Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Copy of today's announcement about update: PC; PS4; XBOX Hi everyone, The latest update for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition is now live for PC, PS4 and Xbox One! If you've been looking for new ways to create Static Cloud Arrows, Explosive Arrows, or grant immunity to Madness we have you covered with new recipes in this update. It's easier to be Sir Lora's shield now that he's ignored by Shriekers and your battles will be easier to navigate thanks to notifications in combat being moved up. We've also addressed issues with the combat log. Enjoy your adventures throughout Rivellon! Larian Crew Full patch notes below: Updates:- More than 15 items in the barter window are now allowed when using a controller
- The correct DOS2 edition launches automatically when receiving a multiplayer invite instead of having to manually select it in the launcher
- Moved notifications to allow better visibility during combat
- Party members now run through non-damaging surfaces like oil and ice automatically
- Dimensional bolt now correctly heals undead when rolling poison damage
- Lohse can no longer bypass the Doctor’s possession by wearing an Immune to Charmed item
- Summons no longer teleport together with their masters in Arena Mode
- Tentacle lash is no longer affected by low ground penalties
- Worm tremor no longer entangles undead characters when they have active magic armor
- The unique gloves Soft Touch now allow the wearer to cast Healing Tears instead of setting the status directly
- Sir Lora is now ignored by Shriekers
- Added 5 per cent accuracy and dodging bonuses for players in Story Mode to match Explorer Mode. Also decreased Story Mode NPC’s accuracy by 15 per cent
- The Apotheosis tooltip now mentions the increased primary attributes
- Reallocated Radeka's attributes in the Arena to have more points in Wits, making her Savage Sortilege talent more useful with a new Critical Chance of 8 per cent
- Potions of Strong Will and Cryogenic Stasis now provide immunity to Madness
- Added new recipes:
- Stunning Arrowhead + Well = Static Cloud Arrowhead
- Stunning Arrow + Well = Static Cloud Arrow
- Stunning Arrowhead + any source of water = Static Cloud Arrowhead
- Stunning Arrow + any source of water = Static Cloud Arrow
- Steamcloud Arrowhead + any air essence = Static Cloud Arrowhead
- Steamcloud Arrow + any air essence = Static Cloud Arrow
- Fire Arrow + Any oil source = Explosive Arrow
PC Specific Bug Fixes:- Fixed windows7 specific issue when changing vsync settings
- Fixed a crash on start-up related to cloth settings. Added a ClothGPUAcceleration option in the graphicSettings.lsx file for users experiencing issues with this
- Fixed Fake Fullscreen always using the desktop resolution. It should now allow resolutions lower than the native resolutions.
- Fixed not being able to write to network paths on start-up (Failed to create dir:\\ error)
- GM: fixed several minor visual and gameplay issues with The Dark Eye campaign
- GM: added default music settings to The Dark Eye campaign
- GM: fixed lighting issues when loading a level with default atmosphere
- GM: fixed a crash related to changing levels right after changing the atmosphere
- GM: fixed item generation levels being incorrect when using keyboard input
- GM: fixed a visual issue in the Character Creation screen for clients after a party reroll
- Fixed an issue with changing graphics options and pressing the close button
- Fixed an issue with clients connecting to hosts with several mods installed and enabled
- Fixed inactive quests not being hidden correctly in the journal
- The correct Game Edition is now automatically launched when receiving an invite
- Fixed tooltips sometimes not fitting on the screen
- Fixed the launcher buttons not being visible on certain machines with a specific combination of display scaling and Windows versions
- Drag and drop is now cancelled when switching characters during combat to avoid issues and exploits with summons
PS4 Specific Bug Fixes:- Fixed a crash related to giving Windego the Swornbreaker
- Fixed the second player in split screen not being able to leave the multiplayer lobby
- Fixed a rare crash when loading savegames
- Fixed a visual issue with Sir Lora’s model
Xbox Specific Bug Fixes:- Fixed a messagebox getting stuck on-screen during the transition to Act Three under certain circumstances
- Fixed error 0x0011 when trying to join an invite-only lobby
- Fixed an incorrect error message related to starting a multiplayer game while in the single player Character Creation flow
Bug fixes:- Fixed the combat log not automatically showing the latest entries
- Fixed a rare crash when opening and closing the same dialogue many times in a row
- Fixed not being able to progress to Act Three due an issue with Malady’s dialogue
- Fixed a crash related to taking shared gold from a dead party member (when buying resurrection scrolls, for example)
- Fixed a rare crash related to video playback
- Fixed a crash when trading a large amount of items
- Fixed a crash related to receiving the Eternal Blade
- Fixed certain mods causing a blocker with Malady’s dialogue when trying to go to Act Three
- Fixed a Game Over message appearing in rare cases during the endgame dialogue. The epilogue should now show correctly.
- Fixed not being able to talk to Saheila anymore after escorting her to the camp
- Fixed Corbin not teleporting to the Lady Vengeance correctly
- Fixed a memory and performance issue when AI needs to evaluate too many barrels during combat
- Fixed Malady incorrectly starting The Weakening event on the Lady Vengeance
- Fixed a visual issue with the inventory after using the Shapeshifter Mask
- Fixed an issue with the Seven Altars achievement
- Fixed Almira disappearing if players were doing her quest in two separate parties
- Fixed an alignment issue with Zaleskar and Sergeant Zrilla on the Lady Vengeance
- Fixed multiple players being able to use the same consumable at the same time
- Fixed an issue with the Bard’s dialogue in Arx when one player character has already tried to pay him
- Fixed not being able to do certain actions in the inventory after dismissing a party member
- Fixed certain tooltips reserving empty space, which made them larger than necessary
- Fixed combat continuing after escaping the secret room in the Lady Vengeance
- Fixed an issue with teleporting party followers when freeing Saheila after the fight with Roost
- Fixed not being able to cast certain spells in the tutorial after loading a savegame from the main menu
- Fixed not being able to cast spells by opening the skill hotbar
- Fixed surfaces re-appearing incorrectly after saving and loading
- Fixed several portraits not being rendered correctly for specific NPCs
- Fixed not being able to click on the top left blocks of the pipe puzzle in Arx
- Fixed not being able to rejoin an ongoing Arena match in some cases
- Fixed certain items floating in the air after stacking and destroying other items beneath them
- Fixed infinite loading screen when connecting to a lobby that no longer exists
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to take a trader’s gold in controller mode
- Fixed Traditional Chinese being labelled incorrectly in the launcher
- Fixed vibration being reset to zero after opening the audio menu
- Fixed selection issues in the skills interface after memorizing or forgetting a skill
- Fixed an issue where player 1 could affect the interface of player 2 in split screen during combat
- Fixed container interface not closing when switching characters
- Fixed the Toggle Info button not working correctly in the Actions menu
- Fixed the Lone Wolf Talent not taking the skill cap into account in Character Creation
- Fixed the map filter on the lobby screen
- Fixed item rotation when using the shoulder buttons on a controller
- Fixed an issue with getting stuck when refreshing the list of lobbies
- Fixed an issue with cancelling lockpicking in stealth also cancelling stealth
- Fixed incarnates not teleporting correctly when using gateways or waypoints
- Fixed an issue with characters still being in the Magic Mirror during a level swap
- Fixed summons not getting the correct music instrument assigned if summoned out of combat
- Fixed the dialogue interface being displayed incorrectly when clients in hotseat mode would connect to an ongoing multiplayer game
- Fixed the amount of available talent points not updating correctly
- Fixed the saving progress icon not being displayed in some cases
- Fixed the map interface not updating correctly when switching characters
- Fixed weapon shadows appearing when certain enemies are invisible
- Fixed armor values not updating correctly when equipping an armor piece
- Fixed Oil Voidlings constantly exploding and being healed during combat
- Fixed the camera not following the player characters correctly in Wrecker’s Cave
- Fixed portraits not updating correctly after using the Shapeshifter Mask
- Fixed selection looping from bottom to top in several interfaces
- Fixed a selection issue in several interfaces after closing tutorial messages
- Fixed the inventory being stuck in a locked state if the player opened it during a dialogue
- Fixed an issue with entering combat incorrectly when stepping onto a party member’s surface
- Fixed all NPCs reacting to selling the Djinn’s amulet in Reaper’s Coast
- Fixed Dallis not being able to use ladders correctly in Arena Mode
- Fixed Sir Lora teleporting to the wrong location in the Arena of the One
- Fixed Almira’s source point quest not closing correctly
- Fixed Veiled Undead status not being restored correctly after being resurrected
- Fixed an issue with the Playing Dead status being stuck on Fane when the party is teleported to the Lady Vengeance for the first time
- Fixed Sir Lora not following the party anymore in certain conditions. Talking to him again should fix current savegames
- Fixed multi-select not being deactivated correctly when closing a container
- Fixed Almira not following the party anymore during her escort
- Fixed crime investigation not stopping after a successful bribe
- Fixed Ryker’s Mansion hatches not being opened the first time, even when the player has enough strength
- Fixed voidwoken hatchlings near Peeper counting towards the player’s Villain tag
- Fixed enemies receiving a killing blow from Lavafall in Arena mode
- Fixed Hannag’s quest not closing correctly if she dies as Hannag reborn
- Fixed the Lost and Found quest journal not closing correctly when moving on to the Nameless Isle
- Fixed the Death Belowdecks quest not updating correctly when Magister Waters is dead
- Fixed Magister William sometimes surviving Windego’s Source Blast
- Fixed starting equipment Threadbare Gown not being shown correctly on undead lizards
- Fixed the Damaged Oil Pump not accepting the correct lever combination after failing it at least once
- Fixed Magister Reed not always reacting correctly to attacking Higba
- Fixed projectiles not doing any damage on certain spots of several arena maps
- Fixed several smaller visual issues with terrain all over the game
- Fixed the Arx Destroyed ending movie not playing correctly
- Fixed not being able to trade with Papa Thrash when he invites Beast to the undertavern
- Moved status icons up slightly in Chinese and Traditional Chinese languages to improve readability
- Fixed not being able to poison all types of fish
- Fixed attributes not going over 30 inside the Magic Mirror when they should go up to 40
- Fixed the controller point being visible in the Magic Mirror
- Fixed the readability of the text in the Teleporter Pyramid’s interface
- Fixed the selector not being in the correct place near your player character at the start of a turn in Arena Mode
- Fixed certain summons taking minor magic damage from the surface they were created from
- Fixed traps on the Source Bridge in Reaper’s Coast staying invisible even when stepping on them
- Fixed move action not being cancelled when activating the hotbar
- Fixed an issue related to crimes and areas being in alert mode while having Sir Lora in your party
- Fixed Gheists reacting to crimes committed near them while they should not be able to talk
- Fixed the borders of all arena maps
- Fixed several minor sound issues
- Fixed several minor interface readability and usability issues
- Fixed several minor level design and item placement issues
- Fixed certain texts being cut off in French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese and Traditional Chinese
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Nov 2018
Still no fix for the tearing on consoles. Unbelievable that Larian is not able to fix it. Im in Driftwood now and the games becomes almost unplayable...
Joined: Mar 2018
I went back to play Definitive and the games an absolute joke now, they should have just left it alone and fixed the few bugs it had like invisable shriekers not ruined it, to explain I tried definitive in honour mode as I know the game inside out and have finished honour mode on many characters in Classic. First attempt I die to Tarquin spazzing out and killing me after I bid him farewell outside the graveyard in Reapers Coast with a massively overpowered explosion, this was obviously not my fault and very upsetting after hours of play. Patient as I am I then thought I would give it another chance with a double lone wolf team so this sort of thing couldn't possibly happen again and low and behold I just got killed for no reason by an explosion that took out both team members in the Dallis Vengeance fight despite beating her and Mallady still having substantial health, before any excuses regarding the "Fire bomb" spell Braccus does causing this death lets get one thing straight, there was no bomb on my archer high up in the rafters, this was an error and the reason I will not play this game again, where is the skill or challenge in just getting blown up after winning a fight or saying goodbye to an NPC, absolute joke programming. Please stick to Chocolate and Beer in future Belgians, neither blow you up for no reason if you treat them right.
Last edited by legless; 09/12/18 03:25 AM.
We have a saying amongst PC users, Look after your PC ,and That's what I've done and I've maintained it for 20 years, this old PC has had 17 new Cards and 14 new Boards in it's time and it's still the same PC
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
absolute joke programming. Please stick to Chocolate and Beer in future Belgians, neither blow you up for no reason if you treat them right. While I appreciate your frustration, keep it polite, please.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Aug 2009
I went back to play Definitive and the games an absolute joke now, they should have just left it alone and fixed the few bugs it had like invisable shriekers not ruined it, to explain I tried definitive in honour mode as I know the game inside out and have finished honour mode on many characters in Classic. First attempt I die to Tarquin spazzing out and killing me after I bid him farewell outside the graveyard in Reapers Coast with a massively overpowered explosion, this was obviously not my fault and very upsetting after hours of play. Patient as I am I then thought I would give it another chance with a double lone wolf team so this sort of thing couldn't possibly happen again and low and behold I just got killed for no reason by an explosion that took out both team members in the Dallis Vengeance fight despite beating her and Mallady still having substantial health, before any excuses regarding the "Fire bomb" spell Braccus does causing this death lets get one thing straight, there was no bomb on my archer high up in the rafters, this was an error and the reason I will not play this game again, where is the skill or challenge in just getting blown up after winning a fight or saying goodbye to an NPC, absolute joke programming. Please stick to Chocolate and Beer in future Belgians, neither blow you up for no reason if you treat them right. Why don't you report any bugs but instead write hate/complains below patchnotes? I for my part didn't run into those issues but I know that the game still has some bugs and issues which you might run into if you are unlucky. The developers still keep updating the game but they can't fix anything if noone reports it. And after 800 hours of playing this game (as seen on an older post from you) you really had more than enough hours of fun for this game to be worth it and great. Saying that they should stick with chocolate and beer instead of games while you payed less than 50 bucks for over 800 hours of fun (and some frustration now) you got more bang for your buck than with almost anything money could buy. 
Joined: Aug 2018
Thank you for your effort to polish this version of the game! However, I must report that "The Seven Altars" achievement is NOT fixed. I did extensive testing as described in this post: http://larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=650482#Post650482No checkpoint load helps - neither at landing nor before any of the altars, not even after each of the gods' requests is answered.
Joined: Jan 2019
are they ever going fix multiplayer? can't even join a friend or can he join me. bought the game thinking we could play together but im disappointed. all it says is that im already in the party but really im not. they need to fix this bug on the ps4. I've read other posts and this tracks back to when the game launches and still not fixed.