After playing this four times, and playing Fort Joy AT LEAST 15 times, I've more than had enough time to get off the DOS2 high and relay my thoughts on what I think the game lacked.
Jobs: Blacksmithing, enchanter, alchemist etc.
I dont know if it was time thing or a streamlined thing but I missed the vast array of options I had to have strong items so long as i become a pack rat and invest in a crafting job. The fact that this game released without allowing you to even craft pants is an absurd oversight. I was the blacksmither in DOS1, and it was fulfilling to be in a situation where I can provide my skills to my buddy who's been a lil too long without amazing gear. DAO have traps you set up without being too strong.
2. Combat/ Difficulty
I know we can't go back to DOS1 due to pple knowing the best cc chains. But the current armor system is just a delayed race to cc chain. I personally liked the physical/magic check as my tank was built to hardly become cc'd in game. I feel like there's a perfect marriage between the two somewhere.
Skeletons I feel should have play dead replaced with something like *undead fear*. Especially since the enemy will "heal" you despite your face being covered. Also attracting aggro (things like Provoke) is severely nerfed for tanks in the game.
Lastly, the source mechanic is silly. If we are source users then I would assume we have an innate connection to source. Remove the mechanic or make so it regens after a fight.
3.Multiplayer QOL
We should have a setting that auto splits gold between all "players" when picked up. or at least an option that says "divide among team*.
Still, love the game but for me, i felt the limited point system, the lack jobs, and weaker crafting system, I found myself feeling like the game took out of good things when i was expecting it to expand on said things.
thanks for both games
Last edited by SirHewhostabs; 02/10/18 10:34 PM.