I am sorry for the long post. TL;DR--OS2 is a bit lacking in the roleplaying and combat balance departments. Feel free to skip.
So I came at the end of my very first, long(150 hours), and as thorough as I can, play through on tactician straight from the bat. I have never played another game from the Divinity, or whatever it is, series. And I just want to share some thoughts about Original Sin 2, plus ask you guys a question in the end.
Firstly. Cheers for the game, Larian! It's a good game in short, but...
I do think in the future you need to take a better look at the general combat system, though. Today, for instance, I had three enemies take a turn in a row in the Lord Kemm fight, and all doing so before my avatar who had higher initiative than any single one of them(!).
It's an interesting scenario. As I am saving Arhu, the mobs spawn, the battle begins and my party opens up(Sebill, Red Prince, Avatar, Beast in that order(cuz why put initiative on Beast

?)), with each of my characters ccing the first from their order. Red Prince charms the guy after him; Lord Kemm spawns, and the battle continues with a new order. After charm wears off there are three consecutive baddies on the order list, all queued after the Prince

. I have no real idea how that happened, LOL. But it was a good laugh.
Or that time when the Red Prince showed Braccus(That's BRACCUS!!!) how 4 consecutive meteor showers look up-close...with some more fire spells in between. Ye...one shot last boss, cuz why not.
I think that this game relies very heavily on Act 1. It could even be why it's getting so very many positive reviews. I am not saying it should be otherwise, but perhaps this game was overhyped. Act 1 had a very varied, much more interesting and balanced overall design than any of the other acts. It had more lore, more atmosphere; it was telling a story better, it had better roleplaying, better secrets, better puzzles, better baddies, even. The combat felt more balanced as well. By the end of it there was too much power creep, with the result being--if I don't cc the shit out of their ass, I'd get wiped. I am probably wrong to say all of that on a general note, but it's exactly how I feel. The gameplay ended up being more tedious and less reliant on tactical insight towards the end. I was glad it was over when it did. Arx felt like a mess, minus the Doctor. But that's only because there was a whole island dedicated to his persona, with plenty of lore and a lot of interesting characters having conflicts with each other, and, in contrast to a lot of what is happening towards the end, enough writing as to make sense to the player. The nameless Isle was graphically beautiful, but bland from a story's perspective. Reaper's Coast had some very nice and interesting encounters, which benefited exploring(I am particularly fond of The Djinn and, correct me of I am wrong with the name, The Harbinger of Doom). Act 1, however, had it all.
Is this a case of a game trying to be too much, and not having enough resources to achieve it? Stretching it thin, as it were. Sometimes, less is more. I was pleased with the ending I chose. I purged all source with Malady restoring all of my beloved characters and Windego finally having peace(Spoilers!)

. But I realize that my best moments in this game, my best battles, me really thinking what to do, roleplaying--that all happened before I earned my 2nd source point. After that it was just a steady power creep and a slowly declining gameplay quality with less roleplaying, less lore, less explanation, unclear and non specific quest entries, obscure and non-intuitive item locations...The world felt less alive, combat felt less balanced.
Thank you for reading. I hope Larian reads this.