I start with exploring the east part of the island and want to finish some open ends first. So I release some party members. Prince and fane first, to replace them with ifan and lohse.
After I did their quests I release lohse to add beast and last I release beast and lohse to get my price and fane back.

But all party members are gone, I found only beast on his old place.
Where are the others? I took beast again and have now sebille and beast (I play with a human)
But with only 3 members I cant do the east part of the island.
Where are all those others? I look on the places I found them but they are'nd there...
(I play the german version)

Last edited by Alix; 09/12/17 10:46 PM.

Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==-
Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.