![[Linked Image]](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26064318/e7e01887c94ed5c254eb8e6ce8f137ff5dbd7b93.png)
Hey Everyone,
We have released a new update today. This update addresses DirectX issues with alt-tabbing out of the game.
Please keep reporting any issues you encounter.
Larian Crew
Change List:
- Fixed game crash after DXGI_Error_DEVICE_Removed
- Fixed issues related to changing display modes in graphics options
- Fixed Windows 7 compatibility issues
- Fixed DirectX errors related to 144hz screens (also gave DXGI_Error_Device_Removed error)
- Fixed alt-tab stability issues
- Fixed crash on startup related to graphics settings
- Fixed Fake Fullscreen resolution issues