I'm an experienced RPG player and I found the introductory "Fort Joy" chapter daunting. My fights were lasting 30 minutes or more and I came out of them feeling the opposite of refreshed. I finally turned down the difficulty to its lowest setting and managed to squeak by the shipboard battle after a couple of tries. Then I got to Driftwood, and haven't had one difficult fight in several hours of play.
I would like to suggest that instead of making Fort Joy so difficult that it turns off the average player, you let that serve as a lower-difficulty "get acquainted" stage, and allow things to get a bit tougher later, after the new player is hooked. I think you'll have better retention that way.
I'm not sure what stats you accumulate but you might look for early dropouts vs purchasers to confirm my theory. It's a worthy game, so I'd like to see you prosper!
No offense but clearly the game has not turned off any average players even though its still fairly buggy. The user ratings for this game are about as high as I have seen even on tougher trollesque sites. Last I heard this game broke records for Larian.
I have to be honest with you, that initial struggle is what makes the game fun. Once you figure out the systems, the game becomes easy and there is really no way around that because of the nature of the combat. If you scour the forum a bit you will note that the requests are split between making it harder because its too easy and making it easier because its too hard.
There are actually a lot of complaints that tactician was too easy. I am in that boat myself but I understand that its really unfair to judge based on a few people so I simply turned to mods for me 2nd play through. I should note that I had played DOS1 so I knew that the game was all about positioning and control prior to playing DOS2. It was just a matter of reading the mouse overs then taking mobility and crowd control skills.