Can you explain what the current behavior is with that code? Are you seeing the DisplayText action happen all the time or never? What is the 'error' you get when trying to use the flag approach?
A couple of bits of feedback:
ObjectSetFlag, the third argument is a dialog instance, not a TRUE/FALSE parameter. The boolean direction is implied in the call itself. A dialog instance is a handle that can be used to catch a corresponding
ObjectFlagSet set event. See the
wiki entry on this call. While I don't think this should be a problem in your case, it's unnecessary so you could just leave that out and call with the two parameters.
As far as DB entries, it stands for database. There is a lot of information about Osiris on the wiki, you can
start here. There is a section on databases under the "Osiris Overview" section, and there should be an entire video on it in the tutorial videos from DOS1.
I think your code looks okay. My guess is that the trigger GUID is not correct. Did you enter it by hand with copy/paste from the properties? I would expect the values to look something like:
In other words, you are missing the TRIGGERGUID_ type indicator. If you used auto-complete (ctrl+shift after generating definitions) to get the trigger GUID that should have been included automatically.
*edit* - good catch by Cromcrom on the missing ';'