that scream 'go here'! You had to study the information your were given and navigate there by yourself. Thinking back on it, y'know what another great thing about dungeons was? NO DAMN CLIFF RACERS!I loved reading a story in Oblivion or Skyrim, can't remember which, that talked about Saint Jiub. Jiub was the guy on the boat you wake up from your nightmare next to in Morrowind. Talks about his quest to eliminate all of the cliff racers and how he was granted sainthood for his sacrifice.
Last edited by Alexstrasza; 03/10/17 10:04 PM.
Joined: Oct 2017
Something I'd love to see with an expansion is a whole bunch of new Origin tags to play with. Perhaps a Magister background where you were imprisoned after gaining Source powers even despite being one of their own.
What about a Nomad background? Someone who travelled the long roads and experienced the world in all of its glory. They'd have tales to tell of the other race's distant homelands.
You could even have a Sultry tag with how many NPCs come onto you in this game and you're unable to reciprocate it. Obviously not bedding stuff but like casual flirting. Hell, gimme a [Lizard][Female][Sultry] option for Trompdoy where I can say I don't have tits.
Joined: Sep 2017
I'm holding out hope for an "enhanced" edition re-release that reworks and tightens up the messy systems in the game. I know Larian did it for dos1 not an enhanced edition of a game is the worst thung ive ever heard of. Sure for them it makes miney but to me its hey we didnt make the game as good as it should have been the first time so we fixes it and want you to buy it again. If they did that this would be the last Larian game I ever buy. I'm pretty sure you got the enhanced edition for free if you already owned the game.
Joined: Oct 2017
I'm holding out hope for an "enhanced" edition re-release that reworks and tightens up the messy systems in the game. I know Larian did it for dos1 not an enhanced edition of a game is the worst thung ive ever heard of. Sure for them it makes miney but to me its hey we didnt make the game as good as it should have been the first time so we fixes it and want you to buy it again. If they did that this would be the last Larian game I ever buy. I'm pretty sure you got the enhanced edition for free if you already owned the game. Correct, everybody who owned DivOS1 got the Enhanced Edition for free.