So after 100 or so hours of work, I went to test my mod in game and I get the "we could not make a valid story error"
When its done loading, everything works except all the scripts. I can teleport to my level, i can interact with things, but any events or triggers dont work.
The story script in editor works 100% fine and completes with out error, but in game It does not.
So to debug I have tried a few things, Iv tried making a new project and copying everything over. I have also tried deleting ALL of my scripts only having default origin scripts and I still get the error. I then tried deleting the entire "story" folder from the mod in the editor folder, and I still get the error.
The fact everything works except any story scripts made me think it was somthing wrong in there but You'd think deleting any story edits would fix it but it did not, What else could cause such an error?